Bus Driver Job

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Topic: Bus driver job

Short explanation
(in notes):
- Add the bus driver job
- It could be a really cool job to rp
- It could be added only able to join for vip if it is to much to long to ask for.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Beacuse the bus driver is a really cool job, though its a good feeling transporting peoples with this big bus that is making this big brooming sound feels very smooth. I'm looking forward to try out the new bus driver job!

Optional additions:
- I hope you will support my suggestion.
- If the suggestion is getting accepted then i hope you will find a really cool and big nice bus!
- As i said, i'm looking forward to try out this great job!
Yeah i agree with you, the sigwolfs bus is so cool and could be nice to use and yeah i dont know what to do about that the map doesent got any bus stops but maybe some of the staffs can sort it out and find out what to do with the bus stops.
We used to have a bus driver job but it got removed. There's a monorail anyway. It doesn't suit this map and was probably why it was removed.
As mentioned by SenlinGames, there is a monorail. The reason why the bus driver was removed, is not because lack of bus stops, 1) Those aren't part of the map exactly and 2) Because the bus doesn't have many routes it could possibly take with how Paralake was designed.

Also we didn't want the bus to drive on the highway all that much because of how obstructive it could be as well as the speed of the bus compared to most vehicles would result in more crashes than it could ever be beneficial.
the monorail only have 3 stops and dont cover every point of the map i will say the bus would be usefull when you wanna go the places the monorail cant take you.
aagaard said:
the monorail only have 3 stops and dont cover every point of the map i will say the bus would be usefull when you wanna go the places the monorail cant take you.
You could always take a taxi
+/- support. On the current map it wouldn't really feel that beneficial due to that we have a monorail and the lack of bus stops on paralake. How ever, maybe for paralake_v2 and with some bus lanes on the busiest (or just parts of the) ...streets. Just to avoid car crashes.
+Support, when I started playing this game I was really irritated about the fact that I had to walk to the Monorail, wait for friends or have to walk to another location. Right now we have taxi drivers too, which aren't online all the time and which are too expensive. Taxi drivers have to buy their own car which makes the job inpopular. 1 or 2 bus drivers in the town would be good for transporting people for a low price.

And I like the idea of TheEvilDirector: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=130227747
When you take the bus its smaller prices because it driving in a specific route. You pay much for the taxa because it driving you where you want. The more fun with the bus is, it driving all the time. I dont have much expierience with the bus in the last map, because im likely new. There is many stops it takes and many can come with it, the monorail takes 3 places, so if you want precis location you take the bus. There could be different routes, so there are 2 buses they are driving 2 different routes. And in paralake_v2, could there be a bus terminal and bus stops. And they should be free to get, and if they leave the bus will come in the storage again.

It should be so the mayor choose how many bus drivers he want to have how much money they get, and how many buses. He should also choose, the different routes the bus should use. Different routes could be different colors on the bus.

Examples of bus stops:
- Food Store
- monorail station(Monorail)
- Hospital
- City parking garage
- Road crew station
- Beach
- Car Dealer
- McUws
Minus Support you have the monorail like the others said, so there is no need for a bus driver
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