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Posting this on xi's behalf.

Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: xi
Your In-game Name: Hayden Carter
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79218086

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered: Hello again. In December of last year, I made the mistake and horrible decision of using an external ESP as well as aim assistance on the Perpheads server. I am very sorry for what I did and I hope some of what I am writing will be able to change your mind about me, I don’t want to be seen as a bad person and hopefully, this will be able to change your mind. I just want to try and explain myself as best as I can.

I have been playing on the Perpheads server since 2014 when a close friend introduced me to it. He was an experienced player and taught me the ropes and how to play. I thought the system and play style of the server was very unique and interesting, I had never seen anything like it in a game before. After about a year, in 2015 I was banned for minging. (Rules were a lot stricter at that point I guess). I was very young at the time and didn’t really know what I was doing. I had somewhat forgotten about the server but still, it always somehow popped up in my mind. I would sometimes try to connect to the server just to see if I would be able to join. Of course, all of the time I would just get the message that I was banned. However, one day when I tried to connect, I got into the server. I was quite confused and thought that something must have changed, a server wipe or something similar. Later I found out about the mass unban.

Me finding the server again was the start to probably the most fun and best experience I have ever had when using a computer or playing a game. However, some things were different. I remember one day when I was having a conversation with someone in OOC someone else just abruptly cut into our conversation and started flaming me. Needless to say, I was quite angry but at the same time confused. I didn’t understand why someone would flame me. After a while, I found out that the community had grown to be very toxic to each other and in that manner, I also became a very toxic individual.

I took PERP quite seriously. I didn’t like rule breakers and I would often point them out to staff which people would get angry at me about. Some other times I would feel that I had been cheated and that people were trying to ruin my experience and do it in a way where staff couldn’t really do anything about it. I had stopped caring. I wouldn’t report anyone because they would never get answered (I thought). I wouldn’t make IA’s because it didn’t matter. I had just given up and that was my mindset at the time. There was one particular person who always just wanted me to leave the server (he even told me). We had been in a gunfight once and I might have flamed him. Ever since then he had always been bitter against me and targeted me.

I was going through some bad times and after a while of him targeting me and just trying to make me angry, I gave into it. I cheated, just so it would stop. It was a bad decision but I was careless at the time not thinking of the consequences. I was banned the same day and I can tell you that as soon as I saw the message of; “you are banned” I had the feeling of instant regret.

I thought that when I was banned I would be calm and feel a sensation of being free. The exact opposite happened. I was now both angry at a player and angry at myself. And who did I take this anger out on, the staff team..... it was a horrible mistake and I am really sorry about it. I know that the staff team go through constant work to keep everybody happy and to make sure they have a good experience and it was wrong of me to flame them. I am really really sorry.

I am also very sorry for cheating. Even though some of this might seem like I am blaming someone else, I take full responsibility for my actions and I know what I did was wrong. I am sorry.

Additional Comment(s): I know that I was toxic and I am extremely sorry for that as well. I also want to say sorry to all members of staff that I annoyed on TeamSpeak especially Madda, Collier and Samuel. I also want to say sorry to Mcglinshy, I was extra toxic to you and it was without reason and uncalled for, I am sorry. I also want to say sorry to both Spaceshots and Bolli for wasting their time, I am sorry.
After a really long talk with administration and other staff members, we realized that although you have ban evaded several times, and this has shown us that you really want to come back and play, we are still going to deny this appeal.
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