AR on [PH] PøllehornEater

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald // Archina Doman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] PølseHornEater // Martino Bambino
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75386219
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
The Background______
So basically, the Mayor was failing the city and it ended up to be a mad search and kill mission for all the civilians. There were a whole load of people (including me) trying to find the Mayor. Eventually I headed to the City Hall for the slim chance that the Mayor was there which apparently he was. I enter the door to be greeted by an Officer in a shootout and so I turn around and leave.

The Incident__________
After turning around I first got shot and I understand that this was cross fire as somehow the bullet went through the small gap between the pillar and the wall and was just bad luck and so, completely confused, I start looking around me to see where I could have got shot from. Bleeding I start shouting "Help" to people around me. Then I turn around and was shot by the gentlemen who just killed the police. I'm not sure why I was killed but he just stood there and unloaded onto me whilst I was completely unarmed and posed no threat which is breaking 2.5 due to me being no danger to the man, bearing in mind the quick glimpse of him I got was less than a second. Also at the time of me being shot I was well away from the action and so I don't feel it was cross fire.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 38000
By what I have seen there were many rules broken in this, here are the ones i saw.

6.3 NPCs- When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (Non-Player Characters, for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), NPCs must be treated as regular players, where possible; for example, if a player has used just committed a serious crime in the suburbs within the vicinity of the storage NPC they must threaten and/or take the NPC into consideration. Another specific example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.
as the NPC's in city hall were not shot, tied or anything of the nature, although after you died he may have done that so if he uploads his demo we will have an answer for that.

2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition,etc, are not typically acceptable.
as he shot you because you saw what happened which isn't a valid reason to kill you.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.
as he shot you and the officer, him shooting the officer was already 10 years but then he killed you which could get 10 years and a hefty ticket. This is only possibly though.

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I believe that he most likely shot you since you were a witness of the situation. However, you are not allowed to shoot somebody for that. So +supporting this since he broke 2.5.
There's not a lot to say about this, he shot a cop, he then shot you, you tried to run away and you posed no threat to him and he just shot you in the face, 2.5, +support.
after watching this video I will +Support this AR as he broke; 2.1 as he gunned down innocent lives who probably weren't involved also I may not be able to comment but i am inclined believe he also broke 6.3 for not dealing with the NPCs behind the desk (Citation needed because we can only see @Archibald 's POV)

however I disagree with 2.5 as it is excessive negativity, he did not in my opinion target @Archibald for anything that would cause him to be excessively affected as there may have been a totally legitimate reason to why he was killed i.e. Archibald COULD have sprinted away at the first instance of gunshots which ANY civilian would do at first, instead you did wait at the CH knowing there was firearms there and you COULD potentially be a witness from his half.

2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable.

So Conclusion in my POV I believe he broke 2.1 rather than 2.5 and he MAY have broke 6.3 depending on the beginning of the circumstances (can only be proved by the offending players POV)
Ahh, good ol' Martino. I've had plenty of experiences in the past with this guy, and it is obvious that he does not understand the concept of when you can/can not kill another player. He has been banned for this exact thing 3 times.




Notice how in the 2nd one, it says that this is his last chance.

Furthermore, the guy has 5+ warnings for 3.4.

The guy simply does not understand that when you are surrounded by cops or armed people, you cannot just go over and kill someone, nor does he understand that you cannot kill people for a minor offence. (Basically 3.4 in a nutshell)

I would say that this goes under 3.4, since he risked even more time in jail, and possible death by walking outside in the open just to gun you down.

Sorry if the way that this is written seems a bit harsh, but this guy has done it plenty of times to me, and i'm just sick and tired of it.
Okay listen, it's going to be really hard to explain this... I didin't mean to shoot this guy on purpose.. I swear to god, I thought he was the officer but the think is that my friend shot the officer from the balcony upstairs, I didin't realise the officer was dead! Sorry man.. I don't know what to say anymore.. It was an accident! I swear to god I know that rule now with 2.5. Everything was dark under the balcony somehow..Very sorry
The thing is that we were looking for the mayor and as you see in the video we ended up in a gun fight with some officers.
Martino is down in the lobby and the rest of us is upstairs at the balcony and in the mayors offices.
Martino is in a close up fight with a officer in the doorway, i get a message in the org chat about it and kill the cop outside.
He have no idea that the cop is dead and he probaly just mistaken you for being that officer.
I understand that he shot you for no reason. When he shot you the first time it was clearly a mistake/cross fire. When he comes out and shoots you i dont know what to think. He could have thought you were a police officer because he was in a high tension situation and just paniced. On this one i will stay NEUTRAL.
Okay listen, it's going to be really hard to explain this... I didin't mean to shoot this guy on purpose.. I swear to god, I thought he was the officer but the think is that my friend shot the officer from the balcony upstairs, I didin't realise the officer was dead! Sorry man.. I don't know what to say anymore.. It was an accident! I swear to god I know that rule now with 2.5. Everything was dark under the balcony somehow..Very sorry
The thing is that you killed me as well, while I was an unarmed citizen. A POV from you would be lovely to figure out if you are telling the truth or not as to whether archibald and me were difficult to be seen.
- Offcier at 00:02, starts shooting at him aswell
- 00:03 Archibald comes outside the doors right next to officer behind the wall.
- 00:08 shoots at the officer again.
- 00:11 tries to run away and shoots shooting at him because I thought he was the officer. At that moment aswell I thought he was still the officer trying to run away but the officer acutally ran to that wall to my right, like that wall behind the ATM that I didin't know.
- 00:15 John Clean/John Doe thats shooting at the REAL officer at that wall to my right that I still didin't know. That is why I started to run out because I thought it was clear. I still think that Archibald is still at that wall where I spotted the officer first at 00:02.
- 00:22 I spotted Archibald that was trying to get away. BUT LOOK AT MY AIM. The thing is, police clothes is dark. Archibald is dark too but you can't see it in DEMO. You see im trying to spot Archibald but it's really hard for me since it's her clothes is fitting in the background..I think Archibald was the cop and shot her by accident..
- 00:24 I kills Archibald by accident and hit a guy by accident too....Very stupid of him but if you see, I didin't kill that guy either. i know I would break 2.5 if I killed civilians in that shootout.
- 00.25 behind that wall right infront of me lays the real officer that my friend John Clean/John Doe shot from balcony upstairs when he opened fire with that ak. I realised after I saw Archibald video.

I tried everything to proof that this was an accident..I don't know what to do anymore if this can't really proof that this was an accident.. I'm sorry that I shot you down Archibald. My bad, couldn't see you were a civilian walking away from the crime scene.. I'm very sorry.

As being the officer on scene, I can say that it was really dark and I couldn't see shit. Looking at the video Martino provided, you could barely tell who is who. From what I remember you were wearing black? Which may make you look like more of a cop. Honestly I got killed and I did see Martino say in chat something like "Sorry, I thought you were a cop". Which to me, seems understandable.
From seeing the evidence provided by the "offender" it indeed does show he believed you were a PO due to the lighting of the current area HOWEVER i still believe 6.3 COULD have been broken (Dependent on his terms of events) on how he went in the PD with cops chasing OR just wandered in
I think that if the defendant's intentions were to kill people in the area for a particular reason, he wouldn't have picked and chosen civilians to shoot; he would have killed them all. Since this isn't the case and only one was shot, I believe that in the heat of the moment it is not out of the question for it to be a mistaken identity.
After watching the evidence that was provided in response. I can confirm that from the way that I ran between the pillars it did in-fact make me look like the LEO that was engaged in the shootout. Furthermore, when outside you can see the effort of looking up and down which I feel shows the confusion that went through his brain. However in the heat of the moment he took the shot when I turned and faced him.
After this evidence being provided and a personal apology received, I have decided to withdraw this Action Request and class it as an honest mistake.

Thank you @[911]NightHunterDK [HOAX] for understanding and working with me to get this sorted.
Also thank you for the personal apology! :)
After watching the video I can see why you shot him. It also looked like the officer wasn't dead so I can understand why you shot him by accident. Since Archibald called to withdraw the AR, this can be closed... I guess?
I understand why he killed you , he thought that you are a SS . he shooted me aswell too
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