ARC Bank

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Topic: The addon ARC Bank

Short explanation (in notes):
-Adds more realistic ATMS
-Looks and feels cleaner
-Has built in ATM hacker and chip and pin machine
-Fund withdrawal isn't instant

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Alright, this is a bit long
the current ATMs are kinda boring. You run up, hit E and then click deposit and how much, then leave. Well ARC Bank is here to help! ARC bank adds higher resolution ATMs that you put your credit card SWEP into to activate to your account. Only 1 person can use an ATM at a time adding even more to RP. When you insert the credit card the ATM scans it. Then it loads your information. You then have the options of money things (Deposit Withdraw ETC) It is paycheck compatible (You can choose to have paychecks go to pocket or ATM) You can transfer funds from your account to someone else's account directly from the ATM. It also has a log in it so you know EVERY transaction you make. It also comes with an ATM hacker. It has variable money amounts with appropriate speeds. Every time you use it it alerts the police. (You can choose to either have it draw from other's funds or not. It's a config option) It also has chip and pin machines which would add more realism to the shops, that way Not everything is done exculsively in cash. Also with chip and pin machines and ATM hackers you'd be able to reduce the amount of ATMs needed. Oh, and one last thing It isn't free but it feels so much smoother It's worth it. You'll have to figure out how to transfer the money, but you guys will find something.
Optional additions:
-Add ATM hacker
-Add Chip And Pin Machine
-Add multiple ATMS inside the bank
-Add this beautiful addon to PERPheads
I personally love the concept of Arc Bank, the features on it are absolutely amazing. However I feel the problem is that it's a 'Coderhire Addon' The owners here do aim to make sure all of the content they use is theirs. I'm 100% sure this has been suggested before and was denied due to it was a Coderhire addon. Instead of suggesting the Arc Bank addon, you should try suggesting some extra features for the bank instead.
Ive seen my friends hacking ARC Bank in some DarkRP server, will this system detect these cheat attempts?
And I didn't understand, so the Coderhire Addon is like the thing that happend to A3L where the makers of the mods that A3L includes didn't allow montizition?
Problem is: Perpheads uses completely custom add-ons and doesn't rip stuff from coderhire or scriptfodder. It would be nice though to see something like a credit card being shoved in or something when you use the atm or that you can see your balance onscreen

It's a very nice addon, as what you elaborated on your post, and I do feel that it could bring a lot more realism to the server!
10/10 +support but read below it may change.
However I do have some negative/positive words that I realised in my head, that you may be watching for.
•Negative :
ATM Hacker - No way, I can't see that your money gets robbed if you're a paremedic, and there aren't cops on. Also it would be worse if you allow people to steal others economy while they're inactive. -3
Add chip and pin machine - Could be very realistic to have your own PIN number, but at same time I feel like this could easily be given out on accident, even in LOOC if two newbies are attempting to steal from a new guy.-2
Add this beautiful addon to perpheads! - As other people stated in their posts, it seems to be coder hire. - -1
= -4/10
Multiple ATMs inside bank - That is something I want to be added, as you do use them irl too, while waiting for the customers in the bank. It would add up a great realism! +2
6/10 in total of my judgements. I will stay neutral, slightly towards +Support.

If you could explain on my negative points, it'll be appreciated! @[CVA] Duffy
I have also seen this used and it is a very complex but detailed system but the staff dont want the server filled with addons they did not make so cant edit. Maybe if you give them ideas on how to improve the current banking system.
-Support server doesn't need to turn into darkrp. There is no problem with the current ATM.
I'd rather not have an addon on our server that I used to takeover other servers.

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