Bitcoin Mining

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Adding mining to the game. Wrote this to hopefully add more ideas to the mining system that will be added in the future. Samuel said he is arleady developing this but wants new ideas
The actual ways of mining:
There are a couple of ways I think you should be able to mine, each way gives different material:
-Forest Mining:
mining in forest
Mining in the Forest would be done by mining in the forest using <mining equipment>. First, you would buy a metal detector from the tech store, Now implementing the big metal detector would probably take some time to implement and would look a little bit off but making a handheld metal detector would be easier, you would just hold it like a doll or similar. Next while in the forest area or possibly the park behind the bank you would equip your metal detector and start searching for areas with metal, this would be done by listening to the metal detector that increases the frequency of beeping when in the proximity of metal in the ground. The areas where the metal would be spawned in the forest are randomized and once depleted a new spot is chosen (more on this later). After you found a spot with metal you start hitting the ground with <mining equipment>, you collect dirt with every hit until the area is depleted (after X amount of hits). In order to collect the dirt, you are mining you need to have some kind of container in your inventory like a bucket which would be gradually filled up with each hit (a notification would pop up once you run out of containers to fill up). Just like magazines, the buckets can be empty or filled and you can drop them on the ground (as a sellable item). There are 2 ways to do this either have a hidden counter for each bucket that would count the amount of metal in the bucket, which would increase more if you are hitting dirt where there is a large amount of metal detected and wouldn't increase at all if you are hitting some random spot. Or make it so the bucket fills up only if you are hitting the appropriate spot. The buckets themselves should not be mugable as its just dirt. You could sell them at the NPC stores for a very small amount of money. The real way to earn money is to additionally process filled containers to extract the material. That process is described later, it depends on what material would you gain from doing this.

Positions on the
ground that the material would be located at would be randomized without preset locations. A random position is generated within the boundaries of the forest and possibly some other locations. If that location is suitable (I guess if you can plant a mushroom/pumpkin on that location) invisible ore is placed there with a randomized amount of ore inside and with random size. A metal detector beeps with increased frequency if in the proximity of the invisible area where you should hit the ground. Additionaly there can be a chance of metal detector detecting <junk item> instead of a real ore spot inside the ground. Just like fishing, you would receive some kind of item of little value.

This way of mining would be unique every time you mine which would make it interesting for a longer amount of time rather than mining at the same location every time. The forest is not used much and in my opinion, something like this is a good way to make use of it. The location itself is interesting since its out of public view so you can always get mugged while mining.

TLDR: randomized spots at the forest that you can detect with a metal detector and mine using tools that would fill up a container that you can later process.

-Stone mining:


Classical ore mining on a fixed location like Stonehedge (or the equivalent of it in V5). There would be multiple stones that would get depleted after X amounts of hits. After the stone gets depleted you need to find a new one until the old one gets restocked after some time. In order to mine like this you would need to acquire a <mining tool> and hit the stones with it. Each hit gives a randomized amount of ore that deviates by let's say 10%+- from the base value of the stone, which is different for every stone. In order to collect anything you would need to have some type of container in your inventory. The containers would fill up gradually with every hit (and would give a notification after filling up). You could get mugged for something like that as it would be a container full of valuable ore. Containers sellable for a small amount of money but the real way to earn money is to process the ore (more on that later). The location of mining should be at least partially considered a public area (so you cant get mugged at that location).

This type of mining is pretty dull but with the use of faster and faster <mining tools> over time it could still give satisfying results as long as you can't afford the best tool right from the start (as would be the case for newer players).

-Largescale mining:

Largescale mining would be for large organizations and would be high-risk high reward activity. First, you would ask for the mining NPC to set up mining equipment and hire people to work for it, this would cost a very large amount of money. So basically you would talk to the NPC and after X amount of time you would get a text from him saying that all the material was mined from the location where the equipment was set up. From there you would bring a car to the NPC and talk to him again to load the material inside where you would transport it to one of the large properties like Glassco (maybe get it out of the trunk in form of boxes). From there you would talk to the drug dealer to set up some kind of processing equipment in your property (which is illegal without a license) after that there will be a large machine set up in the property you own where you have to place the material you got from mining NPC. After Y amount of time you would get a finished product that you would sell to the drug dealer again. So the point of this is to invest a large amount of money into something that will take a large amount of time to complete but the amount of money received is also huge but it would have to be split between the people who were participating in this as it wouldn't be possible to do this alone (too risky). The processing of material needs to be illegal to increase the risk of failure.
TLDR: Protecting your base for a significant amount of time in order to earn money but the potential loss of money if caught by police is large.
8.4 Processing materials without a license
Any person caught processing material with intent to sell without a license is committing a crime.
liable to X years maximum imprisonment, $Y maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Mining NPC:

The mining NPC would be at Stonehenge or somewhere better suited and would help players mine. He would have multiple dialogs:

Yeah, got some tools: purchase of low-level mining tools and maybe some materials used for crafting better tools.

Can you make me something out of metal: if you have pieces of metal in your you would be able to spend multiple pieces in order to receive something else like a metal rod.

This stuff is hard do you have a book: Sells you a book containing instructions on mining.

I need something large: Setting up the largescale mining operation

Metals that can be used mined:

Gold is a metal that can be retrieved by forest mining. Once you have containers full of dirt (that contains gold) you need to additionally process it to get actual gold. To do that you need to buy/craft gold sifting machine. There are 2 ways of dealing with this you can have it like a stove which means you can place it anywhere or something like a chemical table that has specific spots that can be placed either inside or outside the property you own. After you have the machine down you place the buckets of dirt inside which after X amount of minutes start getting processed into grams of gold.
Gold can be sold to the Jennifers NPC for money by speaking to it while carrying gold with you.
This doesn't exist in perp but I think it would be cool to have something with a fluctuating price. So the price of gold would not be fixed but rather determined by the amount of gold sold in the past X days (more gold sold = cheaper price). The gold itself can be dropped/sold which as an alternative currency to money but that doesn't have a set value. Altho the players, of course, can set the price to what they want. In order to be realistic price of gold needs to have some upper and bottom limit so the price cant reach 0$ but also cannot be worth a huge amount. The amount of gold received for mining should be mid-tier.

Pieces of metal already exist in the game and this would be another way of getting them and that is through the stone mining. After mining metal and fill your containers you need to place them near the stove which would yield some amount of pieces of metal. The reward for mining metal should be low-tier. Of course pieces of metal can be sold to the NPC shops but the real value of metal would be in crafting guns and selling them at bazaar. This could give newer players a chance to sell cheaper guns than craft prices as they didn't have to buy pieces of metal or sell them at the same price for more profit. This wouldn't break the economy as the reward should be smaller than you could make with let's say growing drugs. You can also convert this metal to some other metal materials to help with crafting by speaking to the mining NPC.

Silver can be received by the mining NPC. It's transported by a car and can be spawned as a box. The only use would be placing it in a refinery that you can spawn with a drug dealer NPC in a large property you own and after the product is finished selling it back to the drug dealer for a large profit.

Diamond is a metal that has a fixed price and can be received by any of these ways of mining. You would get diamonds along with other finished products but it would have a very small chance of happening, like getting a boot in fishing. It can be sold to NPC shops for good money or Jennifers NPC for a larger amount of money.

Mining equipment:
Mining equipment should have a new category in the f1 crafting system. There should be few pickaxes or similar equipment available that offer quicker mining but require higher skills to make and are more expensive to make. This will give new players more reason to level up in order to be able to craft these more advanced pickaxes but of course, they can always buy them from other players. Altho there is some risk involved because with every use pickaxe there is a low chance of it breaking.

Why should this be added? (pros): Gold has a very unique way of getting it and a unique way of selling it making it interesting
Metal would not yield a large reward but would help new players get started while also having some benefit to everyone else
Silver is for large organizations that want to make money, like bank robbery it requires dedication and lots of people but large payout that needs to be split between people, the only metal illegal to produce.
Diamond is a nice collectible

What negatives could this have? (cons): Making silver with low player count is like raiding a bank with few police officers but there can be some restrictions setup, also it would lead to large rage if someone broke the rules which resulted in a loss of product.

*Other additions: Phone app that displays the current price of gold and its history.
Adding AS50 ore that can be only mined as road crew. Right now people often try to scam crew workers by forcing them to repair their cars for free by gun pointing them or just driving off this could help new players even the odds
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