Can we solve housing for RP?

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With the current state of server roleplay is possible everywhere except in your private property. If you want to build up nice housing you can do it as firefighter, mayor and so on without getting killed. You can also do excellent buildings on street but once you purchase private property, you sign your own death warrant.

To get to the point, we need solution to make it possible to RP in private buildings. Whether its a bomb destroying your nice props or constant raiding and being executed even when unarmed and hands up I feel like serious RP server needs something more for properties than constant raid machine for those who choose to do more with them.

Some of my thoughts for solving this would be making RP house tag for property doors or some kind of rule that would not allow killing unarmed people.
2.5 is already enforced on killing unarmed players or bombing property’s that are clearly not growing drugs.

Keeping your doors open and your windows unboarded will remove any excuse for the use of a bomb. Also I seriously encourage those of you who like to raid to survey properties rather than placing down a bomb on the first owned property you find.
some kind of rule that would not allow killing unarmed people.

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Cause unnecessary damage to a stolen vehicle without good reason.
  • When enacting revenge on a player through the use of explosives or incendiaries, users must take precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.
I believe what Jyrgen is trying to say is when some people purchase property and place furniture down they genuinely want to RP within the property, yes there is a rule in place but the issue still stands, once you place furniture/props down people still take that property as a target.. That's the only issue it would be nice if people like Efan mentions that players survey/scout the properties beforehand, but just watching the standard of some peoples RP it won't happen as they think it's a free for all deathmatch..
Oh the other day I was executed by moderator. I was under the impression that this is allowed. Since it does happen every time I base.. as I rarely carry guns I thought it was allowed.
Oh the other day I was executed by moderator. I was under the impression that this is allowed. Since it does happen every time I base.. as I rarely carry guns I thought it was allowed.
I think my current message will be very controversial but I believe certain members of staff who i will not mention by name favour their 'friends' in rp situations and will slightly help them out wink wink
I think my current message will be very controversial but I believe certain members of staff who i will not mention by name favour their 'friends' in rp situations and will slightly help them out wink wink
I seriously struggle to believe that and if you’re going to make these accusations can you please DM me evidence or examples of such situations and staff members.
survey properties

I mean, even without getting killed this is not going to be possible because people can still mug you and kidnap you. If you leave doors open and you're unarmed you're just making it easy for them.
It's very hard to define and hence I don't think it's possible to make this a rule without someone abusing it.

In general, a tip to not get raided when doing RP builds:
- Keep your windows unboarded
- Keep your doors unlocked
- Do not carry weapons on you
getting raided is also an rp situation that can create some interesting scenarios

they can't kill you if you comply and as long as you don't carry any valuables on you there won't be any financial losses if you get mugged

i raided a property once and it was just some dudes on a sofa watching tv and i just excused myself and left, can't say what most people would do though

but crime rp is a major part of paralake and you can't really opt out of being on the receiving end of it
getting raided is also an rp situation that can create some interesting scenarios

they can't kill you if you comply and as long as you don't carry any valuables on you there won't be any financial losses if you get mugged

i raided a property once and it was just some dudes on a sofa watching tv and i just excused myself and left, can't say what most people would do though

but crime rp is a major part of paralake and you can't really opt out of being on the receiving end of it
This guy is speaking the language of the gods.

You don't have a right to live in peace in Paralake and obviously just like in real life pacifists make easy victims.