Ban Request For Glamorgal De Melkor

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Your Steam/In-game Name: RayoZ / Raman Smith
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Glamorgal de Melkor / Theador Reagen
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38909728
Reason:I was chasing him as an officer. Then he decided to drive down the stairs at the resturant wich caused him to bug / crash into a area where there is invisible walls. I asked him to drive back (and atleast try) to drive forward aswell. But he said he was stuck OOC. Then i got on teamspeak and asked mannerwaffel to join so he can use his phys gun and move him. Since there was no way that roadcrew can do it. When mannerwaffel joined i picked him up. Shown in the demo. drove him there. And i see the mini cooper driving off. After i disconnected to get the demo. Mannerwaffel found him and talked with him. He is saying that he lied to me IC. When he was stuck ooc. There is no buggy / invisible walls ic. So clearly he was stall'rping massively. As you can see at 0 : 30 sec That invisible wall is preventing him from drive back. The mini succseded to drive off. And then manner and i went back to the resturant and he used his physgun to see if it actually was a invisible wall and there was.

// The situation was much longer then on the demo. I cut it so you wont have to watch the same things in 10 min.
And sorry for the bad quality. I wanted to render it quicker.

Sorry for the police radio. I wanted the sound so you can hear what he says aswell.
I told it on Microphone and It was IC. I lied ICly.And there wasnt invisible walls OOCly.There are fences.. I was able to move forward but I told you ICly I cant.(Still talking on Mic). I wasnt stuck.
Glamorgal said:
I told it on Microphone and It was IC. I lied ICly.And there wasnt invisible walls OOCly.There are fences.. I was able to move forward but I told you ICly I cant.(Still talking on Mic). I wasnt stuck.
There was invisible walls. I got mannerwaffel to proove it. As stated. He used his physgun and took my car through it. And there is.

If you were able to drive forward why didint u do it while at gunpoint by me? i said get out of the car. u said " My door is blocked" Then what you do is try and get unblocked. Wich you could.

I did not know that cuz when i came from the back of yr car. The invisible wall stopped me from doing it.
Glamorgal said:
I told it on Microphone and It was IC. I lied ICly.And there wasnt invisible walls OOCly.There are fences.. I was able to move forward but I told you ICly I cant.(Still talking on Mic). I wasnt stuck.
I just realized there was invisible walls. After that, Im wrong in this case. So I apologize about that. I didnt know there was invisible walls. I wont consume any words anymore because Im wrong.
Glamorgal said:
I told it on Microphone and It was IC. I lied ICly.And there wasnt invisible walls OOCly.There are fences.. I was able to move forward but I told you ICly I cant.(Still talking on Mic). I wasnt stuck.
I wasant asking you to go left or right. I said Back Or go forward. And you cant go back.
// Denied, I gave him a warning for using OOC means to get an advantage IC and not get arrested by a cop.
I tested it out and the doors cannot be blocked there.
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