AR on Slayerduck posted for the homeless dude

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Your Steam/In-game Name: thehomelessdude/ John King
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Slayerduck / Joe Baggers
His/Her SteamID: dk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: As seen in the video below, the user popped his tires on purpose which breaks the rule 3.3 (Realistic actions), which states that “All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible”, also due to him popping his OWN tyres he hit a traffic sign which in real life could’ve resulted in serious damage on him and the car which breaks fule 3.4(Putting your life at risk).
Another rule broken is 3.15(Vehicle Damage) which states “Players are not allowed to take action that is likely to lead to the damaging of their vehicle (except speeding within reason)” and “For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh the drawbacks.” I have no idea how this action benefited him at all, all he did was waste 1000$ to something he could’ve avoided easily.
Evidence (Demo Required):
At the beginning the shadowplay kinda messed up so just ignore it
Ah yeah, you guys cried in OOC about it after the swat van thing. I went and proved a point that its stupid for random spikes to lay around to the cop that was standing there, if you didn't cut the video so short i prob complained about why the spikes were there. Besides, i needed a new set of tires anyway since going back and forth into the forest has ran them out. Ya all drive like retards with super cars, scratching them and bumping into other cars and walls without any thought. Good luck making an AR on all of them.

These petty salt revenge AR's are getting old doe
posted for TheHomeless dude
If you needed new tires that much you could’ve just went to the bazaar gas station and pay to fix them, no need to pop them and ruin your vehicle by crashing in to a traffic sign and risking yours and other people’s life.
Oh yeah, i risked a whole lot of life's for popping my tires. You should add 3.4 to the AR to then?
EDIT: Oh wait, you have! lmao, sorry didn't bother actually reading the AR.
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