Bans becoming more frequent again?

Eh, people act dumb they get a dumb prize. Strict or not, you break a rule you pay for it with the staff's discretion, and this is coming from a guy who got perma'd.
This is his first ever offence on the server, never been warned or banned, yet he gets a 12 hour and probs may not come back

I would love to be able to scribble name of the banner out so it does not look like am calling them out, but its public anyway
You cannot blame this on the staff, however.

The user shot and tried to kill someone over a minor reason. At this point, the staff member is most likely going to talk with the user, explain what they did wrong and how to improve, since they'd probably check their playtime ban/warning history, realizing they're a new player first time offender. (Although, it's unlikely they won't talk with you regardless of whether you're a first time offender or not)

The staff member did, however, have no chance to do this, as the user disconnects the second they're black-screened (probably finished off, who knows?). What was the staff member going to do? He knows the user has to be punished for breaking the rules somehow, but they don't have the chance to talk with the user, unless they decide to add them on steam, which is not guaranteed to be a success. Not everyone accepts random friend requests.

First offence or not, the staff member did not have an actual chance to talk with the user before they left the server, and they couldn't just leave him be. The user would never notice the warning until much later (if ever), so the only effective way to let them know they've broken a rule is to put a short (12hr) ban on them, while putting the ban reason as well as "Use this time to review the server rules at".

Like this is just casual banter, if you ban for shit like this you might aswell grab some steamIDs from the videos and pictures section.
Just going to mention this, as you seemed to be replying to the same post Logan Finch posted (as well as the whole Jordan, Moron, etc. situation, but I will not be discussing that)

It's not like the user did it as a joke or "banter" as people like to call it, otherwise it's unlikely the other person would've reported them, yet here we are.
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I never really understood it, like others have said, banning people doesn't do much in terms of "teaching a lesson". Those that break obvious rules will continue to break them and eventually rack up a deserved heavy ban. Most of the time the ban just makes the player inpatient and they want to get unbanned sooner or quicker, not really caring about the "punishment" aspect of it, but much rather the inability to play at the given time. If someone is a cunt and is continuously breaking rules, then yes get rid of them, but other than that I dont see the need for bans longer than a week really. Getting banned for a month won't make you go read the rules for a month, you just go off and play some other game while you wait for your ban to expire. I think it's still looking better than what it was though.
I never really understood it, like others have said, banning people doesn't do much in terms of "teaching a lesson". Those that break obvious rules will continue to break them and eventually rack up a deserved heavy ban. Most of the time the ban just makes the player inpatient and they want to get unbanned sooner or quicker, not really caring about the "punishment" aspect of it, but much rather the inability to play at the given time. If someone is a cunt and is continuously breaking rules, then yes get rid of them, but other than that I dont see the need for bans longer than a week really. Getting banned for a month won't make you go read the rules for a month, you just go off and play some other game while you wait for your ban to expire. I think it's still looking better than what it was though.

Caring about not being able to play = Caring about the punishment

Punishment doesn't have to be consciously acknowledged for it to make an effect on you. A user saying he "doesn't care" about punishment doesn't matter and in most cases he will attempt to change his behavior IF he actually cares about playing in the game.

If he cares about playing in the game and doesn't stop breaking rules he's either dumb (can't learn from mistakes) or actually didn't care at all.

I 100% agree with Itzryzo's thought, not getting banned is not so hard. Many users are doing something wrong, get defensive and decide to blame it on others because they don't like to acknowledge they're in the wrong.
ion get how ppl can get banned on perpheads lol

ive never been banned before haha yall niggas TRASH
Long time ago i just randomly rdmed some cops,the feeling was awesome,also keeped crashing my car as officer,was still fun to have some fun sometimes.
Caring about not being able to play = Caring about the punishment

Punishment doesn't have to be consciously acknowledged for it to make an effect on you. A user saying he "doesn't care" about punishment doesn't matter and in most cases he will attempt to change his behavior IF he actually cares about playing in the game.

If he cares about playing in the game and doesn't stop breaking rules he's either dumb (can't learn from mistakes) or actually didn't care at all.

I 100% agree with Itzryzo's thought, not getting banned is not so hard. Many users are doing something wrong, get defensive and decide to blame it on others because they don't like to acknowledge they're in the wrong.
In both of my bans, I never was trully sorry about them. Well kinda at the first one, since I didn't know what I was doing.
The second ban did anything but teach me a lesson, it made me leave the community for a year...
In both of my bans, I never was trully sorry about them. Well kinda at the first one, since I didn't know what I was doing.
The second ban did anything but teach me a lesson, it made me leave the community for a year...

No one said anything about being sorry. It's about not doing it again. A person can hate the rules and every single person on the server yet still behave in order to avoid punishment.

I don't like the term "teaching a lesson", but if you haven't changed your behavior as you claim, why have you not mingegrabbed again? Why are you not gunpointing cops for tickets? Why are you not breaking rules again?

Because it's in your best interest (assuming you want to play on the server) in order to avoid punishment again.

If you had not changed your behavior you would be permabanned by now.
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I got a 2 week ban for dc’ing which wasn’t very nice

seems about right
I feel like personally the staff team can be hit and miss, some people like Daymon and Dom, Super etc would do really good sits and listen to you. Meanwhile you have the other half of the team determined to ban you for stupid shit, half of the shitty staff members are not even active but for some reason nobody has the balls to just purge them. If Daymon can get demoted for the smallest of shit I'm surprised half of the staff team are still here, the sever will just go down hill unless someone mans up.
I often minge around and have yet to be banned. The trick is knowing who to minge around with, where and when.
Don't go fake gunpointing someone at City Hall when people are signing up for mayor, someone is going to call the cops, you are going to lose your gun, and you will have impacted other people's roleplay.
If you want to fake gunpoint, do it inside of a friend's bazaar shop at 2 AM so nobody calls the cops or whatever.

I do agree with some things said here though, if they were to strictly enforce the rules like back in 2014 - 2015 there would be no room for any banter or just fun roleplay...

Also: You can't disconnect on black screen? Why not???
New Senior administration in place, which means new opportunities to get a promotion from Moderator to Administrator.
Moderators are gonna try-hard in the only way- that they know/that will be noticed. Reports, warnings & bans.