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Your Steam/In-game Name: Draftking / Mitch Johnsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: JJB / Jake Arnolds
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:242617530
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 / 1.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.24

It all started when we had a shootout with the police after killing Lucius Husky. He was in the car with @Tchami (Thanov Devgru) he decided to get out of the car and walk into the shootout whilst unarmed (3.4), He then got killed by me in the crossfire and accused me of RDM. In the sit with @McGlinchy he decided to start raging about it and demanded me to admit me RDM'ing him. He then got kicked by McGlinchy and the sit didnt got a 2nd try which he ended up being calmer. However afterwards he started calling me RDM'r in character the whole time which got annoying after a few times so i made a report and @Kenty took it and told him to stop when being putt down again he decided to just laugh at it and call me a goon or something (1.1) For a little while he hat stopped complaining until he went and complain at my friends about the so called RDM.

A little while later he decided to threaten our friend with a gun so he got shot by Pavle Devgru. I took his gun which his friend Duncan walker had seen and told him either via text message or ooc that i had it. He decided to claim his gun back via an org chat message. We then got into a shootout where either his friends or other people came and started shooting at cops when we were cuffed, He ran after me telling me what would happen when we get uncuffed because i had his gun. He then saw me getting killed. When i respawned he told my friends in a rage to get me to hicktown where he could claim his gun back. I decided to act like i didnt know what he was talking about since we had both died and NLR had taken place. He then started raging in character again that i was a RDM'r and he wanted his gun back so (3.5 and 3.24) He then decided to kill me for no in character reason. Also i do not understand why he thought he could get away with shooting me when my friends were around him that's kind of 3.4.

Then when that had all happend we had seen eachother at storage where he had decided to run me over (Ragdoll) me for no reason. And ram my car and almost me again. As no apology had taken place we had decided to kill him so we pointed 2 guns at him and told him to get out of his car which he decided not to. He decided to do an attempt to start his car to either run us over or drive off. I did /me Opens the door and /me takes the man out which he decided to ignore. Then my friend was tired of it and shot his car which he claimed we weren't allowed to do by the rules (Again 3.24) He then made an f6 on me and @Skippy0308 for killing him. In the sit he started claiming other things like we mugged him in public and that killing him in public wasnt allowed either. When @Aquaa tried explaining it to him he started raging again which is the reason for his current ban.

Evidence (Demo Required): I have asked my friends to gather their video's because my didnt record anything today.

3.4 / 3.4 / RDM
3.4 / 3.24

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Cant lie to u, but unfortunately ur full of bullshit but good luck bud
And also the people who came when u was kos the police i didnt know they just turned up and killed u and the police
Please explain to me what this has to do with the AR?

And for your sake its not the only reason we kicked you guys. If you wish to talk about this feel free to contact me on steam.
I dont care about the org it was full with brand new sweater and that anyway its duncan thats worried about it but what im sayig is i didnt know the people who killed u and the rest of the police
just a quick question y do u need feel the need to delete all ur comments and duncan ones but leave mine?

From the evidence provided the only thing I can see is you and some people killing Jake for unknown reasons. Please provide some sort of evidence that includes the whole situation and has audio.
In what video am i killing him? I am being killed. I also have no videos myself as explained i asked my friends for that. If you maybe have a log with time and date i can send you a demo.

Edit. Yes you do see us killing him once. The reported me and @Skippy0308 for RDM and we explained the situation to @Aquaa who then explained JJB that we had a valid reason to kill him (He ran me over on Purpose.)

You say that me killing him is the only thing you see. If you check the other video you see that he is killing me. The first video (where i kill him) is evidence of attempt cdm and 3.4. In that situation i was at storage walking around and didnt want to engage with him however he ended up engaging with me. Resulting in running me over and me killing him which was done by the rules.
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I dont know y u r carrying this on as he just stated he saw that u lot was just rdm me which i tried explaining to aquaa and yet i still was the one that got banned and i still never went aan made a AR cos i believe all the people involved broke some sort of rule therefore i thought we could of just put this behind us and carried on but it looks like u dont want that so good luck with this AR
Please explain to me in what situation i broke rules and which rules did i break?
@draftking u literally have just been told by a mod that u lot just killed me for no reason thats called rdm im not going keep going on about this cos u r literally just wasting my time so we leave this for admin to decide
@JJB don't misunderstand what I said. I meant that with the evidence provided I can only see 2 people getting killed and nothing else which I misunderstood the first guy as you which apparently wasn't. I never said anything about any rdm. Now, if you could give us your side of the story Jake it would help a lot.
@Lelios right but in the first comment u made u said u saw them killing me for unknown reasons which i would call rdm and i explained what happened to aquaa and ended up getting banned for it. If u see a video of it go by the video cos im not being funny im kinda done with all this shit in the AR most of it is complete bullshit but oh well
@JJB He said for unknown reasons because he didnt know that situation. You made a report against me and Bryan for RDM and we explained the situation and @Aquaa asked you questions which you answered. When he explained the kill was by the rules you ended up being rude towards him resulting in him banning you.

Edit. And @Lelios i know it looks weird in the second video but my plays. Tv didnt record the whole weekend idk why. So my friend had to get a video of the 3.4 but my friend wasnt there yet when jake ran me over.
@draftking im not bothered at this point. The fact u decide to make a AR is funny to me since u know u lot broke rules but like i said im not wasting my time replying in this AR no more we just wait for admin to decide. They way i see it i broke one rules which i will own up to but they fact u lot all broke rules aswell and no having no of it is funny asf
Also just read a bit of the report again where i said i ram/nearly rammed your car which never happened and if u r on about where i kill u in hicktown with the m4 i had a kos message to kill you so unfortunately lad its not rdm so thats that out the window and before u said we both died the person who told me never died plus i knew your name and i can remember names
What and who r u going on about hahaha he took the screenshot down
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