Ban Request on Jonathan Doer

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Your Steam/In-game Name: TheFrozenMonkeyKing/ Jake Hudson

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (I'm not sure, but I think Fluxx) / Jonathan Doer

His/Her SteamID: (I think: STEAM_0:1:50127100 )

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: This player broke 3.4 for not following orders while beeing gunpointed.

Evidence (Demo Required):!XRVxAIKC!aYGRvqMSP8DBvi3yYECzbCQHzvBp21BG-yFl4n4bteI

47000 (He meets me and breaks law 1.2 for no reason.)
49200 (He breaks 1.2 again)
50500 (I decide to ticket him, he runs into his car and breaks 3.4 as I gunpoint him)
52500 (He breaks 3.4 again)

You guys can also see a minge around the PD, but I decided to let him go for now, as he's completely new. (Yeah, the guy that punched me at the end.)
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you first try to ticket me for 1.2 which is putting up borders in your windows
i call a admin, non come as usual
i chose to ignore you as i presume you are new player/retard like me
btw what are all these numbers
The cop broke 11.11 By gun pointing you for refusing to pay a ticket. However you should follow 2.6. Meaning you should make a report but also role play it out. What you done would be breaking 2.1 or 3.4 for not following the gunpoint, and instead just reversing and driving off under gunpoint. Not only that but you came back! Knowing he had a gun and still ignored the officer, then tried to run the man over. Which I see as 2.5
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+Support however you also broke law 11.11 which means you only allowed to use you gun if you feel threatened and not because of a ticket.
As per usual, I'm going to get involved.

The player broke 3.4, by failing to get out the car once he has been GP'd multiple times, which means he is endangering his life over a ticket. He is clearly not taking the gunpoint seriously simply saying "Fuck you" which is incredibly unrealistic since you could 1 tap him if Gmod's mechanics weren't so aids. So I consider this a breach of 2.1 due to him not RP'ing in a realistic manner towards the officer.

In terms of you gun pointing a man over a ticket, means that you are breaking law 11.11 and thus breaking 4.1. However we all make mistakes and it's not going to affect my opinion on the matter. Other than don't do something so silly again lol.

But from my personal view, this ban request looks valid and I am going to agree with it.
Your mistakes:

Broke 11.11 and 4.1: LEOs may ONLY use their firearms when a suspect(s) is posing a direct threat to any other member of the public and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief)

On the other hand:

Broke 3.4 but you still didn't have to gunpoint him. He endangered himself on Gunpoint for only a ticket which is very unrealistic and also you could've shot his car if he was trying to run you over.
(Post was removed due to a violation of the Forum rules (Section 5)) -Ash

  • 5) Unnecessary Posting - When replying to a topic/post you should use the appropriate response system, either a post or a comment. What you're posting has to be on topic and contribute something to the thread.
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Well, at the end of the video (0:54) he attempted to run me over, but he didn't have time to accelerate. I maybe shouldn't have gunpointed him, but I do think creating a car chase over a ticket would be 3.4 as well.

(Sorry for the gunpoint, btw. I've seen a lot of cops do it when suspects enter their vehicles, so I thought we were allowed to GP them if they were entering their vehicles.)
First thing's first the Ban request is shitty i know if i support this or not so i am just gonna say that Frozen you aimed at lamb for no god damn reason he wasn't a threat or anything so in that case you broke rule 4.1 and lamb only broke law 1.2 which doesn't mean he is a threat and you didn't show us proof he broke law 1.2 and you continuously aimed at him,You would of just ticketed his car? lamb only broke rule 3.4 and 3.6.

LOL frozen you rated my post dumb for reason and the reason is your jelly
anyways i will just do

-Support as you can see a big motherfucking
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clearly +support

First @Liam Holder this is no reason to insult any persons. In the video i see clearly that you (TheFrozenMonkeyKing) was gunpointing him. Jonathan saw this gunpointing and answered with "No, fuck you!" Clearly 3.4. Later 3.4 too. (I would like to know the name of the last guy who punched you, he also broke a rule :P)
@Panda (Had to tag you, Because My words were over the limit to comment)

Here are the steps. 1) Report it in. 2) road spikes. 3) If he fails to exit the car. baton the window. /me the man out the window. Please don't use guns to get him out, unless he poses a threat to someone or yourself. Remember: You don't want to kill him. You want to stop him for hurting himself and others.
Conclusion: After looking at both the demo and Jonathan's comments on the situation, not only does this guy carelessly break rules... He is also a bit of a douchebag.


you first try to ticket me for 1.2 which is putting up borders in your windows
i call a admin, non come as usual
i chose to ignore you as i presume you are new player/retard like me
btw what are all these numbers

i chose to ignore you as i presume you are new player/retard like me

btw what are all these numbers
Don't reproduce...
As per usual, I'm going to get involved.

The player broke 3.4, by failing to get out the car once he has been GP'd multiple times, which means he is endangering his life over a ticket. He is clearly not taking the gunpoint seriously simply saying "Fuck you" which is incredibly unrealistic since you could 1 tap him if Gmod's mechanics weren't so aids. So I consider this a breach of 2.1 due to him not RP'ing in a realistic manner towards the officer.

In terms of you gun pointing a man over a ticket, means that you are breaking law 11.11 and thus breaking 4.1. However we all make mistakes and it's not going to affect my opinion on the matter. Other than don't do something so silly again lol.

But from my personal view, this ban request looks valid and I am going to agree with it.

"We all make mistakes", and saying that this ban request is valid. If he gets banned then so should FrozenMonkey.
FrozenMonkey jumps in front of the car twice which is also fail rp - attempting to get him self run over.
Uses gun because of a ticket.
Invalid ban request.
Also, horrible demo, you cannot even hear what the recorder is saying because he is either to lazy to tick a box to prevent this or purposely wants to hide everything he says during these RP situations.
[DOUBLEPOST=1433354414,1433354057][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, fear rp does not count as you cannot just pull out a gun for someone who is driving away. I also don't remember a law which prevents you from driving when given a ticket in real life - You have time to pay the ticket and can use the car in the mean time.

Also all the demo should be shown. (Obviously not all 24 hours because this guy records day and night to catch people out), 3 or more minutes of the demo, the part leading up - I don't see the RP reason for you to ticket him, maybe show that???
Fluxx, stop the slander please, you've been warned about it before and anymore will result in harsher punishment. As for the ban request: Player clearly drove off under gunpoint violating 2.1 and Life At Risk.
Fluxx, stop the slander please, you've been warned about it before and anymore will result in harsher punishment. As for the ban request: Player clearly drove off under gunpoint violating 2.1 and Life At Risk.

"1.3 Slander - Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are within the ban requests forum, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff - when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to."

Not slander.
(Post was removed due to a violation of the Forum rules (Section 5)) -Ash

  • 5) Unnecessary Posting - When replying to a topic/post you should use the appropriate response system, either a post or a comment. What you're posting has to be on topic and contribute something to the thread.

I was the person who caught you evading that time back in March, me and Swiper forgot to ban your main account permanently. The Player is now permanently banned from the server. If you're wreckless posting continues, the same will happen with your forum account.

Thanks for making your BR :)
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