Ban Apology (TinySlayer)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: TinySlayer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Skript
Your Roleplay Name: Dexter Akmed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160787951

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I'm not too sure, I assume cheating or being toxic.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I want to apologize for how I acted in perp. I was childish, ignorant of the rules and my behavior was seen as disgusting. I never should have considered cheats never mind play with them on perp. The numerous attempts at alting were a foolish attempt of having another go at perp, trying to take shortcuts however I was oblivious to the fact I should of went through the whole process, like many do and waiting the deserved time and longer to attempt an appeal. I am deeply sorry for the hassle I caused the staff and how I acted after being banned. I just want one last shot at perp, and I won
t waste this opportunity. Throughout the year and half of being banned I have reflected upon my actions and how I am as a person. I won't ever try anything as idiotic of what I did in the past again. I understand any harsh enforcement that may be placed if I am considered to be unbanned and given a final chance. I never should have acted like I did, and I can promise you it won't happen again. I thank you for your time upon reading my application, again I am sorry for how I was before and I really have changed and want to come back to perp to enjoy the moments, meet new people and to have fun again. Sorry Perp staff and players.

Additional Information: Could you please delete my previous communications ban as I forgot that I made a dispute about a year ago for it which got accepted. I am honestly not too sure how it works (If I get unbanned from the forums and game if the apology is accepted or either one but if I could chose preferably the game ban first thank you).
You are permanently banned for cheating. I highly recommend you edit your appeal to include acknowledgment and remorse for this.
I want to apologize for how I acted in perp. I was childish, ignorant of the rules and my behavior was seen as disgusting. I never should have considered cheats never mind play with them on perp, I understand the unfair advantage I would of been giving myself due to using cheats and I shall never do it again. It was a foolish act at trying to gain an advantage on legit people who don't deserving to be playing with cheaters. I now look back and question myself on why I ever decided to use them in the first place, it was my pure stupidity at the time of deciding to use them. I now deeply regret what I did an I apologize for how ignorant I was to use them. The numerous attempts at alting were a foolish attempt of having another go at perp, trying to take shortcuts however I was oblivious to the fact I should of went through the whole process, like many do and waiting the deserved time and longer to attempt an appeal. I am deeply sorry for the hassle I caused the staff and how I acted after being banned. I just want one last shot at perp, and I won't waste this opportunity. Throughout the year and half of being banned I have reflected upon my actions and how I am as a person. I won't ever try anything as idiotic of what I did in the past again. I understand any harsh enforcement that may be placed if I am considered to be unbanned and given a final chance. I never should have acted like I did, and I can promise you it won't happen again. I thank you for your time upon reading my application, again I am sorry for how I was before and I really have changed and want to come back to perp to enjoy the moments, meet new people and to have fun again. Sorry Perp staff and players.
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