Ban Apology (Enforcer Nate)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Enforcer Nate
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: HighCholesterol_Gaming
Your Roleplay Name: Matthew Adams
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:574053237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User detonated a bomb for little reason, causing the deaths of 8 uninvolved people.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I orginally had the explosive placed down to try and kill Farid as he has had some issue with knocking me out with my own car multiple times. I was aiming for him and was unaware of the radius of the explosion. When one of the bystanders picked up and the bomb and tried to show everyone I panicked and coudn't decide beetween blowing up the bomb or quickly running over and picking it up. As there was 2 cop in the general vacinity of the explosive, I knew I would most likley get caught either way. I should have just ran over to the bomb and quickly picked it up instead of blowing it up. I was originally gonna wait until most people backed up and it was just Farid and someone else in the cage but Jesse Durp Picked up the explosive and I panicked. I heavily regretted my decision of calling the number. I wasn’t sure if I was able to stop it once the number was called. I wasn’t trying to kill more people than the guy I was aiming for. I was actually planing on having as few casualties as possible. But I thought I fucked up as soon as I called the bomb. This was NOT on purpose. I don’t know who in their right mind would even consider blowing up the explosive with that many people close to it. But I guess I’m just a slow learning idiot. This is one of THE BEST serious rp servers and when one looks at my ban record they would think that I have no interest to rp but I do. I just don’t have the best self control. One of the reason I enjoy this server is there is a risk to everything you do. It keeps me on my toes and gives me something to look forward to when coming home from a long day.

Additional Information: Im not asking for my ban to be removed completly, just shortened IF my explantion seems reasonable enough. The reason I didn’t mention all of this while your were talking to me in game was because I was feeling extremely guilty and couldn’t get my words out.

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