Code Monkey's 2nd Enforcer Application

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STEAM NAME: Code Monkey

IN-GAME NAME: Brandy Martello

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:183447894

AGE: 22


1. I have a fair balance between the PD and criminal RP. I understand both sides and this can help me further enhance the rule knowledge to the community.
2. I am extremely unbiased. I have no problem reporting my friends for rule breaking. This is needed to become a successful staff member.
3. I am extremely mature. With my age comes knowledge. I have lived life longer than a lot of people and I feel that since I am a bit older, I will have a better experience with leadership.
4. I hold several leadership positions in my university that will help me be a leader in this community. I was the Vice-President of my fraternity, I was the Vice-President of all the fraternities at my university, and I am heavily involved with speaking on rape-prevention and bystander intervention.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: I am indeed active on Teamspeak.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: I am not a perfect human being. Everyone makes mistakes and this is why it took me a bit to learn 3.4 inside and out. I do have the following flaws:

I am not always active in help chat. I will continue to work on this. I always attempt to help new players in character rather than in help chat. Whenever I see a new sweater, I open up my base to them to help them learn how to play. I have been known to give them more starting money as it can be really helpful. When I first joined, I was given about 30k from some random person to help start off and I have payed it forward ever since.

2. I know I have several bans but they were all for 3.4. Since then, I have learned exactly what to do and what not to do. Every single one of my bans were somehow related to 3.4 so I politely ask you to look past those mistakes.

I am sometimes stubborn. I will continue to work hard to change those ways as they would not help in certain situations. I have always been told by my father, always be the last one to speak. If you let others express your opinion, they will feel heard instead of giving your opinion and then letting someone speak. I have taken this to heart and truly feel this will help me become a great staff member.

4. With my last application, people said I needed to become more active. I have since become more active and know most of the active community members.


    • Your time played on the server must be at least one week. ✓
    • No recent bans and warnings on record for at least a period of a month, this includes both the forums and the server.
    • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
    • You must have access to and use a microphone.

I appreciate you looking at my enforcer application and welcome constructive criticism on how I can improve as a community member :)
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Nottingham, England
You can be a nice bloke but you are explosive when you are angry. I fear that you'd use your staff powers to get back at people who do you wrong, even if it isn't against the rules. You're not a bad guy but you need to work on those anger issues before I'd be confident with you as a staff member.

Good luck either way.
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I'm not supporting nor -supporting, you just made a goodbye post, isn't it a bit odd that you make this?
To respond to this, I have decided to stay. I do not want to leave the community that I love and feel like I can put my time and effort into help catch rule breakers. I can promise you I am here to stay.
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Ive been with codemonkey for a very long time and ive seen the good side almost every time, he doesnt usually get mad or "explosive" @ShadowJoey ;) but he knows when things cross the line very well. Whenever he would be mad its usually not serious and never takes it out on anyone if he is a little mad but its not a common thing you see in codemonkey he is very mature and can be very helpful. He puts people before himself when in tough situations, he's not always thinking about himself, but the people around him when shit goes down and complicated. His role as a sergeant in the plpd shows he can be trustworthy and shows how good and mature he can handle such a high rank. +Support
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United Kingdom
i believe like other recent candidates you would be very bias towards your friends

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United Kingdom, Devon
As a friend people think I instantly +support apps, this isn't the case. Personally I feel as if you still need to develop a lot, not necessarily as a character but as a member of this community. You aren't a type of 'hop in on any conversation and take part with an educated opinion' and I feel as if you need to hold a greater presence if you ever want to uphold a staff rank. I don't think I've seen you provide support to any newer players in the last week and I've been on pretty consistently and normally next to you at all times.

Good luck either way dude :)


Professional Stripper
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You made a leaving post a week ago. HELLOOOOOO...?
(Insert link to thread he has deleted )


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United States of America
I would have to support this 100%. I've talked to Code for a long time now and I think genuinely he is a great player and I think he can do some pretty good things as an admin. I would like to see you help out the newer people on the server. I would also say come on a bit more, but I am seeing you on more lately. Keep up the grind and I wish you the best of luck. +Support
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You're a sound lad and all, but I've found you to be unreasonable at times. Personally, from what I've seen from you, you haven't displayed any characteristics, nor mentioned any characteristics in this application that would make you stand out above other candidates.
4. I hold several leadership positions in my university that will help me be a leader in this community.

An enforcer is in no way a "leading" position on this server. As an enforcer / Moderator, your job is to deal with the people who break the rules appropriately. There's more or less nothing you can do to prevent rules being broken.
I always attempt to help new players in character rather than in help chat. Whenever I see a new sweater, I open up my base to them to help them learn how to play. I have been known to give them more starting money as it can be really helpful.

Sorry mate, I'm not saying you're lying, but myself, and probably the majority of the community, have never seen you do this. The only activity I've seen you do regarding new/poorer players is mugging and killing them.

3. I am sometimes stubborn.

Speaks for itself really.

Sorry for not supporting this, But if its any consolation, I wish you the best of luck with this application!

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Professional Stripper
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I thought I'd make a serious and constructive reply.

As your friend I believe you are a good and really down to eath guy that could be an enforcer in future. HOWEVER, to me staff need to have to prove that they have certaibn characteristics and show that they deserve the role. To me you have to be seen a certain way to obtain the role.

Currently, not many people will take you seriously after you were willing to pay $200 to join a group of players on an online server. I feel you need to earn that respect back from the community because really it's a joke. Really I think that everyone involved in that transaction should have been permenantly banned for metagaming but SA decided just to make a new rule instead.

Currently, I don't see you making any attempt to help new players on the forums, server and help chat ect. I think this is one thing all applicants for staff need to show before they are able to obtain the role. To me you seem more toxic than friendly towards people you don't know and when people disagree with you.

Congratulations on managing not to be banned for 3.4 in a month, it's an improvement but that doesn't mean you are now good enough to be an enforcer.

Lastly, to summarise I think all applicants need to adapt themselves to be staff and currently to me you are no where near where you need to be if you were to recieve the role.

Good luck school shooter but I'd suggest refraining from applying for staff until you are fully ready to become a staff member. Especially, when you were considering to leave a week ago.

Big ups @MachineGunO
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Berlin, Germany
It's a clear no from me.

Gosh, where to start? Let's see

You said yourself:
1. I am not always active in help chat.
2. I know I have several bans
3. I am sometimes stubborn.
You are extremely stubborn.
4. With my last application, people said I needed to become more active. I have since become more active and know most of the active community members.
You literally posted a goodbye post last week.

Let's move on to things that you have not mentioned. From what I have seen, you are not a very friendly person at all nor are you very helpful to newer players or anyone at all really in /help or OOC. You don't take criticism very well at all either, nor do you really respect what staff members say and you don't take responsibility for your actions. This can be demonstrated by the fact that you have made 7 ban disputes although you have been banned 5 times. Most of them were denied.


I had to zoom out several times for that image.

I was the Vice-President of my fraternity, I was the Vice-President of all the fraternities at my university, and I am heavily involved with speaking on rape-prevention and bystander intervention.
What? And how are these things related?

You were also willing to pay $200 to join an organisation IG and have since inspired a rule that was made after you.
Taken from rule 2.4
In-game Items and benefits (such as invitations to organisations) may not be sold/traded for real/virtual item(s) and/or currency or vice versa

Additionally, the part where you're criticising yourself is larger than the part where you explain why you want to be an Enforcer. You also haven't displayed any stand-out qualities you have over other candidates apart from your age, which is a very weak argument.

Sorry, but I will not support this application.
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The Eras Tour
Unfortunately I cannot agree with your application even though I do not know you very well, but yesterday, I was a police officer and you ran me over just because I told you to leave the area, I did not made an AR because its too much time consuming, and I think that before you enforce rules to others you should start following them yourself...
That scene for me was enough to understand that you are not ready to be a Staff member.

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