AR on a dude beating there meat to a bank robbery

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Your Steam/In-game Name: BigBenji / Kellogg Corleone
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Roan Henkes.
His/Her SteamID: Idk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Roan seemed to want to have some sort of weird BDSM fantasy of being kidnapped by bank robbers come true to the point where he walked in begging to be taken hostage, this could have gotten us killed, wasted 3 rounds of my precious federal premium 5.56 ammo that I swear by and in this occasion got Roan and Harry killed. Harry Paddock looks new however so I don't really care what happens to him but I've seen Roan being taken to sits before and know he's been around long enough to know this is not good behaviour.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: Tock goes the clock but the party dont s top
Aight, see too it that this doesn't happen again, this can be closed. The last 3 bank robberies I've done had people acting like this in them and on one occasion it got me killed, you hopefully understand this kind of behaviour is very annoying.

@BaZe_Chicken i will not give you a warning/ban for this. Take this as a chance to improve your rule knowledge.

I would highly recommend that you read the rules again, and if you have any questions you can contact staff via TeamSpeak or ingame.

You must at all times try to stay alive, and not put your life in unessesary danger. It is also not allowed to take hostages during a bank robbery.
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