AR on Monkey

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Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

To be honest i didn't want to make an AR on this guy since i had a few incidents with him where he reached me personally and apologized and wanted to move on with some things but seeing this member continues on breaking rules non stop for 2 days i find it unacceptable and i decided to make an AR on him so he'll stop breaking rules and being a total minge.

First incident this user broke 3.4, 3.26 and 3.3 this guy was a possible flanker was approaching main street heading to shady street he crashed his vehicle on the way, after i came to him and told him to drop the gun (i didnt gun point him at the time) he refused and just stored the weapon so i cuffed him and after cuffing him i did /me gets the m4 out of the trunk he refused to do so and continued to stall the RP and coming up with bullshit such as "the vehicle is locked there's no way you can get the m4 out" when it was never locked and just as soon as he stored it i cuffed him there's no way he cuffed the vehicle was locked in any way and after i uncuffed him so he can get the m4 out as i used the /me he just legit got in the car and drove off, which realistically he would of remained cuffed.

Second incident user broke 3.2 metagamed a situation and his friend literally just admitted that monkey did metagame, so the incident all started by that i stole monkey's friend's car after like 5 minutes his friend reconnected to get his car back right which is already dealt with that situation and after monkey's friend reconnect monkey pulled up at storage and just said "im sorry bobo" shot and killed me right after i asked him why did he kill me he said because i stole his friend's car when his friend told him this oocly and he used that in character he didnt want to admit to it but he kinda did but his friend told me everything and told me monkey did meta game the situation he used ooc information and he didn't know why he killed me.

Third incident user broke 3.4 Literally just got himself in a situation where he's completely not involved in, i was arresting a guy at slums gas station and monkey just came randomly bobby pinning a guy out of cuffs so i cuffed him and he just told me "just give me a ticket and let me go" as he's aware of what he did and aware he's getting a small ticket for it so he just hopped in his friend's car without any /me commands the door was never open or anyone opened it for him and fled from the scene which resulted in him getting warranted him and his friend, and the guy literally doesnt know who monkey is.

Fourth incident i believe monkey broke 3.4 and 4,1 when he was a roadcrew and he was reporting a crime at glass co as we have a conversation with the owner and the people inside at least 7 people heavily armed inside he literally just decided to go inside trespassing as a roadcrew member to see if they have anything illegal inside as of that he came out screaming drugs drugs got the people at glass co raided and himself killed.

Keep in mind those rules monkey broke in literally just two days.

Staff that were kinda involved @LEWIS 088 @Super_
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

To be honest i didn't want to make an AR on this guy since i had a few incidents with him where he reached me personally and apologized and wanted to move on with some things but seeing this member continues on breaking rules non stop for 2 days i find it unacceptable and i decided to make an AR on him so he'll stop breaking rules and being a total minge.

First incident this user broke 3.4, 3.26 and 3.3 this guy was a possible flanker was approaching main street heading to shady street he crashed his vehicle on the way, after i came to him and told him to drop the gun (i didnt gun point him at the time) he refused and just stored the weapon so i cuffed him and after cuffing him i did /me gets the m4 out of the trunk he refused to do so and continued to stall the RP and coming up with bullshit such as "the vehicle is locked there's no way you can get the m4 out" when it was never locked and just as soon as he stored it i cuffed him there's no way he cuffed the vehicle was locked in any way and after i uncuffed him so he can get the m4 out as i used the /me he just legit got in the car and drove off, which realistically he would of remained cuffed.

Second incident user broke 3.2 metagamed a situation and his friend literally just admitted that monkey did metagame, so the incident all started by that i stole monkey's friend's car after like 5 minutes his friend reconnected to get his car back right which is already dealt with that situation and after monkey's friend reconnect monkey pulled up at storage and just said "im sorry bobo" shot and killed me right after i asked him why did he kill me he said because i stole his friend's car when his friend told him this oocly and he used that in character he didnt want to admit to it but he kinda did but his friend told me everything and told me monkey did meta game the situation he used ooc information and he didn't know why he killed me.

Third incident user broke 3.4 Literally just got himself in a situation where he's completely not involved in, i was arresting a guy at slums gas station and monkey just came randomly bobby pinning a guy out of cuffs so i cuffed him and he just told me "just give me a ticket and let me go" as he's aware of what he did and aware he's getting a small ticket for it so he just hopped in his friend's car without any /me commands the door was never open or anyone opened it for him and fled from the scene which resulted in him getting warranted him and his friend, and the guy literally doesnt know who monkey is.

Fourth incident i believe monkey broke 3.4 and 4,1 when he was a roadcrew and he was reporting a crime at glass co as we have a conversation with the owner and the people inside at least 7 people heavily armed inside he literally just decided to go inside trespassing as a roadcrew member to see if they have anything illegal inside as of that he came out screaming drugs drugs got the people at glass co raided and himself killed.

Keep in mind those rules monkey broke in literally just two days.

Staff that were kinda involved @LEWIS 088 @Super_
First situation, was already dealt with in game by lewis. It was ruled he never told me I was in cuffs, and he straight up RDM'd me. There was no /desc or /looc stating I was still in cuffs when he shot me.

Second situation, was a pure accident. I apologized and had lewis revive him in game (he did). They have the exact same looking car and I thought he stole my friends car. (no metagame involved) I broke 2.5 here obviously but it wasn't intentional which is why I immediately asked Lewis to revive him and admitted I made a mistake.

Third situation, (I own a tesla in real life.) The doors open automatically when you walk up next to them. On the real though, I thought he did make a /me, I didn't look in time I guess...

Fourth situation, I had keys to the property. Wasn't trespassing and I was allowed to go in. I went in, not knowing they had drugs, and I saw them so I had to report them as a government official.
I'm not sure if you joking or if you bullshitting,
just i would like to state a few things before i leave it to staff, none of these incidents were dealt with by staff whatsoever
you were giving false statements to lewis and he told me to provide evidence which i did now
this was no accident you were aware of what you did and you got these informations oocly even your friend admitted and yes thanks for adding 2.5 too and no i didnt forgive you about anything
and for the third one you still have to use /me for the door and its not the case anyway, the case is just that you evaded for literally 500-1k ticket
fourth incident you were never invited inside as you can see and hear in the video they told u if you go inside tthey'll kill you which you did anyway because fuck it right? nobody is reporting you
First of all, you did forgive me. You told me it was the other guys fault not mine, when I apologized. I never lied to Lewis and he can attest to that. When did they say if I go inside they will kill me? I never heard that once. I had keys and I was allowed inside. You can ask any person there. You honestly need to realize this is a game. The reason perp is dying is because of people like you making ARs on people when they lose nothing, and gain nothing out of them. I understand making an AR because of a RR, but you lost NOTHING. I am done responding. Just let staff deal with it.
@|RC| Code Monkey "PeRp Is DyInG" comes from the people who say so not the people who play it for hours a day and play it by following the rules, your friends lost a bunch of shit and some of them got pissed because of you and you did effect my play by breaking rules by playing unfair not only to mention yesterday you already made two reports and i'm sure nobody wants to see your reaction when you was on the admin sit reporting me and all of them gets denied, optimistic
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