Changing 1.0 Basic Conduct Rules

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Main Idea: Changing rule 1.0

Full description of the idea: Rule 1.0 currently states this "These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community;" wich i find a little bit over the top as it bassicly means u cannot post a meme that involves a member of the community to someone that doesn't even know what perpheads is.
Why should it be added?: Because its

Pros: People are allowed to joke about people privately and if the other guy leaks it he doesn't get punished

Cons: The person who may or may not have posted a meme on a private discord doesn't get banned for posting a "offensive" meme wich may or may not hurt the persons feelings. But this is purely hypothetical ofcourse

*Other additions: I mean this site is on the internet. The internet contains memes and bad jokes wich may or may not offend people. But i completely understand that u get offended if "someone" posts a meme wich may or may not contain a staff member and then the staff member gets accepted but i straight up banning them for it because they may or may not have posted a meme in a lets say a private discord wich is something that the staff member who may or may not be inside of the meme should not have ever seen as it is a PRIVATE discord but this is purely hypothetical

(rip in dumb train i feel it comming)
Yeah, ehm, no?

Just because the other person does not know that you are making fun of them does not make it okay. I actually find it a very immature and coward move.

If you want to make fun of someone, do it with them and if you think that'd offend them then don't do it at all or actually contribute something constructive about that other person instead of mocking it.
Whatever is said or posted privately, should be considered just that. Private.
Shittalking people behind their backs or "posting memes" about them is, believe it or not, relatively normal (well, the meme part might be a bit more uncommon, but my point still stands)
I don't see why anyone should give a single fuck if someone makes fun of you privately (and on the internet at that)
If you can't handle it, grow up, and any staff members who act on something which was meant to be entirely private should also perhaps reconsider if the internet is the right place for them.
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Whatever is said or posted privately, should be considered just that. Private.
Shittalking people behind their backs or "posting memes" about them is, believe it or not, relatively normal (well, the meme part might be a bit more uncommon, but my point still stands)
I don't see why anyone would give a shit if someone makes fun of you privately (and on the internet at that)
If you can't handle it, grow up, and any staff members who act on something which was meant to be entirely private should also perhaps reconsider if the internet is the right place for them.

It becomes a problem when the people leaking or creating these memes forget that on the other side of the monitor is an human being, one with just as much feelings, insecurities and problems as everybody else.

I honestly couldn't care less if you talk trash about me or anybody for that matter behind my back, but it will become problematic when the other party gets upset when your chat partner decides to screenshot and post the conversation or meme. If and when that happens then at least be mature enough to take responsibility and apologize, even if you never originally intended for them to see it. But as stated in previous posts, it's kind off shitty and immature to do it in the first place.
It becomes a problem when the people leaking or creating these memes forget that on the other side of the monitor is an human being, one with just as much feelings, insecurities and problems as everybody else.
Ok so we will never ever again create memes because someone somewhere will get their wittle bittle feewings hurt =(((((
Lol no
I understand punishing people who publicly post "offensive" memes, but they should not be punished for doing it privately
Ok so we will never ever again create memes because someone somewhere will get their wittle bittle feewings hurt =(((((
Lol no
That's beyond my actual point. I'm not saying that you can not create memes of people, but at least try to be considerate. We are not HiddenLol or 4Chan, we are a gaming community, meaning that we are here to have a good time with eachother in-game and not to bash eachothers feelings in with memes just because you happen not to like that person or their ways of conduct.
We are not HiddenLol or 4Chan
I'm not saying we are or that we should be. What I am saying is that people should not be punished for posting things in private forums in which it really is nobody else's business what goes on in there since it's, you know, private
And as mentioned in a part of the post, I did say that people should naturally be punished if they take obviously "troublesome" or "offensive" memes from that private chat and put it out in the public for all to see.

meaning that we are here to have a good time with eachother in-game and not to bash eachothers feelings in with memes just because you happen not to like that person or their ways of conduct.
At no point in any of my posts did I condone such behavior, were it to go public of course.
But let's call a spade a spade and not pretend that people don't talk shit behind each other's back all the time.
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And as mentioned in a part of the post, which you so gracefully left out, I did say that people should naturally be punished if they take obviously "troublesome" or "offensive" memes from that private chat and put it out in the public for all to see

Paging @TinySlayer @Blicky @MrLewis @Chris to display that post's edit history because I did not edit the quote whatsoever, I literally pressed "Reply" to your post. (

I respect your opinion and partially agree with it, but please do not try to make me look bad just because you disagree with my views. I replied to discuss this in a civil manner and would very much like to proceed in doing so.
Simple solution: Keep it off the forums or TS. The rules are only enforced on the server, the ts and the forum, so why would you talk shit with a non-community member on these forums?
gossiping behind someones back is far worse than doing it when they're around. If you're going to send memes to a pleb somewhere else then that'll spread to other people and eventually make them look like a fool
don't promote bullying and just keep your gossip private
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While shit talking behind someones back is lame the rule is going to far imo, if it didn't happen on the official channels of perpheads enforcing it is excessive. First of all, without it being on the official channels it could easily be forged. How would you verify its real? Or if its really that person?

If someone goes on melonstick, regs the name slayerduck on the forum and starts shit talking specific members would i get banned?

What if someone decided to get some fake steam chat logs going?

This is just my opinion, time to get back into my safe space!
