Armenian Mafia applications

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Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
OOC Information
Steam name: [LF] Arken
Age: 15
Country: United Kingdom
Are you active enough?: At least 5 days a week
Steam ID:

IC Information
In-Game name: Satoshi Nakamura
Age: 22
Any cars you have: Mazda MX-5 2007
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: Support in raids and I always make sure the other members come before me. I always support them with items if they don't have the money for them and I always craft things for the org member completely free.
Why should we choose you?: *What would you bring to this Family pretty much explains this question*
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I love to craft stuff and I'm really good at getting information and fleeing from the police
What other organizations have you been in?: Belinsky's and Montreal
What firearms level are you?: Level 16
Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name:
Age: 13
Country: Scotland/UK
Are you active enough?: Yes, I think
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48656781

IC Information
In-Game name: Michael Boyle
Age: 25
Any cars you have: Mercedes E63 AMG
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: Banter, Laughs, Guns, Driving skills
Why should we choose you?: Because I am a good loyal person who can provide help for other members if they are in a sticky situation or need help raiding some people or if they need picked up quickly if they are getting chased by cops or whatever may occur.
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Driving, Building, Crafting.
What other organizations have you been in?: Belinskys, Jarheads, Crescendo.
What firearms level are you?: 52 Nearly 53
Reaction score
  • OOC Information
    Steam name: [LG] Redacaiten
    Age: 14
    Are you active enough?: Ya i active almost everyday
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:72937358

    IC Information
    In-Game name: Dave Fast
    Age: 26
    Any cars you have: No i dont have a car But i am Trying to get Money To get a new car
    Are you VIP?: No But i Gonna buy One Latter
    What would you bring to this Family?: Respect,Help,I am Good Raider aswell And a Good Shooter And i Like To Protect My Brothers
    Why should we choose you?: Because i am Curentlly Not in a Org ANd i wanna be in a Org So i just wanted to Make a Application. And i Will Sho Recpect For My Brothers :D And i will always Be there For my people
    What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Shoot,Raid,Aim,Craft,Drive
    What other organizations have you been in?:Men In Blood, Bishop Brothers, BloodBrtoher. And i dont remember more
    What firearms level are you?:? 15 or 16 i think
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Reaction score
United Kingdom
  • OOC Information
    Steam name: Blicky
    Age: 15 (16 march 5)
    Country: England
    Are you active enough?: ofc
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85141934
    IC Information
    In-Game name: Tyrone Trevon
    Age: 32
    Any cars you have: Mercades E63, Upgraded
    Are you VIP?: Yes
    What would you bring to this Family?: A vast bank of knowledge about the city. Laws, places, base defences and Ideal places for basing etc. I can also put a fair amount of funding to the organisation, should I be accepted. I can also provide an amazing source of firearms, I have the best knowledge of firearms and can craft any firearm that you desire which I think could be very useful for defending against those pigs.
    Why should we choose you?: I know a lot about the laws of the city and can usually speak my way out of silly cops trying to raid. I can also provide you with a good source of firearms as stated above. I am also very experienced with organisations like yours too.
    What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Crafting firearms (level 100)
    What other organizations have you been in?: Jarheads, Cresendo, Bishop Brothers,
    What firearms level are you?: 100
Reaction score
United Kingdom
OOC Information
Steam name: [PH] HomerWithTopHat
Age: 14
Country: UK
Are you active enough?: Become a serious addiction so, yeah.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66470518

IC Information
In-Game name: Alex Duntorn (Previous was Eddie Rolo)
Age: 29
Any cars you have: Range Rover 2012
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: Firearms, stimpacks and a healthy supply of bandages! I'll always be there for raids / bank robberies, and if anyone hurts a fellow member then they might as well have made their death wish. Also very loyal.
Why should we choose you?: I'll be on time for anything, you name it I will be there in a hurry! I'm also good at hiding and escaping from the police (Pretty much from "What would you bring to this Family?")
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Crafting, very good with a Bennelli (Took down 5+ People with it) and driving at high speeds without crashing.
What other organizations have you been in?: The Mafia, Montreal.
What firearms level are you?:? 73
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Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name: NamesInsane
Age: 17
Country: Singapore
Are you active enough?: Yes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58528642

IC Information
In-Game name: Mike Daniel
Age: 26
Any cars you have: Audi TT Black
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: Most likely weapons such as Ak-47, Barett M82. I always craft weapons, my storage once was full of weapons.
Why should we choose you?: Because I always craft, and if a member asks for a weapon, I will most likely give it with no charges. I think you should choose me because I'm a very active member, who will always help, for example if a member requests an escape vehicle, I will help.
What are you specialities? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Crafting (level 88) and shooting
What other organizations have you been in?: Grow INC
What firearms level are you?:? 88, definitely going to be 100 this week.


Reaction score
Steam name: The BowPro
Age: 17
Country: Morocco
Are you active enough?: Yes
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:25251106

IC Information
In-Game name: Evaric Bishop
Age: 25
Any cars you have: Hummer( for transporting heavy items) buying a Porsche spyder soon.
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: wealth and a successful raids.

Why should we choose you?: I have been playing PERP since a year now, as I know how everything functions. I was part of big organisations that performs big heists as well I have been one of those who survives to the very least, but hell if I'm going to die I always bomb my self and my enemies, leaving my team-mates a chance to recover the advantage point.
I have also led the bishop family in some raids like in the bank by making strategic plans which ends mostly with a success but, most of all it matters on how you play it.

What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Shooting and fantastic leadership
What other organizations have you been in?: Bishop | Hitmen | Black market |
What firearms level are you?:? 28
Reaction score
Great Britain
OOC Information:

Steam name: Allen

Age: 15

Country: Scotland

Are you active enough on TeamSpeak: 3-5 hours each day, most days.

Are you active enough In-Game: 2-5 hours each day, most days.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50229236

IC Information:

In-Game name: Jaqueline Kennedy

Age: 26

Any cars you have:
Matte Black Ford Transit

Are you VIP?: Yes

What would you bring to this Family?: A strategic approach to running an organisation, as well as a skilled individual who handles difficult situations well.

Why should we choose you?: I am mostly a level-headed person, as well as having experience being in a large organisation, and I always look out for the organisation buddies and help them out.

What are you specialties?: Weapon strategies & Interior Design

What other organizations have you been in?:
Los Zetas[Disbanded]
Belinsky Family
Black Roses[Disbanded]

What firearms level are you?: 38
Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name:Sam
Are you active enough?:yes i am very active normaly
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:90276041

IC Information
In-Game name:Sam tan
Any cars you have:no not really but i will buy 1
Are you VIP?:yes
What would you bring to this Family?:i will try my best
Why should we choose you?:I have been known to be loyal in organisations I have experience
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting):shooting,and how to raid
What other organizations have you been in?:German mafia
What firearms level are you?:12 but i will be better

but i can speak englisch good
[DOUBLEPOST=1424031262,1424029961][/DOUBLEPOST]Steam name:Sam
Age: 14
Country: Germany
Are you active enough?: Normaly Yes on almost all day.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90276041

IC Information
In-Game name: Sam tan
Age: 14
Any cars you have: no but i will buy 1
Are you VIP?: Yes
What would you bring to this Family?: Loyalty just a general help for the family. and i will do anything waht you want
Why should we choose you?: You should choose me as i will be a general help for the family and i will die for the famaly
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I would say Shooting i'm decently good with m4a1 and Beretta this would possibly help the family when raiding.
What other organizations have you been in?: German mafia
What firearms level are you?:? 12 i will be better
Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name: MegaSpyAssassin
Age: 15
Country: England
Are you active enough?: 3+ Days a Week
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47584354

IC Information
In-Game name: Nathan Davidson
Age: 25
Any cars you have: Jeep Wrangler
Are you VIP?: Yes

What would you bring to this Family?: Transport, money, protection.. A level headed guy that knows what he needs to do, when he needs to do and how it needs to be done. I don't require much supervision, just set the goal and it'll get done.

Why should we choose you?: You should choose because I'm a calm guy that knows exactly what he's doing, I know how to handle a situation even in a time of stress, I spend a lot of my time working with gang/friends illegally and know what to do.

What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Driving, Comedy, Decision Making.

What other organizations have you been in?: The Vocaloids

What firearms level are you?: 3 - Working on getting it higher
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Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name: Saltguy
Age: 12
Country: Sweden
Are you active enough?: Yes, as of me posting this I'm on a vacation but as soon as I get back I'll be as active as possible. (Before I went on a vacation I was on pretty much every day).
Steam ID: (Don't know) I don't really understand why you would need this as you already have my name. If you wish to easily reach my steam profile here ya' go.

IC Information
In-Game name: Hjalmar Winroth

Age: 28

Any cars you have: Volvo 242 Turbo

Are you VIP?: No, I'll buy it back as soon as I get money.

What would you bring to this Family?: Protection, Firepower, Organization.

Why should we choose you?:
I'm an adapted shooter and I know how to handle firearms. I've got a lot of guns and I thoroughly enjoy shooting them, give me a reason to shoot someone and they're gonna be dead. I'm also good at being a Leader seeing as I was the Leader of an organization that all around went pretty well but in the end couldn't go on since practically all members went inactive. If I were to be accepted it would mean nothing but good since I would be just another guy with a gun AKA just another guy that can Raid, Kill, Defend, all of the ''good stuff''.

What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): As I said above, I consider myself a good leader and a Gunman. I'm not the crafting type but I definetely think I make up for it with my other qualities. I'm also very good at lying, I use that to keep the police off us e.g (conversation), Cops: ''Have you seen someone named Millheimer?'' Me: ''You're looking for a guy named Millheimer? I saw him drive in his car towards the intersection.'' when Andii's actually hiding in base. This would lead the cops to intersection and that way away from base and Andii.

What other organizations have you been in?: Men in Blood (Leader)

What firearms level are you?: 1 (rip)

Additonal Comments: I took the liberty to seperate the questions the make the answers easier to read. I really hope that I get accepted, trust me, I'll be nothing but good for the org.
[DOUBLEPOST=1424372264,1424372203][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC Information
Steam name: Saltguy
Age: 12
Country: Sweden
Are you active enough?: Yes, as of me posting this I'm on a vacation but as soon as I get back I'll be as active as possible. (Before I went on a vacation I was on pretty much every day).
Steam ID: (Don't know) I don't really understand why you would need this as you already have my name. If you wish to easily reach my steam profile here ya' go.

IC Information
In-Game name: Hjalmar Winroth

Age: 28

Any cars you have: Volvo 242 Turbo

Are you VIP?: No, I'll buy it back as soon as I get money.

What would you bring to this Family?: Protection, Firepower, Organization.

Why should we choose you?:
I'm an adapted shooter and I know how to handle firearms. I've got a lot of guns and I thoroughly enjoy shooting them, give me a reason to shoot someone and they're gonna be dead. I'm also good at being a Leader seeing as I was the Leader of an organization that all around went pretty well but in the end couldn't go on since practically all members went inactive. If I were to be accepted it would mean nothing but good since I would be just another guy with a gun AKA just another guy that can Raid, Kill, Defend, all of the ''good stuff''.

What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): As I said above, I consider myself a good leader and a Gunman. I'm not the crafting type but I definetely think I make up for it with my other qualities. I'm also very good at lying, I use that to keep the police off us e.g (conversation), Cops: ''Have you seen someone named Millheimer?'' Me: ''You're looking for a guy named Millheimer? I saw him drive in his car towards the intersection.'' when Andii's actually hiding in base. This would lead the cops to intersection and that way away from base and Andii.

What other organizations have you been in?: Men in Blood (Leader)

What firearms level are you?: 1 (rip)

Additonal Comments: I took the liberty to seperate the questions the make the answers easier to read. I really hope that I get accepted, trust me, I'll be nothing but good for the org.
[DOUBLEPOST=1424372493][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC Information
Steam name: Saltguy
Age: 12
Country: Sweden
Are you active enough?: Yes, as of me posting this I'm on a vacation but as soon as I get back I'll be as active as possible. (Before I went on a vacation I was on pretty much every day).
Steam ID: (Don't know) I don't really understand why you would need this as you already have my name. If you wish to easily reach my steam profile here ya' go.

IC Information
In-Game name: Hjalmar Winroth

Age: 28

Any cars you have: Volvo 242 Turbo

Are you VIP?: No, I'll buy it back as soon as I get money.

What would you bring to this Family?: Protection, Firepower, Organization.

Why should we choose you?:
I'm an adapted shooter and I know how to handle firearms. I've got a lot of guns and I thoroughly enjoy shooting them, give me a reason to shoot someone and they're gonna be dead. I'm also good at being a Leader seeing as I was the Leader of an organization that all around went pretty well but in the end couldn't go on since practically all members went inactive. If I were to be accepted it would mean nothing but good since I would be just another guy with a gun AKA just another guy that can Raid, Kill, Defend, all of the ''good stuff''.

What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): As I said above, I consider myself a good leader and a Gunman. I'm not the crafting type but I definetely think I make up for it with my other qualities. I'm also very good at lying, I use that to keep the police off us e.g (conversation), Cops: ''Have you seen someone named Millheimer?'' Me: ''You're looking for a guy named Millheimer? I saw him drive in his car towards the intersection.'' when Andii's actually hiding in base. This would lead the cops to intersection and that way away from base and Andii.

What other organizations have you been in?: Men in Blood (Leader)

What firearms level are you?: 1 (rip)

Additonal Comments: I took the liberty to seperate the questions the make the answers easier to read. I really hope that I get accepted, trust me, I'll be nothing but good for the org.
Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
OOC Information
Steam name:
Age: 14
Country: United Kingdom
Are you active enough?:
Yes. I am on most days of the week, and week end's i am on most of the time. Sometimes i will not be as im out or have more important things to do.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79496756

IC Information
In-Game name:
Tyreece McGefferson
Age: 26
Any cars you have: Mitsubishi Evo Lancer VII
Are you VIP?: Yes. Always have been and always will be.
What would you bring to this Family?: Success, Help, Firepower and Protection!
Why should we choose you?:
I try help people in Org's as much as i can. Been in the city for at a while now getting use the the Laws aswell as the people too. I can help with all types of things if needed; Basing, Killing, Robbing, Mugging. I have vast knoledge or the other orgs if needed! Im not just a guy who try's to act like everyone else, im that type of person to be my self to the best protential. Some of your members were in trouble one day, so i did a fake bank robbery to divert the cops and it worked! The organation members started to like me and said they feel i should be in here. It would be great if i did get accepted.
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting):
I am a great shooter with a sniper if someone needed to go... or lets say "Night Night". I am also getting rather good at picklocking. My skill is 7/8. This could come in useful for alot of things. Maybe one of us get stuck in a house or we need something in a house. All request's made be anyone in the org will have max effort put into it from me. I always put my effort into everything i do if its a life and death situation, i choose my family/organation. I am one of you, you are one of me, we are together!
What other organizations have you been in?: The Montreal and Men in Blood. These organations have both been disbanded recently.
What firearms level are you?: 22. I will try to update this every now and then, as im always working on my firearms level to get better.
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Reaction score
  • Steam name:Bilal
    Age: 14
    Country:United kindom
    Are you active enough?: Normaly Yes on almost all day.
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90276041

    IC Information
    In-Game name: Bilal Tomsen
    Age: 14
    Any cars you have: no but i will buy 1
    Are you VIP?: Yes
    What would you bring to this Family?: Loyalty. and i will bring my best
    Why should we choose you?: You should choose me as i will be a general help for the family and i will die for the family
    What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I would say Shooting i'm decently good with m4a1 and Beretta this would possibly help the family when raiding.
    What other organizations have you been in?: German mafia
    What firearms level are you?:? 12 i will be better


Reaction score
Middle East
OOC Information
Steam name:[PH] Assar
Age: 13
Country: Egypt
Are you active enough?: Ofcourse
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:54631005

IC Information
In-Game name: James Bird
Age: 21
Any cars you have: Volkswagen Bettle (Not sure how to spell it)
Are you VIP?: Yes, 3 more months
What would you bring to this Family?:
  • The sexy arabic language
  • Alot of raid, assaination plans
  • More banter
  • And friendly person
Why should we choose you?: Because i am really wise and a very kind person and friendly and if you dont i will.... Nothing
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I can be a very good leader due to my experince with alot of strategic games and i also have really good aim which is always nice :)
What other organizations have you been in?:The belinsky Family
What firearms level are you?:(This is embarrassing) 1
Reaction score
Eastleigh, Hampshire, England
Steam name: Kermit the Thug
Age: 15
Country: England
Are you active enough?: Yes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45183720

IC Information
In-Game name: David Ryder
Age: 26
Any cars you have: Chevrolet Spark
Are you VIP?: No
What would you bring to this Family?: I think I bring the ability to do almost anything to help or please the family. I am training myself as being a lock-picker by breaking into cars and homes, and I can also escape police quickly and efficiently by out-witting them.
Why should we choose you?: I think you should chose me because I will be loyal, I am respectful and I will do what ever is necessary in any given situation.
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Lockpicking, Crafting basic supplies (Lockpicks, drugs etc), escaping.
What other organizations have you been in?: This would be my first.
What firearms level are you?:? 14
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Reaction score
Steam name: Shokron13
Age: 13
Country: isreal
Are you active enough?: Yes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96586872

IC Information
In-Game name: Lamar Clark
Age: 21
Any cars you have: Volvo turbo
Are you VIP?: yes
What would you bring to this Family?: I think i bring the family my shotguns skills and ill try to help if i can
Why should we choose you?: im loyal and ill do what ever needed to do in a situasion.
What are you specialties? im good at shotguns and lockpicking
What other organizations have you been in?: my first org
What firearms level are you?:
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Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name: Imnius
Age: 14
Country: Norway
Are you active enough?: Yes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51860036

IC Information
In-Game name: Richard Gootenberg
Age: 21
Any cars you have: none
Are you VIP?: nop
What would you bring to this Family?: I will bring defence in raids, help in raid and grow drugs
Why should we choose you?: I can do whatever you want me to do really. help with mugs, bank robberies and yeah... anything
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I am not a leader type of guy, but i would say i am pretty good at shooting.
What other organizations have you been in?: Royal British Mafia
What firearms level are you?: 3 (not focusing that much on it, might in the future)
Reaction score
OOC Information
Steam name: Deadnoise12
Age: 18
Country: France
Are you active enough?: Yes (if i have free time between 9 to 12 / 13 to 18, and if im not at high school)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71254187 (if its wrong then im sorry)

IC Information
In-Game name: Alex Browns
Age: 29
Any cars you have: Ford Tansit, im saving money or a other car.
Are you VIP?: no, sorry
What would you bring to this Family?: I offer my support by helping the organization, from doing simple task to assisting an raid.
Why should we choose you?: I am loyal, helpfull and respectfull, i will do what ive been told to. no questions ask.
What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): Im good at making drugs, im good at planning/assisting an attack, i can transport goods if needs to, i can keep a lookout.
What other organizations have you been in?: The good fellas (there disbanded)
What firearms level are you?:?
4, I know its not great, ive been looking for an org to level up.
Reaction score
  • OOC Information
    Steam name:
    Age: 21
    Country: Sweden
    Are you active enough?: Yes
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6003044

    IC Information
    In-Game name:
    Ingvar Karlsson
    Age: 55
    Any cars you have: Volov 240 turbo
    Are you VIP?: No
    What would you bring to this Family?: I can offer manpower and help the Family with protection such as defence from the police and other orgs that would try to raid you. I would help you during raids as well.
    Why should we choose you?: Because I would help the Family in bank robberys and offer the family my life in protection.
    What are you specialties? (Leadership, Crafting, Shooting): I'm a good at shooting and I'm trying to lvl up my crafting so I can craft weapons for the Family.
    What other organizations have you been in?: The men in blood.
    What firearms level are you?: 6
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