Ban Dispute (Tymoon)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Juzz
Your Roleplay Name: Kevin Jakobsen
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:63148949

Why were you punished?: 2.5,3.4 -user kept punching another user and pulled a knife at last resulting in his death // banned for enforcer Tymon

Why should this appeal be considered?: The dude who was claiming i kept punching him, paid people to punch him at bazar, the dude was bored and i was clearly just doing it for the money, i got banned by an enforcer that only has been on the job for 2 days, he even told me he didnt really know what to do and he is a new staff member, i told the staff member that the dude who was paying people wasnt here to roleplay since he was just paying random people to beat him up for clearly no reason. The dude that was paying people, threatned me and said if i punched him again, i would regret it, so i dont see his intentions why he is here to do this shit and get other people banned for dumb shit that he wants. The dude i was punching killed me because i had a knife in my hand, i didnt threatn him or make him bleed or didnt even try to kill him, but when he draw out his machinegun to kill me after i had my knife in my hand he shot me on sight.

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@Juzz is this an apology or a dispute?
Dispute i guess, i dont really see the reason i get banned for shit he did, he wanted drama, he got it and got me banned, he used a gun even though i didnt make him bleed, if he just didnt pay people at bazar to punch him this would not have happened
And I clearly was punching the dude first when he was paying 5000 dollars, he just didnt see. Then he accused me for lying, if he just didnt pay for punching, and didnt escalate this by drawing guns, and if he didnt continue to get between me and Ivy's fun fight we had together, then all of this would not have happened.
He clearly broke 3.4 by making us beat him up and he didnt fear for his life, he draw a gun when he saw my knife and toke actions to kill me even though i was not hitting him, i was just throwing cuts in the air, but when he shot me i felt like this was all out of roleplay on his side, clearly no intentions to roleplay with the people on the server, he was only here to get some actions and drama that he could make by putting money on the line, if he just walked away and didnt pay people, then i would not have been banned, i was clearly just checking out bazar just when i woke up, and i met this dude who was paying people to beat him up, i cant see why its my fault for beating him
If you guys get me in the server again, i will clearly leave that kid alone, he is crasy and not here to roleplay, i got stuff to do in the server that is more important than him
Hello @Juzz

This is the most brain rot video I have ever seen in my life, however, from what I can digest, can you please answer the following questions:

1) Why did you punch the player after he dropped the $5000? You said that you didn't get the money but in the video you clearly did
2) Why are you randomly pulling your knife out and hitting it in the middle of the bazaar?
3) The user at the end warned you NOT to punch him again, however, you still did it despite him bleeding and then pulling a knife out. Is there any specific reason why?
1, he accused me of lying, so i got mad.
2, i was just showing off my knife, like everyone else is doing with the guns
3, i didnt think he was gonna kill me, i draw my knife just to show him that i was armed and he should not try to do stupid shit
Just wanna say, the kid made a report on me for rdming him even though he was going around and asking people to beat him for money, I drew my knife while he drew his gun at the same time, apperently. All of this should not have happened, its the same with people beating up eachother at bazar in a circle and cops come, its not really realistic to beat eachother up at a public place where everyone can see u.

I know i should just have eating my breakfast and gone the other way since i am clearly not good with kids, they offer money and I join in with both my legs like a idiot and things escalate to him reporting me for beating him up, because he said i was lying, then Ivy came and had some fun aswell, doing the same shit i did, but i know her and its okay for me to get a little punch here and there, happens everyday for people. Its just the common sense and humor we all got in the server.
I just wanna say, the other dude who actually made him bleed, didnt get shot or killed i guess, the kid just ignored the other dude, who was trying to punch him all the time, i dont really see how all of this is fair on both sides, like the kid should not have been asking for punching, i should not have drawn my knife, cus the kid got afraid i guess and shot me, and the other dude who was beating the dude and made him bleed, should not have punched him randomly aswell. All of this is a messup

After reviewing this, the staff team responsible for making the decision of this dispute has ruled to deny it on the common consensus that you were at Bazaar looking to start, simply put... shit.

Whilst we typically discourage fights in public areas as those often eventually lead to shootouts, we especially do not allow those were players intentionally try to antagonize other players to try to get them to a state where they're forced to fight back, when they originally wanted to avoid it - which the player clearly told you.

You went around Bazaar brandishing your knife, pointing it towards people, which would be the case of rule 3.4 - Putting your life at risk, as you're essentially threatening a group, now onto rule 2.5 - Excessive Negativity, trying to start a fight with them for no apparent reason.

i got banned by an enforcer that only has been on the job for 2 days, he even told me he didnt really know what to do and he is a new staff member
This is something that was not pointed out by other staff members, but I'll say it here. Our Enforcers are picked from players who have shown to be a positive influence on the community as well as possessing knowledge of the server to a higher degree than your average player.

Yes, they make mistakes, like all of us do. But I will not tolerate you publicly shaming another staff member, who volunteers to help everyone out by offering their time to deal with reports and you're lucky I did not push for an extension on your ban. You already have a communications ban, don't push for anything more than that and improve your toxic attitude.

Reviewed with @Megasaw @Scrabuz and others
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