Armour upgrade for large cars

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Description of the idea:
The ability for civilians to “armour plate” their vans, SUV’s, and certain muscle / large cars.

Armour plating a car will give the following benefits:
- High resistance against pistol rounds up to .50AE
- Moderate resistance to rifle caliber firearms up to 7.62x39mm (sako, AK47)
-Not much, but fair resistance against 7.62x51mm (g3a3, SR25, etc.)

At the cost of:
- Inability to upgrade its speed twice ( also the removal of a speed upgrade if it’s already double upgraded)
- %175 higher repair price at the NPC
- Roadcrew cannot repair it beyond 25% HP
- %175 price increase of a tier 1 and 2 wreck
- Higher damage taken from collisions
- Tires remain poppable.
- %25 increase in fuel consumption

Examples of vehicles that should accept the armour upgrade should be:
-Chrysler 300C
- GMC vandura
- Ford transit
- Hummer H1
- Range rovers (both versions)
- Jeep wrangler
- Jeep grand cherokee
- Cadillac Escalade

Some More notes for this feature:
- It will cost a significant amount of cash to upgrade a vehicle into an armoured vehicle for balancing reasons (maybe 750k+ as a base price for the 120k vans, price going up depending on the base cost of the vehicle)
- It won’t be SWAT van level armour, an Armoured vehicle will withstand at least 25 shots from an AK47.
- Armoured vehicles will be no easier to steal than a regular one.

Alternative idea:
You could purchase an armour upgrade for a car and it will last for as long as the cars HP isn’t depleted. Once the HP is depleted, it will just be a normal car. If this idea is implemented then the nerfs and costs should be reduced. If this idea is accepted also, then the car should not be repairable beyond its normal, unarmoured HP.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- modern day mafia RP as big name triad and syndicate members often drive in armoured vehicles IRL.
- A balancing factor against the SWAT van to a degree as civilians will have a vehicle that will take a whole M4 mag to disable at 100HP.
- Something to grind for.
- People might actually have a reason to not sit in supercars 24/7 and use vehicles like hummers. As it stands there’s no real benefit to using a hummer.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- people not following gunpoint by jumping into the armoured car under gunpoint.
- potential abuse with 3rd person. Maybe 3rd person could be disabled?
- players driving over people under gunpoint because they’re in an armoured car
- Further invalidation of pistol cops​
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- Further invalidation of pistol cops
Like you said, as long as the tires remain poppable, pistol cops wouldn't be invalid. We have spikestrips. Also, our SOPs says to aim for the tyres anyways...

As long as the Cons are fixed via rule adjustments or other measures, and the armoured vehicles are slower then there original counterparts, then it's totally a good idea!

As long as those above two points are kept in mind in developing, it has my +Support
SOP States to Aim for the tyres unless the threat is sustainable. I.E They are armed and have shot police during a flank/raid etc.
Why do I feel cars will just end up like these
Well the suggestion is for armour plating, similar to vehicles like this:

Not ISIS suicide bomber vehicles. This will essentially be the opposite to a suicide bomber vehicle.
As sorts, the Gta 5 armoured ceo limo, without the mingun on top. I see what you mean.
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