Ban lengths

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Under Lewis088's bed
So, the main reason i will be talking about this today is to get the opinion of the rest of the server, I had decided to do this because of the recent bans by @DB 0.2 and @Jack Bushross I feel that 1 year is extremely excessive for a game, what hard did they really do? just didnt have to grind as long, it got me thinking about ban lengths in general, i think that there should be a max ban length of, 6 months? 3 months? i don't know, but i think that amount of time will really give people a chance to look back on what they did.

Why should it be shortened?

When players come back after a very lengthy ban, E.G 6 months, A year perp isn't the same, it drives them off making them not wan't to play killing the playerbase, lets face it a lot of the active community members are now banned, for long ass times (omegalolis being a big factor) What do you guys think of this?
In all seriousness, 1 year is a long time but in the past, people would get permabanned for stuff like this. When it comes to real money and real-life stuff its not surprising that people get such long bans.
Won't get long ban lengths if you just don't get banned.

Max ban lengths are already sort of there, but they are based on your rank in the staff team, so it's not like there is a hard limit, plus lengthier bans are usually discussed at staff meetings.

In my opinion, a max ban length of 3 months is ridiculous, and would instead result in more permanent bans happening. Repeat offenders and people breaking rules in more grotesque ways deserve a longer sentence.

Putting a 3 months or 6 months max won't really help. Yes, some people can change in a few months, as you mention yourself, but that is only a select few of people. Majority of people take time to change, not just 3 or 6 months, but in some cases it can be a year, or multiple.
There's been several times with people coming back from 6 months bans and, within just a few days, getting banned again. That is undisputable proof that people need time to change, so I don't think the argument of "people can change in a couple of months" is a valid argument for setting a max ban length.

When players come back after a very lengthy ban, E.G 6 months, A year perp isn't the same, it drives them off making them not wan't to play killing the playerbase, lets face it a lot of the active community members are now banned, for long ass times (omegalolis being a big factor) What do you guys think of this?
This, I hate this. This is a terrible argument. Rule-breakers getting banned is killing the server? Sure, but it's not like their rule-breaks are beneficial to the server either.
Trying to guilt-trip the staff team and the community into lowering ban lengths or even unbanning people is horrendous. If the server dies because rule-breakers are getting banned, then so be it. I genuinely don't want to play on a server with people breaking the rules whenever they like and however they want, simply because staff is being peer-pressured into unbanning them, in fear of the server dying if they don't.
As far as people coming back to see that PERP is different, I don't see any issues. PERP was going to change anyway, so if they don't like it now, I doubt they'd like it while it was changing.

As a final note, as far as people getting 1 year bans for exchanging in-game currency for real funds: They knew what they were doing. They knew it was against the rules. They've seen people getting banned for it recently. Despite that, to end up doing it as well? Fully deserved.
It is guilt-tripping, intentional or not. People always bring up the argument that the most active people are banned and they should have their ban lenghts lowered, or to reduce all non-cheating permanent bans, while claiming that the server is dying as a result of those people no longer being around.
Saying something along the lines of "lets face it a lot of the active community members are now banned, for long ass times" makes it sound like you're blaming the staff team for this, and it's their fault that the playerbase is diminishing, Instead of blaming said members for breaking the rules, you are putting them on a pedestal, and shoving the blame to the staff team. If this isn't considered as some form of guilt-tripping, I don't know what is.
It is slander to say that I am slandering you. /s
I wont go over whether the ban is justified or not but what is stuck on my mind is that in cases where roleplay is ruined, deliberately by people which ruins completely situations, these are generally really short bans. Yet for things the community isn't negatively affected by ban times are, sometimes, disproportionately long.

Proof me wrong if i am but how come some bans regarding behaviour the community has whined about for ages(Muh roleplay, Muh mingery attitudes) still get punished so softly when rules are deliberatly broken to ruin roleplay by people who have been here for a long while.

As an example, shooting officers as secret service, being a general twat and then leaving as soon as you die is a 5 day ban even with a bad record. Yet jay hatch gets a 2 week ban for bringing some fun to officers after being harrased to death by finlay for the 595th time. Like dude, a guy with THIS RECORD gets a 5 day ban even though he has been playing for 3 years where each of his ban has resulted in more cancer situations than jay hatch could ever cause in a lifetime!

Don't get me wrong, bans are obviously needed but i wish there was more distinction between bans for people who are breaking the rules and are directly annoying other people and their abilities to roleplay and just ruin it for themselves. If someone attracts police attention to themselves, and his risking his life and gets himself raided, i don't mind that shit. It's better than driving the 58th circle over the highway stuffing doughnuts in my mouth since i have nothing to fucking do. This encourages situations and interactions between the police and civilians and atleast keeps the server somewhat active.

Yeah, evading over a ticket is dumb. I thought this server was to emulate roleplay to an enjoyable extent. If everyone kindly stops when i try to pull them over, then i have no reason to play cop. That's boring as hell Ever watch police activity? Methheads evade for the dumbest fucking reasons and it's hilarious. If someone on perp evades over what could be a ticket, then tries to pull a gun and dies then he lost his gun and the police have had something to do. This shit happens in real life and isn't nessesarily mingy. I'm not saying that you should be allowed to pull a gun the second you get pulled over, but there needs to be a line in this. People evade all the time and get away ban free. Occasionally, a blue orb was the one persueing you and you get unlucky.

Like, i don't know how much alcohol must be travelling through your brain to think that it's wise to spend your shitty wage on buying perp money, but it's not directly affected me. Is it unfair? Probably. Just take the money off of them and give them a week ban or something. Being an active member of the community shouldn't be a reason to receive less harsh bans, but it for sure isn't helping playercount. I dont join the server unless there are 30+ players on, and the gametracker is getting awfully close to that line.

Each linked word, is an individual URL. Ignore the terrible spelling, i wrote this at 4am
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The mass unban was only done last time because there were hundreds of perma bans for shit like people jumping off of roofs in sits or punching people for no reason that had accumulated over the course of the servers at the time life span of 5 years. Having a “Mass unban“ anytime soon wouldn’t be massively Beneficial like it was beforehand due to there only being a few people who would be unbanned that met the unban criteria the last mass unban had hundreds of.
In most situations a staff member can reasonably believe that a rulebreak was at least partially accidental. This isn't the case for selling money. By doing so you've intentionally ignored the rules. The mental state required to sell money is exactly the same as that of a hacker. You don't want bans like this to be so long? Then tell people to take some personal responsibility and don't pull shit like this.
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Honestly, he's a great guy. I hardly play the server but Jack Bushross has really helped me out, gave me people to play with and taught me the server itself. I'm incredibly upset to see him banned, as I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to play now. Man just wanted to give back to the community, by helping out da homies with some irl guap.
I think in this particular case, its a bit whack, especially when people get banned for shorter periods of time, for far more serious offences. Somethings off.