Chris Flynn's Helper Application

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Berlin, Germany
STEAM NAME: Chris Flynn


AGE: 17

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:508758849

IN-GAME NAME: Chris Flynn

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I've been playing on this server for a year now, doing whatever I can to have a good time and fun with people. Recently I've decided that I wanted to do more in the community, so I figured that I should try and apply for Helper. I use the Help chat a lot, I answer any Help chat question I can, even if I'm not always sure if my answer is correct. I believe I know pretty good amount of knowledge when it comes to lot of game mechanics, laws and rules. I try to help new players that ask me questions in game and try to give them tips and tricks on certain game mechanics. I show them where they can get or a Job, buy Weapons or Property and I send helpful links with info. Most of the time helping in game is on EMS. Almost every time I work on EMS, I try to teach inexperienced players how to work quickly and efficiently. I teach them what tools and their purposes are, how to drag and throw dead bodies and utilize radio and emergency lights properly. I believe I am a very helpful and very active person and would love to contribute to this community even more to my best efforts.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I live in Germany, School might limit my activity by a bit soon, I overhype on a lot of things and communicate a bit too much with people. I'm not the best at helping when it comes to drugs mechanics as I'm still trying my best to learn it completely. I sometimes read the question too fast and misunderstand it and answer incorrectly at first, but I try to immediately correct it. Don't know if this is gonna be relevant, but I got a recommended player for helping players on EMS.


In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this)
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record within the past month, this includes both the forums and the server.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws.
  • You must maintain an active presence on the Discord Server, specifically Help and Support.
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+1 Chris a good lad. Chris has been really active lately in Help chat. I also seen him help new players as well. I would love to see what Chris will do in the helper role. Good Luck brodie
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This guy has been helping so much in help chat that him not being a helper is actually a crime

Wish you the best in your application!
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Nazeer’s basement
STEAM NAME: Chris Flynn


AGE: 17

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:508758849

IN-GAME NAME: Chris Flynn

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I've been playing on this server for a year now, doing whatever I can to have a good time and fun with people. Recently I've decided that I wanted to do more in the community, so I figured that I should try and apply for Helper. I use the Help chat a lot, I answer any Help chat question I can, even if I'm not always sure if my answer is correct. I believe I know pretty good amount of knowledge when it comes to lot of game mechanics, laws and rules. I try to help new players that ask me questions in game and try to give them tips and tricks on certain game mechanics. I show them where they can get or a Job, buy Weapons or Property and I send helpful links with info. Most of the time helping in game is on EMS. Almost every time I work on EMS, I try to teach inexperienced players how to work quickly and efficiently. I teach them what tools and their purposes are, how to drag and throw dead bodies and utilize radio and emergency lights properly. I believe I am a very helpful and very active person and would love to contribute to this community even more to my best efforts.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I live in Germany, School might limit my activity by a bit soon, I overhype on a lot of things and communicate a bit too much with people. I'm not the best at helping when it comes to drugs mechanics as I'm still trying my best to learn it completely. I sometimes read the question too fast and misunderstand it and answer incorrectly at first, but I try to immediately correct it. Don't know if this is gonna be relevant, but I got a recommended player for helping players on EMS.


In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this)
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record within the past month, this includes both the forums and the server.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws.
  • You must maintain an active presence on the Discord Server, specifically Help and Support.
+1 Chris’s is an amazing person and before I was banned I saw that Chris really helped people and was active in help that and OOC chat good luck!
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a major +1 i know chris for a decent amount of time,and everytime i saw him helping new players and overall being a respectfull member in the community,everytime i meet him he was always trying to help everyone, + chris got only 2 warnings which are very old for the amount of time hes playing on that server which mentions that he has an excellent rule acknowledge,used to have a lot of fun with chris,also he was helping server from ban evaders and mass rdmers alot. I will be very happy to see chris on helper because he trully deserves it
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As a new player, I'd vouch for the fella. I always see him helping people, and he seems knowledgeable and understanding of the rules. I know he helped me out more than a few times. Good roleplayer to interact with in character, too.
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neutral, i know your a very nice chap , but as you said you dont have great criminal knowledge and we already have a few cop main helpers, and normally whenever i see a criminal related question come through i see normal players answer it
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+1 i think hes a great helper in ooc but an awfull roleplayer