Server Suggestion Balance & Quality of Life suggestions

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Suggestion Title: Balance & Quality of Life suggestions
Suggestion Description: Been actively putting good hours on this server and I can see a few things that would make new player's life a bit easier and not only.

- Would love to see Coke get a bit more love as the process of making it is quite timely and costly, from the constant attention while drying it in batches to the high cost of maintaing with the ingredients and propane tanks (if u want things to move faster) costs add up per batch and time too, I did a quick analysis side by side with weed and weed is more cost efficient and u can make 4 batches in the same you can make 2 batches of coke and the difference in money is maybe 10-20k at most in favor of coke, not counting in the hassle and also the costs of ingredients, so that brings it down even more.
- Would be great if there would exist some kind of monitoring system built in with hidden camera that players can install (which would be bought or crafted with the help of the Electronics Store). And have a computer monitor that you can see up to 4 installed cameras on it
- In the crafting section (F1>Mixture) It would also be great if there would be a sort menu, to be able to sort by ascending or descending the level required to craft. That would be helpful so we have a clear path and ideea of what we need to craft to level up our skills without scrolling through the alphabetically aranged items in order to find whats closest to our level.
- It would be great to also have more jobs in the game, I feel there's a missed opportunity with all the jobs that could make the city feel more alive.
- Bikes/bycicles would be a great addition for those that wanna filter trafic and maybe save money from gas while starting up, it would be a nice additional option for a new player to save some money at first and would add diversity. Ofc the bycicles would lose the trunk benefit, but instead will be affordable, easier to maneuver through traffic and would be great for small trips.
- Apartment buildings have switchable on/off lights in each room. This way raids can be more intense and dynamic and also add another useful use for carrying the flashlight with you as for now it's not that useful. This change of environment can make a room dark if the windows are covered and also have to make the raiders more aware of their surroundings and their approach if someone turns off the light.

Why should this be added?:
- To increase diversity
- Easier navigation through the crafting menu
- Get rid of traffic at peak hours
- Balance the drug economy
- More immersive

What negatives could this have?:
- I'll let you guys come with suggestions and feedback about the negative impact of these implementations as I don't see any in the long run.
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Suggestion Title: Balance & Quality of Life suggestions
Suggestion Description: Been actively putting good hours on this server and I can see a few things that would make new player's life a bit easier and not only.

- Would love to see Coke get a bit more love as the process of making it is quite timely and costly, from the constant attention while drying it in batches to the high cost of maintaing with the ingredients and propane tanks (if u want things to move faster) costs add up per batch and time too, I did a quick analysis side by side with weed and weed is more cost efficient and u can make 4 batches in the same you can make 2 batches of coke and the difference in money is maybe 10-20k at most in favor of coke, not counting in the hassle and also the costs of ingredients, so that brings it down even more.
- Would be great if there would exist some kind of monitoring system built in with hidden camera that players can install (which would be bought or crafted with the help of the Electronics Store). And have a computer monitor that you can see up to 4 installed cameras on it
- In the crafting section (F1>Mixture) It would also be great if there would be a sort menu, to be able to sort by ascending or descending the level required to craft. That would be helpful so we have a clear path and ideea of what we need to craft to level up our skills without scrolling through the alphabetically aranged items in order to find whats closest to our level.
- It would be great to also have more jobs in the game, I feel there's a missed opportunity with all the jobs that could make the city feel more alive.
- Bikes/bycicles would be a great addition for those that wanna filter trafic and maybe save money from gas while starting up, it would be a nice additional option for a new player to save some money at first and would add diversity. Ofc the bycicles would lose the trunk benefit, but instead will be affordable, easier to maneuver through traffic and would be great for small trips.
- Apartment buildings have switchable on/off lights in each room. This way raids can be more intense and dynamic and also add another useful use for carrying the flashlight with you as for now it's not that useful. This change of environment can make a room dark if the windows are covered and also have to make the raiders more aware of their surroundings and their approach if someone turns off the light.

Why should this be added?:
- To increase diversity
- Easier navigation through the crafting menu
- Get rid of traffic at peak hours
- Balance the drug economy
- More immersive

What negatives could this have?:
- I'll let you guys come with suggestions and feedback about the negative impact of these implementations as I don't see any in the long run.
I cant speak on the coke idea simply because I can not stay focused enough to even try to do drugs and its just boring to me lol.
I understand your suggestion but im going to link this for the meantime to help you until maybe this is implemented
Do you have an IDEA of what jobs that could be added to the game? I was thinking maybe a trash job, city worker.
Good idea but bikes are one of those things that are pretty hard to get in GMOD to work and with the highways it would be really difficult to not just constantly kill them.
I like the idea its pretty cool but not sure how or if this would be possible
These are all suggestions that should have their own suggestion thread made for them, not throw them all into one.

- Would love to see Coke get a bit more love as the process of making it is quite timely and costly,
Drugs shouldn't become easier and Coke is plenty enough to make money. You don't need to dry with propane and can keep up with new batches everytime you dry and grow a new batch, if you're doing meth you're also better off doing Weed on the side.
- Would be great if there would exist some kind of monitoring system built in with hidden camera that players can install (which would be bought or crafted with the help of the Electronics Store). And have a computer monitor that you can see up to 4 installed cameras on it
This would give defenders an even bigger advantage and raiding wouldn't be fun what so ever. They know where to push and pre-fire, information is key.
- In the crafting section (F1>Mixture) It would also be great if there would be a sort menu, to be able to sort by ascending or descending the level required to craft. That would be helpful so we have a clear path and ideea of what we need to craft to level up our skills without scrolling through the alphabetically aranged items in order to find whats closest to our level.
Fair idea. Could also make it so you can lock/hide items you currently can't craft to make it easier to see what you have even unlocked for your current genes and skills.
- It would be great to also have more jobs in the game, I feel there's a missed opportunity with all the jobs that could make the city feel more alive.
Any suggestions?
- Bikes/bycicles would be a great addition for those that wanna filter trafic and maybe save money from gas while starting up, it would be a nice additional option for a new player to save some money at first and would add diversity. Ofc the bycicles would lose the trunk benefit, but instead will be affordable, easier to maneuver through traffic and would be great for small trips.
The Porsche Tri-Cycle has shown us how horrible bikes and bicycles would be. They have wonky physics and do not work with the gamemode at all, seeing how its only used to troll around.
- Apartment buildings have switchable on/off lights in each room. This way raids can be more intense and dynamic and also add another useful use for carrying the flashlight with you as for now it's not that useful. This change of environment can make a room dark if the windows are covered and also have to make the raiders more aware of their surroundings and their approach if someone turns off the light.
Again, another advantage for defenders. Evocity had lights you could turn off but people prop blocked these lights so you couldn't turn them back on again. Wasn't fun to deal with and just became a game of pre-fire into the dark and hope not to die.
Thank you for taking the time to provide suggestions. A few of them have already been explored previously and at least one is being actively worked on as far as I know, namely:

- Would be great if there would exist some kind of monitoring system built in with hidden camera that players can install (which would be bought or crafted with the help of the Electronics Store). And have a computer monitor that you can see up to 4 installed cameras on it
A similar suggestion has already been denied, which can be found by clicking here.

- It would be great to also have more jobs in the game, I feel there's a missed opportunity with all the jobs that could make the city feel more alive.
This is already being actively worked on by @StephenPuffs and any development on this specific topic can be found on his forums profile. I would PM him or contribute to the threads on his profile if you have any specific ideas you'd like to contribute.

- Bikes/bycicles would be a great addition for those that wanna filter trafic and maybe save money from gas while starting up, it would be a nice additional option for a new player to save some money at first and would add diversity. Ofc the bycicles would lose the trunk benefit, but instead will be affordable, easier to maneuver through traffic and would be great for small trips.
This has been suggested numerous times over the years and has always been denied. The main arguments against this have been a) finding decent models that would fit in well alongside our existing models and b) how physics and player interaction would work within the limitations of the game itself.

- Apartment buildings have switchable on/off lights in each room. This way raids can be more intense and dynamic and also add another useful use for carrying the flashlight with you as for now it's not that useful. This change of environment can make a room dark if the windows are covered and also have to make the raiders more aware of their surroundings and their approach if someone turns off the light.
A similar suggestion has already been denied, which can be found by clicking here.
- Would love to see Coke get a bit more love as the process of making it is quite timely and costly, from the constant attention while drying it in batches to the high cost of maintaing with the ingredients and propane tanks (if u want things to move faster) costs add up per batch and time too, I did a quick analysis side by side with weed and weed is more cost efficient and u can make 4 batches in the same you can make 2 batches of coke and the difference in money is maybe 10-20k at most in favor of coke, not counting in the hassle and also the costs of ingredients, so that brings it down even more.
As someone who has done a lot of this while crafting, Cocaine is fair as it is. Currently as it stands, the META is Weed+Meth or simply Cocaine. Weed+Meth is more profitable, but Meth requires way more attention than Cocaine does. The drying of cocaine is fine, and you can easily keep up with the batch. If you can't dry the amount of leaves you get from 1 batch in 36 minutes, I have bad news..
Propane tanks aren't necessary at all. I only use them if I have to get it done quickly, if I am just chilling, watching youtube or crafting, I just do it without propane tanks and I still get it done before the next batch. The money difference depends a lot on the water settings you put on weed and cocaine leaves. If both settings are the same, the net profit for Cocaine is higher, even factoring Lye and Newspaper. 2-3 batches of pure cocaine sold can fund the Lye and Newspaper your next 50-60 batches.

- Would be great if there would exist some kind of monitoring system built in with hidden camera that players can install (which would be bought or crafted with the help of the Electronics Store). And have a computer monitor that you can see up to 4 installed cameras on it
As @Creepis said, Defenders don't need an even higher advantage.

- In the crafting section (F1>Mixture) It would also be great if there would be a sort menu, to be able to sort by ascending or descending the level required to craft. That would be helpful so we have a clear path and ideea of what we need to craft to level up our skills without scrolling through the alphabetically aranged items in order to find whats closest to our level.
There's already a search function. I guess for newer crafters, it could be useful to sort by level, so I actually like this idea.

- It would be great to also have more jobs in the game, I feel there's a missed opportunity with all the jobs that could make the city feel more alive.
Which jobs do you propose? Saying "More jobs" doesn't really mean much. There's been plenty of suggestions for other jobs, and no one has been able to provide a solid idea for which..

- Bikes/bycicles would be a great addition for those that wanna filter trafic and maybe save money from gas while starting up, it would be a nice additional option for a new player to save some money at first and would add diversity. Ofc the bycicles would lose the trunk benefit, but instead will be affordable, easier to maneuver through traffic and would be great for small trips.
2 reasons why this is a bad idea, the first one being (again, as Creepis said) wonky ass physics. Gmod just can't handle it, the Tri-cycle has proved that. The second reason is, this is a map that is designed for car usage. The only way (as of v5) the only way to get between districts is either Monorail or Highway. For obvious reason, you can't cycle on a highway, so this would already make bicycles mostly useless. Fitting them in would require a major map rework, and considering v6 is already planned out and in the making, I see this as just not that important of an idea.
If we're talking motorbikes, I think it could be cool, but physics still play a role.

- Apartment buildings have switchable on/off lights in each room.
God please no, I already have to squint my eyes when raiding at night against someone wearing all black clothes.

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