- Messages
- 141
- Reaction score
- 73
- Points
- 225
Hello perpheads. Fams. And ayjays. it has come to my attention there is a server mechanic that doesnt exactly rule in my favor. Although I beliege its a great idea just not used in the correct way. the warming list I might be saying thisnbecause of ky situation in general but I domt feel thats the case . If a player gets 10 warnings hes pretty much fucked for the rest of his time on the server and his actions will be scrutinized in every way possible for him to recieve a ban. But thats not what I am here for. Please excuse the misuse of punctuation as it is 4am. I joined the server two and a half months ago, the server was shown to me by an old fearlessRP admin named jamie (jamie ruemus) I thpught it was the best server I had ever played on I showed my brothers about a week later becaause we had run out of darkRP servers to get banned from. We found out quickly that things were rough and the rp was serious. We quickly learned the ropes and tried to climb to the top. We joined the McDonough biker gang with good intentions of messing around with our drunken friends. 350 mates later we left . Micheal started the bishop brothers amd I had joined along with aaron (buck) and tyler (tyler). I wanted in the belinskys so bad I walked up to a man named arnold gerken and asked what I had to do he said "kill adam crane" I walked over to mister crane asked him how his day was and put 8 bullets in his chest. They didnt man up to their offer because gerken wasnt even the leader. Later my brothers decided to base in subs seven (this is later that month) we were met by a gang called the ghetto brothers we knew they were an enemy of the belinskys. They all had their backs turned and BAM we killed at least 5 of them with the 3 of us. I went on to join the belinskys and started my own thimg almost deserting my brothers. I drove arou d a shit volvo 242 turbo and made a small amountof cash I was kicked from the belinskys amd tried to start my own org which failed miserably. I later returned to the belinskys recently but evil sadly disbanded us which breaks my heart cause I knew exactly what that ment.
this goodbye was very hard to write without some severe sadness.
I will stay an active member of the community and you will almost always be able to catch me in TS please forgive any horrible spelling errors as I Am on a tablet that has never heardnof auto correct heardnof is a prime example.
Bolli: one of the few to stand up for me in ts when people were being r00d. Extremly nice guy will miss him in-game (not like the scrub knows how to rp anyway)
Fredy:thanks for letting me know the true meaning of sausages.
stephen: you have some nice shit going on for v2 I may return to take a look
XQ:map looks great man keep up the good work and make sure you make that monument for herbert.
Tanges:thanks for removing those white things I couldnt sleep at night with those in existance.
Swiper:for being a kind and understanding person. You litened to me when I was upset and let me toss bombs off the roof with the soda machine. I will miss you as well although you dont rp much
isak:for giving me a lesson in "fire extinguishers are deadly motherfucker 101" (I still havent forgot about it)
carrot: not flipping the fuck out when I called you cucumber. Oh wait.
Leyer:for understanding less english then prepper all jokes bae.
ossibly one of the nicest admins on the server a true friend maybe when im 21 ill fly over to England and we'll grab a beer together and do some stupid shit and get arrested by swiper. Perp in real life mother fucka. Minus the killing people thing lets not do that.
3bit: the only reason I know you is because I randomly called you in-game and made rapey noises. And I kind of forced you into marriage. Oopsie.
ayjay:great guy fantastic sense of humor knows to not wall ride.
lewis:for letting me and my brothers have a shootout In city hall as ss then reviving us. (Only us online of course)
lilsam:for beating me in at least 5 rolls in a row to see if our lawyer id was invalid.
Prepper:for letting me walk on top of the crane and make a jump for it into the water.
Chrissy:for using all of those bobbypins in your hair.
bullyreece: "I didnt so shit menz"
Evil:inviting me to the belinskys starting my jouney as paralakes most derranged fucker.
Hax:let me drive his buggati as soon as I joined the server.
mannerwaffle: for not flipping the fuck out when I call you german. Oh wait.
Tobi:giving me one if the dumbest warnings I have ever recived
Senlin:dont know why I have always liked you your friendlyness is contagious you generally have a good attitude about you.
Lockwood: never let me drive his fucking bugatti. Good friend though. Shit at GO.
Jamie: thanks for showing me the server.
Standish: real pal good at GO
Harold:fuckin baldy
Most of all my brothers: always being there for me in tough times you know what I have been through and you know what I have put you through and I love you guys all so much I cant even start to explain how close I am with all of you you guys are my life.
Alex: m04r sp4c3s41p5 p10x.
I will continue to finish my perp related projects .
But for now this is goodbye. Joshua stryker left town and paralake is now in his rear view mirror as he then looks at windshield of opertunities.
Thank you all for the changenin my life you have given me.
~Joshua motherfuckin Baker
Hello perpheads. Fams. And ayjays. it has come to my attention there is a server mechanic that doesnt exactly rule in my favor. Although I beliege its a great idea just not used in the correct way. the warming list I might be saying thisnbecause of ky situation in general but I domt feel thats the case . If a player gets 10 warnings hes pretty much fucked for the rest of his time on the server and his actions will be scrutinized in every way possible for him to recieve a ban. But thats not what I am here for. Please excuse the misuse of punctuation as it is 4am. I joined the server two and a half months ago, the server was shown to me by an old fearlessRP admin named jamie (jamie ruemus) I thpught it was the best server I had ever played on I showed my brothers about a week later becaause we had run out of darkRP servers to get banned from. We found out quickly that things were rough and the rp was serious. We quickly learned the ropes and tried to climb to the top. We joined the McDonough biker gang with good intentions of messing around with our drunken friends. 350 mates later we left . Micheal started the bishop brothers amd I had joined along with aaron (buck) and tyler (tyler). I wanted in the belinskys so bad I walked up to a man named arnold gerken and asked what I had to do he said "kill adam crane" I walked over to mister crane asked him how his day was and put 8 bullets in his chest. They didnt man up to their offer because gerken wasnt even the leader. Later my brothers decided to base in subs seven (this is later that month) we were met by a gang called the ghetto brothers we knew they were an enemy of the belinskys. They all had their backs turned and BAM we killed at least 5 of them with the 3 of us. I went on to join the belinskys and started my own thimg almost deserting my brothers. I drove arou d a shit volvo 242 turbo and made a small amountof cash I was kicked from the belinskys amd tried to start my own org which failed miserably. I later returned to the belinskys recently but evil sadly disbanded us which breaks my heart cause I knew exactly what that ment.
this goodbye was very hard to write without some severe sadness.
I will stay an active member of the community and you will almost always be able to catch me in TS please forgive any horrible spelling errors as I Am on a tablet that has never heardnof auto correct heardnof is a prime example.
Bolli: one of the few to stand up for me in ts when people were being r00d. Extremly nice guy will miss him in-game (not like the scrub knows how to rp anyway)
Fredy:thanks for letting me know the true meaning of sausages.
stephen: you have some nice shit going on for v2 I may return to take a look
XQ:map looks great man keep up the good work and make sure you make that monument for herbert.
Tanges:thanks for removing those white things I couldnt sleep at night with those in existance.
Swiper:for being a kind and understanding person. You litened to me when I was upset and let me toss bombs off the roof with the soda machine. I will miss you as well although you dont rp much
isak:for giving me a lesson in "fire extinguishers are deadly motherfucker 101" (I still havent forgot about it)
carrot: not flipping the fuck out when I called you cucumber. Oh wait.

Leyer:for understanding less english then prepper all jokes bae.

3bit: the only reason I know you is because I randomly called you in-game and made rapey noises. And I kind of forced you into marriage. Oopsie.
ayjay:great guy fantastic sense of humor knows to not wall ride.
lewis:for letting me and my brothers have a shootout In city hall as ss then reviving us. (Only us online of course)
lilsam:for beating me in at least 5 rolls in a row to see if our lawyer id was invalid.
Prepper:for letting me walk on top of the crane and make a jump for it into the water.
Chrissy:for using all of those bobbypins in your hair.
bullyreece: "I didnt so shit menz"
Evil:inviting me to the belinskys starting my jouney as paralakes most derranged fucker.
Hax:let me drive his buggati as soon as I joined the server.
mannerwaffle: for not flipping the fuck out when I call you german. Oh wait.

Tobi:giving me one if the dumbest warnings I have ever recived

Senlin:dont know why I have always liked you your friendlyness is contagious you generally have a good attitude about you.
Lockwood: never let me drive his fucking bugatti. Good friend though. Shit at GO.
Jamie: thanks for showing me the server.
Standish: real pal good at GO
Harold:fuckin baldy
Most of all my brothers: always being there for me in tough times you know what I have been through and you know what I have put you through and I love you guys all so much I cant even start to explain how close I am with all of you you guys are my life.
Alex: m04r sp4c3s41p5 p10x.
I will continue to finish my perp related projects .
But for now this is goodbye. Joshua stryker left town and paralake is now in his rear view mirror as he then looks at windshield of opertunities.
Thank you all for the changenin my life you have given me.
~Joshua motherfuckin Baker