Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Tyla Jai
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Years

Your Steam Name: Tonite
Your Roleplay Name: Wilbur Palin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:776124004

Why were you punished?: 1.1, 1.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 - The player has failed to improve since being placed on a Communication Ban, they have receive 14 blacklists, 5 warnings and 2 bans since receiving the communication ban, some of which involve their conduct. The player has failed to remain respectful in general conduct, and has repeatedly abused other chat functions to circumvent the blacklists received. The player also decided on 10th February 2024 they would call somebody out as an 11-year old followed by conditionally threatening them with rape using in-character chat. The player does not contribute anything of value to this community.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The actions I have committed were truly; disrespectful, rude and very mean and I now understand that my actions towards the community and the people that I have harassed and threatened were uncalled for and unnecessary . However , I have changed my behaviour In Game And Out of Character for the better. I have reflected from my negative actions, and became a more kind-hearted, thoughtful person and I am very sure that others that I have spoken too during the length of my ban would agree . I have done the best that I can to read through the rules and know when to draw the line. this will not happen again ever.

It has been over half a year since my ban and I would like to apologise to the members of staff and members of the community that I have continuously harassed and disrespected. I understand that my long list of blacklists and bans should've made me reconsider my actions, but I was having so much fun with my friends and org members. I have grown as a person since then and now know the major differences between right and wrong. I understand that I have given myself a bad reputation in the Perpheads community and I am ready to make a new name for my self and change the views of people who dislike me.

I loved playing this game during the holidays with my pals and I had only tried to make them laugh with my unfunny jokes. In real life with some friends you may know from Perpheads, I have completed my first set of mocks. this has taught me that the responsibilities I hold are no joke and to mature. I believe I have learnt my lesson and am finally ready to re-join the Perpheads Community and prove that I can have fun while being safe and respectful.

Additional Information: Again I am Incredibly Sorry and I will definitely never let this happen again. I also had recently stumbled upon some old videos of Perpheads and had reminded me how much fun I have had during the winter holidays. I am very sorry to the people I have insulted and made uncomfortable and especially the staff who have had to put up with my behaviour and lack of respect. I assure you I am no longer like that and I have learned to be a good sport. I do-not expect you to un-communication ban me, but I'll be immensely happy if I get to play on the server once more. Please consider my apology, I hope you can forgive me.

Could an moderator also please change my forums name from 'WifeBeater_911' to 'Tonite'
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