Bring back paralakefm once again?

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Main idea: The idea is very simple like the title says, bring back the paralake fm again.

Description: I miss the channel as a paralakefm as basically it would make us listen to people, play radio hosts and play music we All listen to. Rn theres Only real radios. Which often plays some music you dont like, ofc that can happen with paralakefm too, but it gives a little better way and requesting your own music aswell, and having some fun with that.

Pros: People will be able to listen to their favourite music often, and Also music people just in general like. People will Also be able to play radio hosts and say opinion etc, making their own fictional category and genre. Just like irl where people mentions fx shootouts or traffic accidents etc.

Cons: some people might play some shit music, or say some bs things or what do I know xD
@Tom and @Gimic tried reviving it for the millionth time and never did it because of being set back by other things. Maybe they’ll give some more perspective to this
Sure, cause i never really got why it was shut down, but idk if they made a post i didnt read about it
You could do that, but just feel like it should Only be specific people like it used to, so you know what you get etc so it wont be abused or smt
Yeah well it plays real music to the public so it would need permission from the song creators
@LilChicken I cant imagine every single radio has permission from every single radio, has permission from All the music creators. But I guess it seems logic with that though. However just dont understand it, as most music is already free to listen to on yt.
@XPGamingXPDK music creators have record deals right and the labels sell packages so radios pay every so often for a license to play music produced by say Sony for example
Me and @Gimic did try and make a go of it, Gimic paid a fair amount of money for proper broadcasting licences and software for us to use, but seeing as he’s got quite a lot going on in life at the moment it didn’t really go anywhere. It’s annoying that it didn’t happen as it would’ve been a good project. Since then, me and @Ayjay have looked into it and it was found that it wouldn’t work, at least not easily.

@LilChicken is correct, the licensing costs for broadcasting & the software cost to go with it heavily outweigh the chance of any profit being made, and unless anyone has a lot of money to throw away then it’s unlikely that this would be possible. To add to that, having it hosted costs money too unless you have a server to run it on

@Freedor we did make a few more announcements than just the initial announcements, we had most things in place to go but lack of extra funds and the fact Gimic had a lot to deal with outside of PERP meant it just couldn’t happen.

Basically, we needed to sit and try and work out the maximum amount of listeners (online, in game, etc) for licensing, then look into software that could work and that was relatively affordable or free, which in most cases still cost too much with the amount of DJs that would need accounts for it. If anyone has enough Christmas money left over that they’d like to put into something like this then I’m happy to give you details and stuff of the things we used, and I’m sure @Gimic would be happy to look at licensing and whether the licence is transferrable to your name, as admittedly it’s useless for us at the moment.
I probably would have tried.. Sadly do not have enough knowledge of it.
Seriously, stop trying to revive this project... it just doesn't work. People think it's cool for like one day but then couldn't give a fuck because you don't get paid or anything for it. I would understand if there was a job on PERP which you had to apply for and such because then... it would actually work.
For the love of God Please
Add a radio DJ Job with 3 slots that plays youtube link music, add a toggle voice on / off switch for radio announcements, add adverts you can play for money (in game money ofc) and add rules and laws stopping people from just having earrape and racism down the radio. Simple.
That would still cause Fredy licensing issues if the records company really wanted to they could sue him for it best not to risk it
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