Ban Dispute (benj)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: benj
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Willy Paolucci
Your Roleplay Name: willy paolucci
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104948855

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: wasnt even talked to just banned

Why should this appeal be considered?: i just got home from work, wtf even happened im in the dark i was good for days and now i get a random ban with no one talkin to me what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i just got home from work, wtf even happened im in the dark i was good for days and now i get a random ban with no one talkin to me what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additional Information: i just got home from work, wtf even happened im in the dark i was good for days and now i get a random ban with no one talkin to me what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Since this is an apology (albeit a pretty silly one), @Bnej will be the one to decide whether or not it’s accepted. However, your ban reason is:

“1.5,1.6: Was dishonest when confronted about a situation where he attempted to share minor real life information about another player, denying saying anything when contacted, but this was proven otherwise through a demo request.”
days later i get a random ban, not even talked to before ban and ill state it here i am do apologize for the actions that have lead me here ill grow from this and become better, i feel we can all act more mature in the future.
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i also just looked all through the website and forums i cant find a action request or a forum asking me to be banned so why was i banned and were is the evidence cause at this point it doesn't really seem like this a was a justified ban i could be wrong but i just dont see the evidence, its my right to at least see the evidence brought against me.

Based off of your replies, I have changed the details of your appeal into a dispute. You will also need to provide evidence to support your argument.
Why did you not reply to the forum DM sent to you?
i literally had a sit with a admin about this his ingame name war carlo or carlos you can check logs
didnt see it they dmed me on the game though f6, and i had a sit with them in discord few days go by then i get pulled by carlos or carlo thats his ingame name and gave me a verbal warining and i said ok and continued to play the game and ii get home from work so see a random ban???
It’s not random, you didn’t reply to the DM. You used the forums after it was sent.
didnt even see the dm but it didnt matter cause afthere the dm tthey pulled me in discord and everything was settled and then i get a bann out of nowhere
The DM was after the Discord conversation, not before

I’ve just been sent some conversations of you discussing people in the community.

You’re incredibly sexist and misogynistic. Your ban will be raised to 1 week. I suggest you think about how you would feel about someone talking about your mother or sister like that.

If you come back with this attitude then you will not be playing in future.
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