Ban lengths

It’s nice that the server isn’t P2W but buying cash/items for irl money ruins that uniqueness you don’t often see from Garrys Mod communities. Plus it ain’t free to run a website, game server, etc alongside supporting the developers and owners to keep supplying us with content.
I swear Kenty and Tinky only got 3 months extra added to their ban for the exact same thing.
Like Samuel said: "their offence is very serious considering the amount of money that was bought. Letting things like this happen will result in pay to win, it’s important to show that this behaviour is not okay. "
I feel like this is the best thing you have said ever and respect this its true why take someones money to ban them the likeliness of jamie and his friends coming back are zero to none
to be really fair with you its kind of true, I hate to see DB go but buying and selling in-game money isnt the smartest thing to do
As said above by the others, we care about the fact that we all have to grind for the money and P2W is unfair and OP.
@Henry yeah this fucking it doesn’t take long to get to 1mil. I just don’t bass so it takes me slightly longer
but i dont get why you would buy money on a server where you can get 5 mill in like 2-3 weeks depending if you have a life or not
Can we actually know how much was exchanged so players can understand the long ban length?
Right guys lets get some things straight. Yes I fucked up but there is no need for sheeps to come here to just shit post someone. Jack P your going for enforcer grow up. For some of the people who are posting realistic replies is people like Samuel. Yes what I did is a bit fucked up and unfair but lets be real alot of other people did alot worse. Lets be real alot of other people have done alot worse and got alot less. Even alot of the people posting here have had bad moments in there time of perp. Ranging from doxing and releasing info to abusing while staff (not naming names) If you are going to post on this thread lets make them responsible posts and not some stupid way to get at someone else. I have personally messaged code monkey (the person dealing with the situation) along with Samuel and Collier. Personally if you knew me on a good level you know what im about and you know im a chill guy. But from now its a time out from perp for me <3
And you're the guy who got no clue what abused means. Maybe find out why I got demoted and what I did before I got demoted thank you for slander :).

OH yeah km more known than you are and ever will be dipshit