Change to 12.1 Jaywalking

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United Kingdom
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: This is to change a current law.

What law do you wish to change:
12.1 Jaywalking
I want to add a liable to 1 year imprisonment also keep the 750 ticket still.

Why should this change be made: When I have been playing on this server, I have caught people jaywalking but when you give them a 750 ticket it doesn't really matter to them because its nothing. But if we were aloud to arrest them maybe people would stop continuously doing it all the time if they know they can get arrested.

What is the aim of this change: To stop people from continuously jaywalking when they have already had a ticket.

Additional Information: I thought it would help some people out a little bit but I want to hear your suggestions.

You can't be jailed for one year by the way, the minimum is two. Just thought i'd let you know.

Regarding being arrested, I don't really see the point in adding such a hassle for such an insignificant law that is Jaywalking.​
You don't get arrested for jaywalking. See, where I am from, you will get a ticket for the first time and if you continue to do it, the fine will be doubled, so on and so on.

This reform is not needed.
This isnt really realistic imo if you jaywalk Irl they wont put you in for 1 year

So for me its a no
Jaywalking is not an Arrestable offence in real life, why would you need it to be in perp it just doesn't make sense to have it as an arrestable offence.

Unfortunately I don't believe that this is really something that should happen as jaywalking is not an offence that would be worth spending your time arresting the person.
So you would be able to get arrested for jaywalking but you cannot get arrested for discharging a weapon illegally nor prank calling the PD. It would be silly.
Seems like another way to waste polices time, Jaywalking isn't really a big law at all, and i don't really think it should be enforced as a law serious enough for jail time. Plus, there is literally just as much point in the jail time as the ticket, the time you suggested is so small that people would sometimes happily take the risk.
So you would be able to get arrested for jaywalking but you cannot get arrested for discharging a weapon illegally nor prank calling the PD. It would be silly.

Irrelevant, as both of these crimes can be given a considerably larger ticket, with the smallest difference being 1250 dollars.
And as far as I know of, in real life, if someone dies because you prank called the emergency services, you can be held partially responsible for their death.
i cannot see this being implemented due to the fact its such a minor thing. people do not go to jail for jaywalking in real life so i would theres no need for it.
if a person carry's on jaywalking after you have told them to stop then jail them for 6.5 instead.
You can't really get a person arrested for Jay walking, but if you really hate that people obstructs traffic try to get a law in about that, its unrealistic to arrest people for jay-walking to. But even if you have a law about obstructing traffic you cant use that to arrest a jay-walker, you can use it if he stands on the road refusing to move or if he jay walks, but he obstructs an emergency vehicle while responding and so on.
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One of the purposes of this server is to be realistic, giving people jail time for jaywalking is just simply absurd. You should think about real laws and would you really expect someone to get jailed over crossing the street illegally. Yeah we all know a $1000 fine or less doesn't really do much however in my opinion is a lot better than adding a possible jail sentence into the mix. Sorry I just don't see this ever working out.
this law should not be changed ad you cant be jailed for walking over the road where there is no crossing, however, what I normally do is that if I see them do it 3 times, they get a ticket with jaywalking and the addition of failing to cooperate with an LEO due to them not listening, after that they get the jail sentence for failing to cooperste
In exceptional circumstances a Lieutenant can authorise waiving of the maximum punishment, see section 3.9.

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