Ban Apology (Bolli)

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Reaction score
Czech Republic
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bolli
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Al Capone
Your Roleplay Name: Eren Bingo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60869150

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?: Comment about my last appeal:

Firstly I would like to comment about the message I got in my last appeal by Collier: “You MassRDM'd with cheats and ban evaded, you failed to even address that in the appeal.”.

On my first ever ban appeal (1 year after my first ban) I addressed that situation “A day after my ban I went into perpheads(with cheats) on an russian account which I bought for around 1 dollar and then I bought a deagle and mags with all my money I owned and went to Regals and started shooting at cops and killing them. After I got killed I instantly dcd. I had recorded the whole massacre and then a couple of months later I deleted it due to me not wanting to remember stupid actions I did.” - taken from my first ban appeal.

The reason I didn’t address it was because I didn’t want to repeat a lot of stuff from my previous appeal because I have already said it in the previous one and I would instead just apologise for everything I have done which I deem to be a lot better than repeating the same stuff over and over again.

So let’s get into the apology:

I would like to apologise to all the people that I caused troubles to when I was cheating during my time in March-April. It was stupid and I know it. The only reason I did it was because I thought I would NEVER want to come back because perpheads was really damaging my mental health due to the severity of toxicness that was floating around in the community and even it being insanely addicting to me. And I attempted to give it a break back in november of 2020 but it didn’t work and just caused me to keep getting banned. Then I had finally given up and thought the only way out was cheating since I would be permanently banned and wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore so I could focus on school and my personal life. But I can’t blame it since I was the one who decided to cheat which was very stupid because I could really have really done it differently and not effect anyone.

It has been a bit over 1 ½ years since my ban from perpheads and I have truly regretted cheating on the server. I used to play perpheads everyday and was a very active community member from 2016-2020 (until my ban for cheating).

During the 1 ½ years off I have focused heavily on school and I have matured a lot. I haven’t played as much video games as I did before and of course I have not cheated since after my ban evasion.

I also want to apologise to some key people that deserve it:

Staff Team: I am sorry for wasting your time on me.

Developer Team: I am very sorry for ruining a server you built from scratch just for a punk like me to come and ruin everyone's experience. I am indeed very sorry.

Whole Community: I am sorry for ruining countless of your experiences by using cheats. It was very stupid and I can’t express how much I regret that I did it. It was very stupid.

I really hope I could get a second chance, so I can show that I really have changed and that I am different from who I was when I got banned.

If you have anything on your mind or doubt about something we can talk about it either on discord or on steam!

Thank you for reading through this apology and I really hope you can bless me with a second chance, so I can show that I have changed. Thank you and sorry for everything.

Additional Information: Thank you for reading this.
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