Main idea.
Decrease the car speed difference.
To many supercars
Right now the city of Paralake is filled with supercars and mini coopers. And it makes sense because if you are new to the server you will buy the cheapest car. And if you play longer on the server you will know there is no point in buying a car under the 90 m/ph. Why is simple you are facing a police force that has access to cars that go at least 90 m/ph. You will absolutely get wreaked if you try to escape them with a car that just goes 50 - 60 m/ph. So it's not strange that when people realize this they won't spend 1 million dollars on a car that won't have any other purpose than transport and is useless in police produces. This results in a street view in witch 80% of the cars are supercars.
If you would make cars like the mini cooper, ford focus or the fort transit 30 m/ph faster they would transform in a decent car that drives at a realistic speed. And have a fair chance in out speeding the police.
It's also more realistic in my country when people drive 30 miles per hour on the highway the police would arrest them immediately. Those cars are not roadworthy, it's dangerous because on a road where the maximum speed is 80 there is a very high chance that a car that's driving 80 will just ram you with 50 mp/h speed difference resulting in lethal accidents. It's not rare to see a car on the perp that's driving 90 fully crashing in a mini cooper right before him.
Of course, it would be fair to compensate owners of supercars since their cars won't get a 30 miles per hour speed boost. But you could still give their existing supercars small speed boost around like 10mp/h and make sure they will pull up considerably faster than a regular car. Or better turning at high speed.
Or just refund them like 30 percent of the original price of their car.
> This would create a better street view in Paralake
> It's more realistic
> It benefits newer players.
> More average cars will be purchased.
> A more balanced cop - regular car system
> Less dangerous situations on the highway
> a lot of work
> could be annoying for people that send a lot of time gaining a supercar
Decrease the car speed difference.
To many supercars
Right now the city of Paralake is filled with supercars and mini coopers. And it makes sense because if you are new to the server you will buy the cheapest car. And if you play longer on the server you will know there is no point in buying a car under the 90 m/ph. Why is simple you are facing a police force that has access to cars that go at least 90 m/ph. You will absolutely get wreaked if you try to escape them with a car that just goes 50 - 60 m/ph. So it's not strange that when people realize this they won't spend 1 million dollars on a car that won't have any other purpose than transport and is useless in police produces. This results in a street view in witch 80% of the cars are supercars.
If you would make cars like the mini cooper, ford focus or the fort transit 30 m/ph faster they would transform in a decent car that drives at a realistic speed. And have a fair chance in out speeding the police.
It's also more realistic in my country when people drive 30 miles per hour on the highway the police would arrest them immediately. Those cars are not roadworthy, it's dangerous because on a road where the maximum speed is 80 there is a very high chance that a car that's driving 80 will just ram you with 50 mp/h speed difference resulting in lethal accidents. It's not rare to see a car on the perp that's driving 90 fully crashing in a mini cooper right before him.
Of course, it would be fair to compensate owners of supercars since their cars won't get a 30 miles per hour speed boost. But you could still give their existing supercars small speed boost around like 10mp/h and make sure they will pull up considerably faster than a regular car. Or better turning at high speed.
Or just refund them like 30 percent of the original price of their car.
> This would create a better street view in Paralake
> It's more realistic
> It benefits newer players.
> More average cars will be purchased.
> A more balanced cop - regular car system
> Less dangerous situations on the highway
> a lot of work
> could be annoying for people that send a lot of time gaining a supercar