Amy's Helper App

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Parts Unknown
STEAM NAME: Zharkan16

AGE: 20

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:71890489

IN-GAME NAME: Amy Zharkan

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: To be honest I like to help new people and also older players enjoy the game and be able to have fun

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU? Well, I have been here for a long while and I have been helping people for a long while, just today alone I have helped over 3 new people and I really do like helping people learn how to play and enjoy the game.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I would say I have relevant experience due to the fact that I have helped many new and old players, there were some old players that had no idea about fishing or how good it could be because they would keep going broke, and basing would get them raided and I introduced that to them so I like to teach people all the ways o make money legal and illegal so if they ever need to earn it legally, they can.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I would like to say that I know there are people out there who are better than me due to the speaking factor and I agree that it's easier for them to help since I saw a snippet of that today but I mean I was told to apply regardless of that thought but I do like helping and so do they so really it's not a competition if I don't make it I am still able to help and it will not bother me, thank you for reading my app


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Honestly I don't interfere with the forums very much and I don't interfere with helper/mod application so much but I want to say this

Zharkan been around the community for a long time, honestly the whole time I have been talking to this person he genuinely only mentioned about helping the server out and how to help new players out esc, I have never heard from this person talking about shootouts or how to make money or how to grind he genuinely just wants to help the server out, he also said himself that he enjoys helping the server out so I really don't see why this person shouldn't be a helper, the server won't loose anything accepting him and infact it will only gain a genuine person who will really only help out, maybe my voice won't do much but trust me accept this person and you won't regret it
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I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, I believe you would be an amazing asset to the helpers team! You're constantly helping new players, you've never been toxic (from what I've seen) and you always stick to the rules and RP to an amazing standard. It's a +Support from me
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I've been having random interactions with Zharkan quite a lot and it is safe to say:
They have been helping users and the server is many ways. I've recently seen them going to new players and offering to help them. A few days ago, Zharkan was teaching new players how to fish and earn money, To which they were rewarded.

Although they don't have a microphone, this shouldn't affect the application, and I support this application. Good luck!
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United Kingdom
Only ever seen Zharkan helping people, always taking on new players and teaching them the fundamentals. I'm pretty sure that's all I've ever seen her do, Zharkan would be a great helper. And even if denied im certain they'll still continue to help new players.
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