AR on [FTG] Freedor21

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Anne Dank/Thomas DeSimone
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mike Dous/[FTG] Freedor21
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58219050
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: I don't know what that is.

My friend was having some late night banter while the SWAT didn't seem interested, my friend was punching me while I was obviously playing along and did the same, the SWAT officer shot him for punching me not more than four times, then afterwards tells witnesses that the man assaulted him which is not true.
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First of all, we can't view the demo. He has punched me at least twice, running away to punch you. I don't really care if he's your friend or not, but he assaulted me. If I were to attempt to arrest his, he would of surely punch me again, resulting in the same fate. No matter how it goes, it would of ended in the same fate. -[FTG] Freedor21
I'm not sure why the demo wouldn't work, but when it's functional you will be able to see he never faced you with his fists out. And it doesn't matter if you try to arrest him while he's swinging at you, he's not swinging a fucking katana at you, you can easily pull out a baton, hit him once or twice, cuff him and arrest him, it's as easy as that.
My friend was having some late night banter while the SWAT didn't seem interested, my friend was punching me while I was obviously playing along and did the same, the SWAT officer shot him for punching me not more than four times, then afterwards tells witnesses that the man assaulted him which is not true.
You were not playing along, you were just standing there, letting to happen. I was interested because the guy kept telling me to arrest him, which I clearly didn't
I'm not sure why the demo wouldn't work, but when it's functional you will be able to see he never faced you with his fists out. And it doesn't matter if you try to arrest him while he's swinging at you, he's not swinging a fucking katana at you, you can easily pull out a baton, hit him once or twice, cuff him and arrest him, it's as easy as that.
As I have stated, no matter how it went, it would of ended in the same fate, either from my shotgun, baton, or another officer, nothing would of changed
So you're saying if he was cuffed or not you would still shoot him? Nice.
No, I have not stated that. Practically anyone who was ever a cop knows that if someone was assaulting someone like that, they wouldn't stop unless the officer gun pointed them. Even then, they will begin to punch the officer, forcing them to shoot
No, I have not stated that. Practically anyone who was ever a cop knows that if someone was assaulting someone like that, they wouldn't stop unless the officer gun pointed them. Even then, they will begin to punch the officer, forcing them to shoot
You obviously haven't been a cop long then, because whether it's likely or not, you SHOULD apprehend the suspect as harmlessly as possible.
[DOUBLEPOST=1450940647,1450940615][/DOUBLEPOST]And there is no way he can punch you when you hit him with a baton, cuff him and throw him in the cell.
You obviously haven't been a cop long then, because whether it's likely or not, you SHOULD apprehend the suspect as harmlessly as possible.
[DOUBLEPOST=1450940647,1450940615][/DOUBLEPOST]And there is no way he can punch you when you hit him with a baton, cuff him and throw him in the cell.
I'm pretty sure cuffing him while he was punching me would be considered "ninjacuffing"
First of all, we can't view the demo. He has punched me at least twice, running away to punch you. I don't really care if he's your friend or not, but he assaulted me. If I were to attempt to arrest his, he would of surely punch me again, resulting in the same fate. No matter how it goes, it would of ended in the same fate. -[FTG] Freedor21
You need to download the demo, then put it in your Gmod demos folder, (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\demos)then open the demo via Gmod, (go on Gmod then on the main menu it says demos, it should be in there).
You need to download the demo, then put it in your Gmod demos folder, (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\demos)then open the demo via Gmod, (go on Gmod then on the main menu it says demos, it should be in there).
I thought that's what I did.
You need to download the demo, then put it in your Gmod demos folder, (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\demos)then open the demo via Gmod, (go on Gmod then on the main menu it says demos, it should be in there).
I'll do that tomorrow if this is still open
[DOUBLEPOST=1450941150,1450941057][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, your fists only show when you start punching. Don't believe me? Get you friend and test it
I personally agree with Thomas, the man was only punching someone and didn't visibally have any firearms/melee weapons. There is a reason that the Police Force have night sticks and this is the sort of situation you sue them in.

There was no need too shoot the man with a shotgun over him punching someone.

I'll do that tomorrow if this is still open
[DOUBLEPOST=1450941150,1450941057][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, your fists only show when you start punching. Don't believe me? Get you friend and test it
I know that, I could've sworn I've punched him back, if you would like to show your demo go ahead.
You did punch him back, that was self defense. Everyone who gets punched fights back, common sense
"You were not playing along, you were just standing there, letting to happen. I was interested because the guy kept telling me to arrest him, which I clearly didn't"
"You did punch him back, that was self defense."
"You were not playing along, you were just standing there, letting to happen. I was interested because the guy kept telling me to arrest him, which I clearly didn't"
"You did punch him back, that was self defense."
I meant that as you were standing around as your "friend" was punching a cop. If you truly was his "friend" you would of had the common sense to tell him to stop
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