Applying showcase paints onto your car.

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United Kingdom,
Topic: Applying showcase paints on to your car.

Short explanation (in notes):
- A menu box will appear when you click on the vehicle with the colour you like.
- It will mean the exact colour you like can be applied directly instead of going to the NPC and attempting to replicate the colour.
- Saves time, if you see the colour you like you can just press a button and pay for it.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Personally, this would aid me because I often see awesome colours on vehicles but dont know how to find the same colour using the paint system. It would be much easier for me to press a button on the vehicle with the colour I like and add it to my car.

The menu box could be just a simple yes or no (Are you sure you want to buy this paint) which then either redirects you to (Congratulations on your new purchase, or Sorry, you do not have enough money to pay for this)

I think it would be a nice idea, maybe a little excessive, but this would benefit me personally. I have created this suggestion to see if it is actually possible to implement, also whether others would benefit from this.

Optional additions: NONE
Possible, but it would mean you would also need to select which components of the vehicle you want. As you may want the color but not the metal trim. Or whatever. So this may be a bit extreme but it's not all bad, as I can understand getting the right color can be tricky. I may change the way color picking works entirely which should make replicating easier too, just need to determine the best way.
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