Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SIdd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Gucci Kid Official (Astral)
Your Roleplay Name: Roger Dolan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42397248

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.4 - User attempted to kill someone in front of a cop with a their vehicle because they were "stood on their 4 million dollar car". When questioned about it he lied about the situation attempting to say he was "parking his car better". // Extended for 1.1 in shoutbox, very salty actually

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello,

As somebody who has played this server daily, I can say this server is a good one. There are a set of rules to follow and are clearly understandable such as robbing locations and what not to do during certain situations but the rule I broke that got me in trouble this long was admin disrespect. As somebody who plays by the rules, avoids conflicts and does not want to get myself/any other person in trouble there was a situation where somebody was standing on my car. The reason I was flustered by this situation is because the police officer did not say anything to the suspect about standing on my car and sure I got frustrated. This never happened to me before and I never did any action like this (Running a player over on purpose). This resulted in a week ban which I extended to PERM by calling Sidd Twig Arms and Saying "I already beat the game, I have a buggati". If I knew this was going to result in a PERM ban and turned into 6 months, I wouldn't've have said anything like I never said anything about the other times something unfair happened to me. I do not know what else I can say as this was one situation out of 29 days of gameplay that seemed to be the turning point for a ban to be initiated this long on me. At the time I did not know the severity of what I did , as I was too upset about an admin going to an admin sit and saying "Nobody gives a Sh*t about your car" after he watched a person stand on it while calling me broke as I told him to get off my car. Sure I was upset but I still dont know why both that person was so hostile when I told him to get off my car and the officer simply did nothing about it. There were times if I stood on a car , cops told me to get off and I assumed to was for RP purposed in order to not break immersion. I worked hard for that car, I grind everyday on this server in order to achieve what I did and to be treated one way and then watching another person stand on my car and get special treatment from his cop friend was upsetting for me. That whole night was just filled with emotion as before I got banned I spent 10 years and got 10k fine for "Killing the person" I ran over but he never even died. After that the admin sat me down and the first thing that came out his mouth was a curse directed at me therefore I was upset and what I said on the forums aligned with how I was feeling at the time. I am sorry , I am sorry for embarrassing myself, I am sorry for being such a fool. I am sorry for anybody I hurt, I am sorry for all the people that were annoyed by me. I am sorry general, this server is my favorite one and I just cannot express how carefully I navigated in order to avoid trouble. All I wanted to do was see the Christmas map, I missed it last year and worked hard to get my car in order to celebrate Christmas with the people on the server. My intentions were not to be a troll on this server, I enjoy it. There are times I simply just spin the wheel and talk to some people and that turns any bad day into a good day for me. I am sorry once again, I do not wish to be that person that is a trouble maker or somebody on the naughty list. I just want to play and be friends with people.
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