Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name:Metallica / Kennedy Johnson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: / ingame name Ash Anderson
His/Her SteamID:
Reason:He is abusing admin powers , and he banned me for something i didn't.
Ban Details
Player Metallica

Steam ID STEAM_0:0:21686655
Steam Community 76561198003639038
Invoked on 11-19-14 18:26
Banlength 2 wk
Expires on 12-03-14 18:26
Reason 3.4 and 1.1- Ran off at gunpoint and used the excuse that the rule does not state anything to do with real life, he said it is real life so he can do that. In the admin situation he called someone a 'fucking idiot' and told someone to 'shut the fuck up'.

I did not break rule 3.4 as the police guy was not facing me , i was running when he pulled that gun out , i went around the corner when he started yelling : i call the admin call the admin etc. and the admin belived him and started abusing instantly. And about the rule 1.1
First of all i did not call anyone a fucking idiot i called the police guy fucking blind and then the admin said it was ooc but it was ic because i called him blind because he did not see the bat of the one i was arguing with and guess what admin sait it was ooc . Yes i did tell someone to shut the fuck up before the admin was there . This admin is abusing his powers , he banned someone without a reason
Ban Details
Player Johnny Cash

Steam ID STEAM_0:1:99452038
Steam Community 76561198159169805
Invoked on 11-19-14 18:33
Banlength 1 wk
Expires on 11-26-14 18:33
Reason 1.1- As i have just banned his brother he went up to the person who had reported his brother and told him to 'fuck himself' and various other comments.

And that was in character and it was for calling the cops not for the admin . but again abusive admin . I am not the only one complaining about this admin there is a public opinion about him.
You did break 3.4, using the excuse 'you did not face him' is no excuse. Also by making a ban request on me is going to get nowhere, make an admin complaint on me. You then said to one person in the admin sit 'fucking idiot' and you said 'shut the fuck up, i'm speaking' to another person.

Closed. Make a Ban Dispute and an admin complaint on me.
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