Ban Dispute (Kenty)

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Reaction score
slums 5
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Kenty
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: GainAxe
Your Roleplay Name: Louie Gonzalves
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226391237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User began countering a shootout over 2 empty shops while the original raiders were in a shootout with police, user risked their life without any significant benefit.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm sorry my pc crashed and my CPU overheated mid sit.

First of all I want to say that me and Elias had patrolled since the shootout started, and watched at a safe distance, that the shooters killed the last cop in the area, which was confirmed when I raided as no cops showed up.

I could at no point know the shops was empty as the person with the ak-47 went in and out like he harvested or check on drugs inside.

The thing I'm wondering over is this part "user risked their life without any significant benefit." As a bazaar shop gets raided should be any different from a normal apartment, as when you counter an apartment you don't know if there is drugs inside. Mainly when people counter is to get the guns right, and take over the raid.

I agree that the people who was raiding was killing cops but when they after the shootout with the cops decides to go back into the shop, the raid is still ongoing. When I get my demo you can also clearly see that me and Elias took out proportions and made sure that no-one else was there before countering.

From what I can understand the main problem is (since I got banned for 3.4) that we countered without any benefit. I can say that this is just as normal as a counter at slums, since we are countering not knowing if there is drugs inside, which again you normally don't know in a slums, regals etc. The whole idea of countering is to get the ability overtake the raid, which we in this case did. As we can go into the shootout without getting shot we cant officially know if any drugs is inside.

If you would be so nice to provide me with the demo name I would gladly go in and capture the moment and the patrol before so you can see that we checked if all cops were dead, and that a guy went in the shop.

(also no hate, but I find it a bit strange that when multiple other moderators are on, Kenty decides to instant take the report, and as he is in NWA I believe that that shouldn't be a thing, as he obviously don't want them to lose, as they are in org, but again no hate, or anything like that. Just a little site note)

When i look at my record the last ban I got for 3.4 was jan 28th, and as I will say that this is a situation that relies on POV, I think its a bit harsh ban to give me, I know my record is absolute shit with 3.4, but its nearly 3 months since my last infraction and it is an easily misunderstood situation. So even if I could say that I broke the rules here (which I don't, don't get me wrong), I would say its a harsh punishment for this type of situation.

Additional Information: Would like the name of the demo please! so I can provide more evidence,
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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Kenty
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: GainAxe
Your Roleplay Name: Louie Gonzalves
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226391237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User began countering a shootout over 2 empty shops while the original raiders were in a shootout with police, user risked their life without any significant benefit.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm sorry my pc crashed and my CPU overheated mid sit.

First of all I want to say that me and Elias had patrolled since the shootout started, and watched at a safe distance, that the shooters killed the last cop in the area, which was confirmed when I raided as no cops showed up.

I could at no point know the shops was empty as the person with the ak-47 went in and out like he harvested or check on drugs inside.

The thing I'm wondering over is this part "user risked their life without any significant benefit." As a bazaar shop gets raided should be any different from a normal apartment, as when you counter an apartment you don't know if there is drugs inside. Mainly when people counter is to get the guns right, and take over the raid.

I agree that the people who was raiding was killing cops but when they after the shootout with the cops decides to go back into the shop, the raid is still ongoing. When I get my demo you can also clearly see that me and Elias took out proportions and made sure that no-one else was there before countering.

From what I can understand the main problem is (since I got banned for 3.4) that we countered without any benefit. I can say that this is just as normal as a counter at slums, since we are countering not knowing if there is drugs inside, which again you normally don't know in a slums, regals etc. The whole idea of countering is to get the ability overtake the raid, which we in this case did. As we can go into the shootout without getting shot we cant officially know if any drugs is inside.

If you would be so nice to provide me with the demo name I would gladly go in and capture the moment and the patrol before so you can see that we checked if all cops were dead, and that a guy went in the shop.

(also no hate, but I find it a bit strange that when multiple other moderators are on, Kenty decides to instant take the report, and as he is in NWA I believe that that shouldn't be a thing, as he obviously don't want them to lose, as they are in org, but again no hate, or anything like that. Just a little site note)

When i look at my record the last ban I got for 3.4 was jan 28th, and as I will say that this is a situation that relies on POV, I think its a bit harsh ban to give me, I know my record is absolute shit with 3.4, but its nearly 3 months since my last infraction and it is an easily misunderstood situation. So even if I could say that I broke the rules here (which I don't, don't get me wrong), I would say its a harsh punishment for this type of situation.

Additional Information: Would like the name of the demo please! so I can provide more evidence,
Here is the whole situation where I would say that me and Elias clears out everything we can without getting shot, I want to say that when I countered I didn't get shot by cops once, so the ones left wasn't responding.

Also, Kenty are you sure you weren't a part of the raid? in the start you are on TS with your friends when they raid.

For us to be able to take an even more detailed look into the situation we will need you to upload and link the following demo file:
perpheads_demo_2023-3-16 20-52-29

After reviewing the situation we have come to the conclusion that 3.4 would be a valid reason for your ban. By the time you initiate the raid, there is still one officer left on scene that you could have spotted by investigating the area around the front bazaar parking lot, furthermore, you often place yourself too close to the shootout you are not initially part of. Even though you are looking to counter the raid you will need to keep yourself at a safe distance away from the shootout and do everything in your power not to put yourself in a situation where you would be close enough to risk getting shot intentionally or accidentally by either raiders or police officers.

We have updated the reasoning of your ban to fit the description of your action during the situation a little better, the new reasoning for your ban will be "3.4 - The player failed to research if all the cops were dead before initiating a counter-raid where the original raiders were still in a shootout with police, the player was also loitering putting himself dangerously close to the shootout."

Reviewed with @A1L, @3izu and @Sindarin
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