Server Suggestion Cancel equipping weapon.

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Description of the idea: Make it possible to cancel equipping a weapon that was picked up from the ground.

Why should this be added? (pros): People who scream "hands up, drop that weapon!" won't have a reason to shoot people who either accidentally or attempt to steal weapons from crime scenes. Especially if the person who is ordered to stop, immediately drops the weapon as ordered.
This also would make a lot of sense. You don't just sit there, finish equipping your weapon before dropping it as ordered, you'd do that immediately.

The same text displayed while bandaging and c2'ing, for cancelling the act, should be shown when picking up a weapon.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Literally none that I can tell. Perhaps increased complexity when investigating 3.4 from staff, and adding more logs to keep track of these things.

Would the better option be to allow people to surrender while equipping weapons?
Would this be easier to implement, or is there a flaw you discovered? Either way, if it does the same thing I wouldn't mind either method. Either C to cancel or just surrender also works.
Would the better option be to allow people to surrender while equipping weapons?
what if I just want to stop picking up a weapon in a situation where nobody is gun pointing me does that mean I still have to suffer the penalty of having my hands up for 15 more seconds?
what if I just want to stop picking up a weapon in a situation where nobody is gun pointing me does that mean I still have to suffer the penalty of having my hands up for 15 more seconds?
If surrendering was what was implemented, it would be much faster to wait out the equipping time, then drop it manually than to wait for surrendering to finish.
Makes perfect sense to me, I for sure had a lot of situations when playing where this feature would have came in handy, e.g. when picking up a gun and getting told to stop.
If surrendering was what was implemented, it would be much faster to wait out the equipping time, then drop it manually than to wait for surrendering to finish.
But your suggestion is making a feature to avoid this, basically meaning that being able to surrender while equipping a weapon is kind of pointless.

I think that adding a button to cancel the equipping would be really beneficial and usefull!
Would this be easier to implement, or is there a flaw you discovered? Either way, if it does the same thing I wouldn't mind either method. Either C to cancel or just surrender also works.

Well the scenario you're describing is for when the person picking up the weapon is being asked to surrender, which is why it's the more direct solution.

Being able to repeatedly cancel picking up weapons will just increase the scenarios where people are picking up weapons that they shouldn't be.
Well the scenario you're describing is for when the person picking up the weapon is being asked to surrender, which is why it's the more direct solution.

Being able to repeatedly cancel picking up weapons will just increase the scenarios where people are picking up weapons that they shouldn't be.
Agreed here. The mechanic will be abused, just have it so you can surrender and drop the gun mid animation
If surrendering was what was implemented, it would be much faster to wait out the equipping time, then drop it manually than to wait for surrendering to finish.
Surrendering is quite quick though, and you're already starting to raise your hands right after you click to surrender
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