Ammunition Overhaul

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Great Britain
Discussion Post

Main Idea: Removing the current ammunition types, and introducing ammunition by calibre.

Full description of the idea:
Instead of the current Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, & Sniper ammunition, we would have to craft certain calibre ammunition for certain weapons, for example, the M1911 would use .45 ACP (11.43x23mm), which would cost slightly more to manufacture than say for example, 9mm (9x19mm), which is used in weaker handguns, such as the Glock 17, or the Beretta 92. Same goes for long weapon calibres

Each new ammunition type would have a slightly different crafting recipe and crafting yield, resulting in certain calibres costing more to manufacture than others.

The crafting level and genes required for different calibres should be on par with the skills and genes needed for the current ammunition, maybe with a few really powerful calibres further up the skill tree to avoid people with crafting level 9 to be able to craft .50AE to their hearts content.

Furthermore, I also suggest each calibre's box world model being quickly identifiable, such as different ammo box dimensions and visuals for each calibre.

Why should it be added?:
So the reasoning for this being added is threefold. First of all, we have the added balancing of calibres, so we don't have a 9mm MP5A5 using the same ammo as a .50AE Desert Eagle. Therefore making some weaker weapons more viable, as the ammunition would be cheaper, and more abundant, resulting in less of people using high powered calibre rifles on the reg, because the ammo would be more difficult and expensive to manufacture. At the moment, pistol ammo is worth around 30% more than rifle ammo by the bullet, as shown below.

Pistol ammo gives you 30 rounds.
850 / 30 = $28.333 per bullet

Rifle ammo gives you 60 rounds.
1250 / 60 = $20.833 per bullet

This results in the current meta of firearms having rifles more cost-effective to use than handguns, despite being more powerful, and having for the most part, better ranged capabilities, than the handguns. This results in handguns and SMGs being often ignored in favour of the AK or the M4, despite being higher powered weapons. I believe making the ammunition for these more expensive, and lowering the cost of most pistol cartridges would help balance the meta, and hopefully make things a tad more realistic.

Also, with the eventual addition of the fancy revolver @Xquality is working on, it will need an ammunition to use, half of the reason I made this suggestion was due to how stupid it is to have a .357 or .44 revolver use the same ammo a Glock 17 would use.

Weaker handguns have an upside to being used, besides being expendable.
Fixes core firearm economy meta issues (Pistol ammo is more expensive than rifle ammo.)
Small calibre SMGs, such as the MP5, don't cost more than a 7.62mm AK for one magazine.

Added complexity to firearms manufacturing and selling.
Idiots may craft the wrong ammo.
People may have to end up buying the ammo they can't make anymore.
Weapons with unique calibers may be used less than those that share ammo types with other weapons.
Now this is a bit of an issue, I can see three ways of solving this:
Keep the current ammo, but make it uncraftable.
refund by monetary value for each box/bullet (see above pistol/rifle ammo prices.)
Remove it, and tell people in advance to use their stockpiles up.

Constructive criticism is appreciated.
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I would not mind seeing this but only if the most expensive ammunition type for example rifles would cost like the current one, and the price would only go down and not up.

1 sort of problem I can see with this is some guns are not gonna be used because people are gonna stack up only 1 or 2 types of ammunition which sort of sucks and puts all the effort of making the guns to waste, but again some of the guns that aren't used right now could be used more if ammunition type would be better or cheaper than others.

This would be cool to see, but if added and feedback is too negative devs might need to revert it, because frustration would be big from most of this community.

Also this could make for an even harder time for gun smiths because now guns require an even higher firearms level to craft by their classes, and now with ammo changed by firearm levels could make it even more difficult, seeing as ammunition is probably the biggest profit for gun smiths, at least it is for me.
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The .45 acp is actually 11.43x23mm. The cheapest ammunition would probably be the 7.65x17mm (PPK) since it's got the least gunpowder and size compared to any other caliber we have in play. The most expensive bullet would be the 12.7x99mm obviously. The most common ammunition would most likely be the 9x19mm, 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm. The least used ammo would most likely be the 9x17mm, which only the Mac11 uses, although cheap. The least used expensive ammo would be the 8.58x70mm (The AWM/AWP). So yes, there will be some guns not being used, but the "common" ammo types that I listed still cover a wide range of weaponry.
Sometimes I wonder where these ideas come from... Oh wait...

No but seriously, it would mean a major change for everyone using a firearm, and a problem as to what to do with existing ammunition.

We have been trying to make every caliber have at least 2 guns which use so there aren't too many ammo types which are required for one gun and only it. There are some exclusions to this however but I don't think that'll necessarily stop people from crafting. The real question would be how much price difference should there be for every caliber, as to not make some unattractive purely based on ammunition cost alone. This would also mean there may be some other nerfing/boosting of damages to possibly make it all quite rebalanced.

Admittedly I would like to redo how damage is done/perceived in a broad sense so it isn't only like "it takes X shots to kill" but something a bit more dynamic, but that's for another discussion and long development.

Anyways, as shown by the poll this is already more popular than not, but it also has the issue of how to represent all the different calibers as items. So yea, overall I think it's a good thing in theory but has other flaws which will require a fair amount of work be done to have it all function properly and easily.

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