Police Suggestion Bring back sections, but reworked.

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Brief description of idea: Bring back the use of sections but rework it. I feel the sections was a really good idea but wasn't utilized properly as some Section Supervisors/Deputy Section Supervisors wasn't active. I have noticed the amount of Sgts and Cpls on duty has risen dramatically. I feel we should bring back the sections but give Sgts the choice to be a section supervisor/deputy section supervisor, and also put an activity requirement in place for section supervisors and deputies.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
Less work for command
More work for sergeants who want to prove themselves and take on extra responsibilities
Might push more active Sergeants and Corporals.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Relapse of how sections went before. -- If there's any other you can think of please reply with them.

Other additions:
That's understandable, but there are many new Sgts such as myself who would love more responsibility within the PLPD.
People go active and inactive almost all the time, this would not mean less work for command but rather more because they have to keep finding new supervisors willing to do it
Well, the point is to give Sgts the choice in being a section supervisor/deputy supervisor but I do see where you're coming from. Thanks for the feedback.
Sections were a good idea at the time. The department as a whole functioned completely different in contrast to present day. The system is in efficient and wasn’t effective at all due to a lack of active supervisors. Overall the system in place now is much more effective and allows command to better control and manage promotions throughout the department. It makes the job of primary command teams easier without having to manage sections as well.
No, it's not fun getting put in a section with a supervisor that doesn't like you, preventing you from progressing. You could make complaints all you want about them being biased and shit, they did not care. + too many retards that got cpl+ because they ate their supervisor's ass or were good friends with them or sent nudes to tom/royhb for promotions. Sections were fucking stupid.
I completely agree with your statement Bert. The only thing I'd say to that is, there are more active Sergeants and Corporals now. I guess in a sense, yes it is more work for command but alternatively, it's also better for officers. Officers do struggle to get ORs frequently and sections were one of the best ways for officers to prove themself.
Well, with sections, you were always able to request a section change. I am suggesting a rework of the sections instead of removing them completely. Making them beneficial for everyone.
Back in the day I was in a section with a completely inactive supervisor, I asked for a transfer multiple times and it just did not happen.
@Aero That's strange, I requested to be moved twice and both of them happened quite quickly. The point of my suggestion is to allow sgts to decide whether they want to be a Section supervisor or not. Therefore, if they want to be a section supervisor they should have the motivation to be active. Also enforce an activity requirement for section supervisors
Sections in the PLPD are redundant anyways. In GenOps we have spoken about if we need sections and it was a unanimous vote to remove them. We made an announcement a few months ago saying they are going however they probably won’t be gone till blue duck I would think. The new way of promotions is much easier for us as Command but also stops us from relying on other people as much as we would usually. Back when sections were a thing I had a pretty active lead and deputy section supervisor but the lead section supervisor ignored me and the deputy needed the lead to actually do stuff. I agree they were good but at the moment in the PD our current promotion system in my opinion is good enough.

@GamingPeach @Jimmy Jackson @Kenty
Took the words straight from my mouth. Agreed, they are not needed. They didn't work and did not provide any assistance. Half of my section members were inactive and some of the systems we used were broken, like the section report thing.
Sadly upper command, and those post testa and I, kept decentralizing the bureaucracy basically turning it into lots of pointless forms and reports that actually gave no real help to the officers.

The idea was to give them real power; to make SGTs much more prestigious. In the end, I wanted the recommendations for promotions to need a 2/3 veto for patrol to block it. Sad life that the PD feels completely disconnected in-game, most of the events training etc are now just treated as checkboxes, the RP is dead.
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If officers are struggling to get OR’s that is 100% their fault. In its current state there are more CPLs+ on duty then lower ranking officers. Most of these higher ranking members including myself are always trying to patrol with officers to give out ORs
@Bert that - my dear friend - is a lie. I managed to give out something like 25% of the TOTAL 2019 observation reports in just under two weeks or some dumb shit, it was an insane amount and piss easy to walk over other lackluster supervisors - which I am now one of xoxo. I still hold like 10% of observation reports given by current SGTs and below AS ONE PD MEMBER
Sections completely useless, the PLPD is working fine as it is now and we don't need the dead weight system to slow things down
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