Bring back S.W.A.T

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Return the old S.W.A.T team to Paralake city

Reason for that: i belive people miss the S.W.A.T in plpd and the swat replace with TFU now alot of people enjoy playing swat they got VIP and had fun being swat officer but now with the TFU only corporal allow to apply to be TFU and i belive alot of people want to be S.W.A.T so i they coupld be the tactial team in plpd aswell and not only TFU
i know people did stupid stuff when they play as swat and theres no control on the team so i think make a rank for swat that theres a swat leader team or something that can be on control on them that they dont do stupid stuff so i suggest bring back the S.W.A.T back

TFU has become quite elitist, rather than trying to train their officers recently, they've made mandatory test sessions where you must pass scenarios or be DEMOTED from TFU. I think that's a step in the wrong direction and is giving up on training officers and just getting rid of the problems rather than fixing them (sounds a bit like Brexit to me). The decisions made by the command teams have not been in a positive direction but seem quite lazy to me. I really believe officers who aren't good enough should be trained until they are competent TFOs and not threatened with demotion if they're not good enough, especially when there are little to no training sessions ran by the command team and the team leaders still don't have permissions to schedule training sessions - even though I've suggested they are to be allowed this many time - meaning that the people who aren't good enough aren't taught how to be better but are then scolded for not being good enough as an officer.

Just because the command team members are 'good' TFOs, doesn't mean everyone else is nor do they know what is expected of them - there aren't any guides and before anyone asks why I didn't try to train them: I was denied from TFTO because I called Smily a cunt because he didn't tell me what I needed to do, got mad when I had a go at some TFTOs for listening in to the plan of the TFU raid whilst that TFTO was about to defend from said raid.

I don't think TFU itself needs to change but the way it is run is not friendly nor is it approachable. I've submitted suggestions like this in feedback surveys but they're never acted on - at least to my knowledge - and I don't believe it's fair how officers are tested on skills they've not been taught nor any attempts to teach them have been made. This is the state that academy used to be in, now they run regular training sessions and help teach applicants and officers who aren't good enough for promotions or application passes; TFU needs to develop it's training areas and actually train officers so they can join TFU rather than setting up some segregation.

- TFU don't train officers
- TFU assess officers on the skills they aren't taught
- TFU becomes elitist
- This is what Academy used to be like
- Academy now train officers who aren't good enough
- Academy provides less segregation and elitism, more people are satisfied.
- TFU hasn't got enough officers for constant presence
- Officers feel like they just can't get into TFU
- Becomes more elitist, cycle repeats.
I'm sorry but if this is true this has to be one of the most retarded things i have ever read about the PLPD. What the actual fuck has it become? Half life 2 Roleplay? Why is this behaviour even accepted/tolerated by command and chief of department?

Explains why TFU is barely available when needed if the people who can go TFU are command or cod...

The fact you were denied for calling someone a cunt while this behaviour is tolerated and done even by tfu command ic(I could make a complaint but what use does that have against a COD?) honestly makes me doubt the integrety of the pd..
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There was absolutely nothing wrong with SWAT Besides the occasional squeaker flashing the whole PD. What a lot of people seem to forget is, even with the "AIDS" You'd get from SWAT, It was still miles better than any other RP Servers SWAT Team and now the "SWAT" Of the server drive around and walk around with guns out like this is DarkRP yet if a Cpl+ so much as blows a kiss to his Remington in his trunk when no emergency is taking place then its an instant reprimand.

Oh, and I don't know about you, but I never saw SWAT Abuse the SWAT van.

XQ And all that should have just kept SWAT but made it so only SO+/CPL+ Can go on the job or something. It really wasn't a bad thing at all, then V4 came with new TFU and made it a bad thing.

You get TFU Officers patrolling around in full gear doing minor shit like traffic stops and parking inspections, It's just pointless. If you're gonna do that crap then just be a patrol or traffic officer, Don't waste response time and job slots because a mini cooper ran a stop sign.
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