
What should it be?

  • Diary

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Not Diary

    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm writing a story on PERPHeads, it will contain a person called Jesse Oscars, he will meet all the admins and mods and will strive to become the biggest drug lord in the server. It will be written from an OOC perspective and he will know it's just a game.

A poll will go up for how the story should be written.

Liking the story will get you in the story. Drop your Steam name and Ingame name and what you look like (ingame) in a reply. Also one last thing, add your characters personality trait.

Chapter 1

This content takes too long to download, I don't even know why Adrian plays on this server, seems like it takes decades to download the content. Screw this I'm just going to go pla-- oh, it's done. Alright, Find a multiplayer game, Internet, PERPHeads Perp, PERPHeads the server, Join Game. There we go. Blah, get 12 content packs, blah blah blah.

Alright I'm in. What do I do? Can I punch this guy? Oh, there's Adrian, why is his name Samson Mayers? Oh, it's an in-game name. Alright, so what is an organisation? Oh, somethings on my screen, you've been invited to join blah blah blah. Fine, who's Harry Barnett?

Alright, after reading the FAQ and the rules, I've learned a bit more about this game, that took a bit long. I saw a guy walking by, he said he was selling a Remington 870 with full ammo, only 8k. I thought that it would be a good idea to buy the gun, so I dropped him the money and he gave me the gun. I put the gun in my storage so the police wouldn't take it. I met up with Harry at the Suburbs 3 house, he gave me a Large Gardening Pot and told me to start growing weed. I said okay and planted the weed pot down, I needed a clock, so I asked Harry, he gave me one.

Alright, so it's been 40 minutes and my pot is done, it got me like 20 packets of weed. I asked what to do with it and he said, “Go sell it at the drug dealer, he'll buy it for like three grand.”

Oh crud, now were really screwed, the police are here. I went down to the door and asked what was wrong, they screamed, “Down on the ground!” I got down, which revealed a guy standing behind me with a Remington, it was Adrian. All I heard was a PISHOOO! Then I saw a cop drop dead in front of me. This is fucking crazy. I'm gonna just put the weed in the storage and go off.
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I like the idea of you writing a story, in my personal opinion it would be much better if it wasn't in a diary format, but either way it would still be an interesting and good idea and I hope to see it.

Didn't see the last part, I guess I'll add it.
IC Name: Harry Barnett
OOC Name: Hazza56
Description: Blue suit with a B on it, white formal trousers, aviator glasses.
Personality: Quite rude, doesn't enjoy killing but also has no problem with it.
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IC Name: Frank Sciberras
OOC name: Frank
Description: Black jacket, black trousers and aviator glasses.
  • IC: Ebbe Kvisthecerotoeroeoroeotreo (Kvisthector ;3)
    OOC: -=Bilbo 'Rekt' Swaggins=-
    Description: Black dude, white aviators, likes to fuck around with people. Usually ends out getting shot;(
IC Name - James Anders
OOC Name - Death Howl
Description - Gun Salesman struggling to make money looking into alternative methods and Ex undercover officer. Wears a white shirst with vest and black trowsers with silver sunglasses.

Alternative - Police Sergeant with a keen eye and experience as a CSI, has been in many firefights and lived to tell the tale a very strategic person who can use the smallest details and make the most of them.
IC Name - Gino Luchiczi
OOC Name - BuzzLight_Beer
Description - A maroon wearing mafioso hailing from Sicily, a master gunsmith, lockpicker, shooter, and smuggler. Those who see this man in their org finds that they have struck gold with the highest-quality type crime-lord they can get into their ranks of a coporegime. Most often seen donning his favorite color of burgundy or maroon, within he is seen wearing expensive aviators and another maroon fedora and prefers to drive millionaire quality vehicles. He can be your main antagonist, being part of a rival crime family to Jesse Oscars organisation.
IC Name: Angelina Standish-Gore
OOC Name: Kitty
Description: Black leather jacket, black jeans and aviator glasses.
Personality: The sweetest girl you've ever meet.
IC Name: Aaron Martin
OOC Name: Panda
Description: Black and white tophat, White suit, Brown hair/facial hair,White skin
Personality: Member of a criminal organisation (growing power), Hostile,Rude.
IC Name: Jack Kier
OOC Name: JJJackier
Description: Black male, green pants, blue suit with music mark, green hat, blue aviators.
Personality: Likes to swear at people when they do something wrong, top quality insults, likes shooting people.
Calm most of the time, cute voice (thx ayjay)