Avenging your own death: Should you be allowed?

Pick the option that most reflects your view:

  • "It is absolutely fine to kill someone for killing you in your past life if you find out IC"

  • "It is not okay, as the killer should not have trouble with you regarding killing you"


  • "I feel as though you should clarify this post, I am unable to understand your point"

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Basically, we're going to be touching on an issue here that affects everyone, but its also something we all love doing: Personal Vandetta Killings.

The majority of gang shootings on PERP go like this:

>Player "Fort Nite" gets killed by player "Big Hitler"
>Player "Mine craft" and player "Toby Carvery" witness "fort nite" die, and is in there org
>Fort nite's orgmates are too much of a pussy to try killing big Hitler on the crime scene.
> Fort nite respawns, says in org chat "Heyo whats up wheres my brothers gun" or "heyo lads anything happen in the past 5 minutes like an org mate being killed"
> Toby Carvery replies saying "Yeah big hitler killed ur brother who has the same name and is completely identical to you nd stole your PPK"
> Fort Nite replies "Ok KOS in 5 minutes because aliens say I must wait"
> 5 minutes have passed, and Fort Nite tracks down and kills Big Hitler at the suburbs fredys to avenge his "brother"
> Big Hitler is unable to seek justice as no rule was actually broken.

In my opinion, how this should play out:

> Fort Nite dies to Big Hitler
> Mine Craft and Toby Carvery either kill big hitler on scene or later on, Fort Nite is not getting involved due to him being the victim and not some made up paradoxial sibling of the same name, possessions and identity.
> Big Hitler's orgmates pursue his killer(s), Big Hitler does not, but is ready to help his friends out if they get into any trouble regarding the killing.

As far as I can see it, it's fair and just for whoever you killed's friends to come after you, but having the exact person you killed seek out solo revenge after begging there mates over steam to tell them who killed them so they can kill them after NLR expires is pointless.

What you need to consider is:

-In RP sense, this person who murdered you in your last life did NOTHING to you in your new life.
-Having the person you killed come up to you and kill you is some freaky paradoxial shit.
-If your mates haven't already at least tried to avenge you by taking the life of your killer or getting him arrested, then you need new friends.

People only seek out to avenge there own death for 1 reason: Revenge. I know for a fact that killing someone who killed you in your previous life gives you a personal sense of justice and makes you feel like you have achieved Retribution over the killer, But at the same time, I wonder why doing something like this is even allowed. Is it Roleplay? Does your character have a reason to kill this person?

- If you kill someone, then that should be the last time you encounter that person being involved in the current RP situation at hand.
- If your orgmates know your killer but wont kill them, you need a new org.
- If someone dies to you because they were doing something stupid and inconveniencing you in-character, then uses new life information to kill you, then the person you killed is most likely toxic to an extent.
- If someone kills you and you are positive that you did not deserve it, we have an F6 function.
- attempting to kill someone who killed you in your previous life has no in-character benefits and the only thing you gain is an out of character sense of retribution.

The whole point of killing someone on PERP is so you dont have any trouble with said person anymore, but if that person acts upon information given by friends, then the person is allowed to carry out his own revenge killing despite not actually avenging anyone but someone from his past life he never met.

I mean, this might come across as a jumbled brainstorm to you, but I will be editing this post to clarify and structure more points should criticism of such a matter arise.
Well, as its Serious-RP server it shouldn't be allowed to avenge your own death as its possible because of the NLR, but in the other hand, I think its ok to avenge your own death to bring fun or to keep things going.
A is friends with C
B is friends with D

> A gets killed by B
> C witnesses this and after A respawns, C lets him know. A seeks revenge.
> A kills B
> D witnesses this and after B respawns, D lets him know. B seeks revenge.
> B kills A
> C witnesses this and after A respawns, C lets him know. A seeks revenge.
> A kills B
> D witnesses this and after B respawns, D lets him know. B seeks revenge.
>B kills A

clarifying for people who vote the first option, because that's basically what you vote for
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Meh no you shouldn't be able to aveng your own death. Let ur friends do that for you or why you even call them friends when they too much of a pussy.

In the past it happend that people avenged their own death and after my ass quitted and i came back the rules must changed and i once avenged my own death after bob bobov told me that a guy killed my "brother" so my ass went on a solo revenge and killed him. My dumbass almost got banned but from what i know the admin said

Your friends allowed to tell you that ur "brother" got killed and YOU are allowed to ASSIST ur FRIENDS but YOU are not ALLOWED TO KILL HIM the friend musts do it but you are allowed to be the getaway driver or something like that you just not allowed to kill or. When the killed is in bazaars the friend is allowed to GP him into a shop and you are allowed to GP ur killer to incase someone tries to help the killer ur allowed to shoot etc. Or when cops get involved. At the end ur not allowed to be the killer of ur killer :)
Wtf you mean there is 40 players
there used to be a time where you would have to attempt to connect to the server for 2 hours sometimes because the server was so full all the time, it even went to a point when slots were increased some 10 or 15 more spaces so people would stop bitching, and even then that barely fixed the problem. The server is barely ever over 60 at best these days.
there used to be a time where you would have to attempt to connect to the server for 2 hours sometimes because the server was so full all the time, it even went to a point when slots were increased some 10 or 15 more spaces so people would stop bitching, and even then that barely fixed the problem. The server is barely ever over 60 at best these days.
barely at 40
You guys seem to forget 60 players used to be the old player limit, the server works fine with 60.

Also please stop making everything about the server dying.
You guys seem to forget 60 players used to be the old player limit, the server works fine with 60.

Also please stop making everything about the server dying.
server is dying cuz cops
Well i like it with 40 People or 50 people it aint a problem. Perpheads still active a bit maybe the activity increased but its atleast still active a bit.

Server isnt "dead" yet but what i just said prevously this means player count going down. Yet its time to do something to get back to full server. But yall stop saying its dead dead dead instead talk about how to fucking change something and if they dont wanna change shit then fucking boycott the server by not joining anymore and when the player counts from 40 to 10 or 20 goes down. The owners ARE or let me say HAVE TO listen to the community because at this point the community is boycotting the gamemode.

Fucking hell get creative and discuss how to save this damn game. If you want whitelist removed then spamm tickets or boycott the PD just dont go on duty or resign from ur slot so when there is almsot none whitelisted or low people the PLPD gets heavly inactiv because those low people cant play the game 24/7 wich means that whitelist gets removed boooooom job finished.

This may sound easy but i know its hard way but if you like this game and want it to survive then we are forced to go the hard way. If the owners make us go the hard way then we go the fucking hard way.