AR on Ethan Belinsky

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Ethan/Ethan Belinsky
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:55480733
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Being very mean to me and running me over

There was a possible raid or something going on at slums that turned out to be nothing, i responded as TFU and stood outside in the ditch with my gun drawn in case a shootout does happen. Ethan then comes up to me and calls me a head glitching faggot in looc before going off while continuing to shit talk looc stuff on voice as they drive off. They do a couple of circles then ethan gets behind the wheel and intentionally runs me over, killing a PO in the process. He then says its a +forward oopsie but as can be seen from the video is obviously complete bullshit. During that day ethan and me only had 1 interaction and that wasen't much either, i'd like for @Ethan to tell me why hes so frustrated to the point he would run me over after shit talking.

evidence (Demo Required) :
- The LOOC shit wasn't serious and I thought you'd realise that as I normally make jokes like that with you, I was mocking the people that normally hate on you as TFU. And the stuff in voice wasn't LOOC at all.

- I didn't intentionally run you over? If I wanted to run you over if I was that "frustrated" then surely I would have made a better attempt than that? I don't think I have the shadow-play of it but I'll go through my shadow-plays tonight and see and that might help prove my case. But can I just ask why you think that it's "bullshit"?

- And in conclusion I'd just like to say I have nothing against you as a person or anything and the only gripe I have with you is that you take it a bit far on new players but again that wouldn't make me "frustrated" enough to target you.
So when you said in voice I head glitch and raid sweaters it was IC? You say you were joking but it didn't seem like that at all to me. The reason why I think the running over part is bullshit is because you changed drivers then aglined your car to run me over and then made it sound like some sort of joke when you said ohhh my game just +forwarded
- Honestly I was joking but if you don't believe me then there's not much I can do sadly.

- And in the video I didn't align, I just turned the corner when my car +forwarded and then the pole knocked the car into line with you. I think that's just my natural tone lmao. And we swapped drivers cause Quinten had been saying it handled really good and I didn't believe him and I guess I was right lmao.
If you can show me how your car "+forwarded" genuinely OR call bullshit on it and actually tell me why you ran me over I'd like this AR to be closed and moved to archive without any action taken.
I can't show you as I looked through my shadow-play folder and it's not there but all I can do it apologise for wasting your time in the RP sit.

@Appricey @Hendricks
User will receive a warning for 3.4 and 1.1.
Just a reminder for the future not to use voice chat for saying things that are meant to be OOC as this was be an infringement of rule 2.2.​
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