Clarky Enforcer App

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:44595797
AGE: 21 years old

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: I wasn’t really expecting myself to be applying for Enforcer this soon after getting Helper but I really wish to make it clear that I am not using my Helper position as a gateway to getting this position and that I will still be continuing to be as helpful as I have been but only becoming more of a helping hand, I have also been assisting in improving with various other staff members and will continue doing so.

I have tried my best during my current time as Helper as it has allowed me to become a point of contact for some who need to ask questions or just need help with something such as general issues, content problems, etc. I did plan on staying Helper for a lot longer but I am starting to feel like I am in a position where I am not helping the server as much as I really want to and by becoming an Enforcer, it will allow me to utilize more power and take control of the server where it is necessary to do so.

I have been around for a while now, mainly since my return in May 2020 and throughout that time I’ve managed to get to the Moderator rank in the past and was told by many staff members and community members that I did a really good job, this obviously changed during my last week when I got myself into some issues and which led to my eventual demotion from the staff team in January 2021.

Now I want to turn around and prove that not only that I can be trusted as a staff member again but to also become a lot more helpful to the players and the server in general. I have always tried my best to help people out regardless of who they are, I don’t like to keep beef with anyone as this used to be an issue with me in the past but I have shown that I’ve only got the best intentions and fully moved on from my previous silly behavior which I used to display a while ago.

As of recently, I’ve become an acting Lieutenant of Patrol for the PLPD which does demonstrate that I am competent enough to work with others fluently and have regained and formed a huge amount of trust back. This will not affect my activity in either the PD nor the staffing aspects.

The reason why I believe I should become an Enforcer is because I am online at times where other staff may not be on, I’ve been in many situations where I am the only Helper online and haven’t been able to take control of when things get out of hand such as player rule breakings, blacklists, etc. I really dedicated myself to handling player reports on and off the server in the past as I am able to dedicate so much time to the position and investigating reports is something I am passionate for.

My availability is very high, meaning that I have access to the forums, TS/Discord, Steam and Slack when I am away from my PC which does mean that I can get back in touch relatively quick if I am needed for anything. Other than that, I’ve maintained very good activity on the game server.

Since I have a past experience in this position and also being a former Moderator, I would like to mention that I have always tried to be considerate of the actions I am taking against someone. People will make human errors and with my understanding, I can see the player’s perspective of things and decide the best course of action based on the circumstances and aftermath.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Again, I hope that I am considered for this position and please bear in mind on what I said at the start of my application. I am also willing to take criticism onboard too, please let me know if you do have any concerns.
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It's a good application, don't get me wrong but you ought to proof read it because I'm seeing grammatical errors, although minor. In another aspect, attention to detail is my critique.

There are times when you can get a bit carried away, especially when you're with others who also behave inappropriately. This was reflected by a situation at the farm where you were using the laughing taunt as the fireman during one of my many arrests.
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United Kingdom
This was reflected by a situation at the farm where you were using the laughing taunt as the fireman during one of my many arrests.
Because you were following us and driving your raptor towards myself and a colleague, missing us when in attempt to run us over and when caught by the police is when I decided to act laugh at you. I don’t see how this has a reflection on my application but thanks nonetheless.
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