Ban Dispute (ODDY)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ODDY
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: JAMY2347
Your Roleplay Name: Jamez Diaz
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:594049314 STEAM_0:1:515579650

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Kidnapped and disarmed a police officer in public, over a minor traffic stop

Why should this appeal be considered?: We had no idea it was a minor traffic stop the admin has took the policeman's POV in this and has never took our views into account respectively. we had guns on us and both of us thought we also had drugs and I also thought I would've had a warrant for something I had done prior to this interaction. during this interaction we shit our selves and panicked so I said we will have to defend ourselves to our mate we meant this with FULL RP so we hopped out and GPD the officer thinking if we roleplayed this out it would be fine the officer had heard me say we were going mug him which is correct but I thought to get a police radio u had to zip tie and then search indeed u do not then I proceeded to do a /ME ACTION and then I took his radio and we escorted him into managers office (we had no clue NPCS could be witnesses) left him and walked out and drove off police arrived 10 secs later and he was later freed. by not killing him he could've then put a warrant on us as he would've had my number plate from the traffic stop, then could've come and arrested us for what we had done (All within an RP situation). we meant this interaction with full intent to RP and also this interaction lasted no longer than 6 minutes of his time he is claiming we negatively affected his RP experience therefore leading to this whole situation. we were then sat in a admin sit for 30 plus minutes which surely affected his experience more?. And as I have also said before the admin had no empathy for our side of this whole interaction and I even had a nice chat with him just before I got banned trying to justify that this ban isn't worth 2 weeks of our time at all and after taking a closer look at ODDY'S previous admin settlements and other players on this server have committed pretty much the same infraction we have but also in a way slightly worse than ours, saying this I will provide 3 images of ODDY'S previous settlements that are extremely similar to ours BUT with way less punishment (and I mean way less). Seeing this has made me thing that an admin has took this report completely one sided and has actually lied to our faces by saying this deserves 2 weeks I see this as extreme bias (my opinion). Especially after seeing his other cases in this similar scenario.

I also think our playtime should also be taken into account here as it is clear we are here to RP and not just waste any of your staffs time by messing around on the server.

Thank you for your time


Additional Information:
Reaction score

Can you be more specific about this? what have you done that would make you think you were wanted?
We had attempted to raid Regals 3 (we are in 4) we failed the raid and injured 3 of them then they wanted a get back and raided us ended up in there being 3+ kills on me and my friends behalf the police turned up but we had never told them it was in defence
Reaction score
The Eras Tour

We had attempted to raid Regals 3 (we are in 4) we failed the raid and injured 3 of them then they wanted a get back and raided us ended up in there being 3+ kills on me and my friends behalf the police turned up but we had never told them it was in defence

Times will be in BST+1

You gunpointed the police officer at 04:17:43

You caused someone to bleed in regals at 03:02:31 and died at 03:30:41 (almost 1h before the incident with the officer)

You died near the bank at 03:56:25 (over 30min before the incident with the officer)

When you die, New Life Rule applies to you. Meaning that all of your actions / warrants from a previous life are no longer in effect.

As for the other reasons you provided, they don't justify your actions as you can see your inventory and see you don't have any drugs on you...

After scraping logs, I don't see any reason why you would think you were wanted by the police for a major crime. Therefore, the ban is valid as you should not gunpoint police officer's over a minor sentence.

This being said, if you believe that the length of your ban is unfair, you will have to make a Staff Complaint on @Oddy using this link:

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