AR, Multiple Players

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Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
Your Steam/In-game Name:
T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Propane / (Havent found name) [Guy with weapon]
The_Swedish_gamer / (Havent found it) [Guy with baseball bat]

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

The Guy with the weapon he took a very long time to drop everything and the money under gunpoint which should happen immediately under gunpoint. The second guy refused to drop the money under gunpoint and deposited the money. So i shot him.
Evidence (Demo Required): Evidence
Tick: Watch the video, Cut Version

Read this, Forgot to add (Was in a hurry in the morning):
Edited: I was wanted by murdering (Slums) before i arrived to that scene. There was 1 officer looking for me but didn't find me. Meanwhile i joined a friend Gustavo at his Bazaar shop. Then i was going to the Subs when i saw those guys (1 armed Saw his weapon) I turned around because i knew something was going on, First thought of they were going to raid my friend then i did follow them to the Mc Uwes. I saw them selling drugs. Since i was wanted and was wearing guns in public all the time the cameras are always noticing my armed level. As i was wearing an Automatic Carbine i was always armed and dangerous. So i decided after i followed them to McUwes to rob them since i knew they were there to recieve something in that hidden place at mcuwes. They sold drugs, so i robbed them basiclly. I was alredy wanted and i was aware of going into jail. Since I've been seen on the cameras with my Carbine plenty of times when running around i still was wanted for murdering. I was aware of my jailtime meanwhile robbing those guys there was no cops around and there was no one who could prevent me in that place that time.
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5.1 Mugging- Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited.

The real person in fault is the guy himself. He starts to mug me in a public place with 4 npcs and 3 cameras. It was CLEARLY in the middle of the street. The excuse of "there were no cops" dosent count. And saying "im wanted" dosent allow you to just not obey the rules. So i could basically mug you inside the PD by just saying "im wanted". And the guy with the baseball is new, cut him some slack. I trying to help every new person i see, and this guy is just ruining the game for everyone.Youll be losing players if you let people like this play. He said he knows every staff member and has more than 3 weeks of playtime. That dosent allow you to break the rules, buddy.
Allright, this is kind off an AR, where both sides broke rules. I gonna do this quick now.
Following rules are broken by The_Swedish_Gamer:
He (attempted to) deposited money under gunpoitn
Following rules are broken by Experimental:
He mugged persons in view of the public and killed the Swedish Gamer for depositing money into the ATM while this could have been solved in a way without any harm to the victims
He mugged persons in view of 2 CCTV cameras and 1 NPC, he risked his well-being because he could have done it without anyone noticing in the public

I would recommend to give a small warning to The_Swedish_Gamer and Experimental a warning or a ban, matters how many warnings and bans he currently has on record and when they happened.
Accepted-ish, if you can provide me a steamid I will gladly deal with the rules they broke

However you will be banned for 5 days under rule 6.3 and 5.1. Have a wonderful day.
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