Clarky's Ban Appeal @Dom

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United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Dom_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Clarky
Your In-game Name: Rhys Ross
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44595797

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Hacking
Why should this appeal be considered:

I'd firstly like to start of by apologizing to the community for the my actions regarding to me cheating and this wasn't any personal attack upon a different community. I'll be nothing but honest in this post and I hope you can respect my honesty and where I come from. I'm sorry to anyone who was effected by me cheating, obviously I can see how this does affect the server, the staff and players time and from being a ex-community manager in a different community I understand how annoying it can be and it was selfish of me.

I'll explain why I first started cheating. So it started with me coming and playing on the server occasionally with some friends such as @Jamal, but he has stopped playing the time I was cheating. Without him being here to make sure I was okay I felt like PERP was a bit difficult and boring. So from time to time I'd use cheats in order to be better at shootouts and for my own enjoyment. Which I understand is very selfish of me as I was only thinking about my own enjoyment instead of how frustrating it'd be for other users. As time went on with me using cheats I became more obvious as I really stopped caring at this point with @Jamal showing no intentions on coming back and not having many friends within the community I felt a bit pushed out and left out, so I stopped caring. (stupid mistake)

Since my ban has been added on the date of 6th November 2019, I've had some time away from the server to think about my actions. Well lets start with my own thoughts on the actions I did. As said above I think it was very selfish and I understand why my ban is permanent and why it takes a lot to come back from a cheating ban. I was very stupid to even of resorted into cheating and should've just took a break from the server until or made some new friends instead of being selfish.

Now lets talk about why I regret my actions and why I wish I never cheated. Well to be honest the custom content on this server is amazing and different compared to any other servers I've played so now that my own stupid actions have got me into a situation where I potentially can't play the server for again saddens me as I've been keeping up to date with the community and I keep getting these urges to hop on and give it another go as previously I hadn't given it the proper chance it deserved.

What I'd try to do if I got unbanned allowing me to give the server a proper chance. Recently I've been watching @Tyla old police videos and how the PLPD works, and well I'd like to be able to give that a chance to see how far I could get within the PD, as it looks fun once you start to get hang of things and I feel like if I'm able to give it a proper chance I'll really enjoy it.

Another thing I'd like to may be start at some point, is start a org may be with some friends or re-create Ross Family with @Jamal permission as I've also been seeing what's been going on recently with the orgs and how much roleplay is being used within the ORGs between LCN and the Continental. Where they are having org meetings about agreements on how the city is ran, i've been searching for servers like this since my ban and none of them compare to this server. a screenshot I saw on @Jamal 's Steam timeline

I wouldn't even think about cheating again if given another chance, as this time away from PERP has made me really realize how good of a server it is and how much of a waste it is for a few days/hours of my own entertainment and don't see the purpose of cheating on a server that is hard to get a second chance in, sadly when I was playing I wasn't enjoying the server as I didn't understand it. If only I felt the same way I did back in the day as I do when currently writing this appeal as I would've never cheated.

Now I would like to apologize to @Dom for actually taking his time out to deal and investigate me cheating which is not only a waste of your time but the users that were involved. This could've been avoided by me being stupid and trying to have fun at my own expense and I really hope you can see it from my perspective how hard perp was even though this doesn't justify cheating and nothing does because I could've spent time learning the server and getting good instead of cheating and found other ways to have fun on the server without cheating.

Additional Comment(s): I really hope you guys can forgive me and allow me to play the server properly. All I can do is say sorry and promise I won't do it again. I know I can't prove my words have true intentions but I can show them with another chance. Thank you for reading.
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