Ban Apology (curak)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: curak
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: Average GMod Enjoyer
Your Roleplay Name: LequishDashawn Tyler
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422171747

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.20 - MassRDM; player threw a nade at bazaar; killing three people and himself, then dced whilst unconcious.

Why should this appeal be considered?: My friends car was being broken into and I was going over there to check what was happening but I had no weapon or melee, only a grenade. My friend realised that his car was being broken into so after realising that he came over to his car. As soon as my friend entered his vehicle, 2 other people pulled up and started slashing his cars tires and when that happened I pulled out a grenade since it was the only weapon that i could use to defend my friend. I pulled the pin of the grenade, but then my friend accidentally drove into me knocking me over and I saw the grenade fall on the floor so I didn't know if it was armed or if it fell out of my hands because i got knocked over. As soon as i stood up the grenade detonated killing all 3 of them but also accidentally killing me because I had no time to run away since it exploded as soon as i stood up. I did not try killing myself ingame on purpouse and i am sorry for disconnecting right afterwards because I couldn't be bothered to play anymore since that just made me mad. I understand that i shouldn't have thrown a grenade since they were only trying to slash my friends tire and i was sorry, and still am at the moment. I will remember to not break any of the rules that i broke which got me banned next time and any other rules.

Additional Information: I want to start playing perpheads again, because there is no other games that i find fun anymore so im just hoping that something happens so i can start playing perp as soon as possible
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