Community radio.

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(If this would get accepted, i'd be more than happy to help with the software side. Or be managing it, as i do have alot of knowledge :kappa: )

As this would also would be a forum suggestion, tagging @Fredy and @StephenPuffs
I have actualy began beta testing my testing radio and everything worked as expected.
If this will get accepted i have everything needed for it to run. Apparently i also have en excel sheet ready, because i have no life.

Software to be used with:
VirtualDJ due its easy playlisting and mixing songs along each other(when switching)


(This is also the stream link)

Topic: A community wide radio stream run by the community's players. Small, not annoying widget on the website and a place in the in-game radio.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Song's player really want can be requested
- This is extremely easy to set up.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Have you ever had a moment when you wanted that song to come on the radio, but just keep waiting?
I think a community wide radio station for in the game and on the forums could be amazing. The players can request a song and a host could play it!

On the techical part.
This isn't hard to set up.
You can either use virtualDJ or SHOUTcast. (personally prefer virtualDJ)
By the usage of some free ass shit hoster to provide the stream. You simply take the .ogg and get some dank html5 code.
<center><object classid="CLSID:9EBCCCAD-808C-4D40-AB96-A2399553DEFDF" codebase=",4,5,715" name="player" standby="Loading" align="top" height="83" width="200"> <param name="URL" ref="" value="http://ayy:lmao"> <param name="rate" value="1"> <param name="balance" value="0"> <param name="currentPosition" value="280309411"> <param name="defaultFrame" value=""> <param name="playCount" value="1">
<param name="autoStart" value="-1"> <param name="currentMarker" value="0"> <param name="invokeURLs" value="-1"> <param name="baseURL" value=""> <param name="volume" value="10"> <param name="mute" value="0">
<param name="uiMode" value="mini"> <param name="stretchToFit" value="0"> <param name="windowlessVideo" value="0"> <param name="enabled" value="-1"> <param name="enableContextMenu" value="-1"> <param name="fullScreen" value="0"> <param name="SAMIStyle" value=""> <param name="SAMILang" value=""> <param name="SAMIFilename" value="">
<param name="captioningID" value=""> <param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0"> <param name="_cx" value="3969"> <param name="_cy" value="926"> <embed src="http://ayy:lmao" type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" name="MediaPlayer" showcontrols="1" showdisplay="0" showstatusbar="0" height="83" width="200"> </object></center>
I have seen this on alot of communitys, not even garry's mod communitys. and i think this could be very intersting.

(I do have experience in this, altough im not an expert i can easily create such system.
Optional additions:
- Playlist is setup when there are not hosts present.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444941065,1444914536][/DOUBLEPOST]To everybody interested.

Because i had 0 shits to do. I decided to copletely test my system.

What i've done:

2 very simple and lightweight html scripts.
1 index.
1 iframe.

There's a javascript that will refresh the iframe every 5 seconds. But not the entire page. The refresh is there because the song bar.
The current song paying will always be shown.

To be done:

Songrequest. Might up ending in a windows program communicating with the website. However i would only go futher if this would get accepted. is the place to go. it will be running for 30 mins.
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I think this is a fantastic idea. Personally I'd love to hear good ol' drunk John Riddle singing traditional Scottish songs but hey; that's just me.
Maybe something different.
Like a radio station where people can come and tell their stories or even sing. No trolling. This would be really cool with your idea.
You should include Story time with @MoronPipllyd he managed to silence a entire public channel reading out The Detective Files. I would really enjoy listening to a perpheads radio hell it could even have interviews with community members and staff. If this gets accepted and you go with this you should put up a thread for Feedback and suggestions.

EDIT NUMBER THREE! HUGE CHANGES AND THANK YOU's! @Death Howl @Rogue Car Tyres @kurdboy

Songrequest system. This would proberly be just a chatbox but for music requests only.

Finish the video containing every bit of info needed of how to stream with the software. Step by step from installation to switching songs. this will be around a 15 minute video

Ive succesfully did the fllowing:

Because i had to use a 4 deck for 2 line in's. I had to more my sound samples(Jinges and stuff. Breaking news. etc.) Usages of a second monitor is recommended. but not required.

Ive installed a virtual audio cable. This means that i hahve changed the output from skype settings to LINE2. This is also added to LINE2 in VirtualDJ as seen in the video. I have put my own mic on LINE 1. As of this moment everything needed is setup. I can talk. I can hear people trough skype. I can easily do it with teamspeak aswell. aslong a the program supports a feuture with output audio.


Ive made a sytem to record skype/teamspeak on a seperate line of my persnomal mic. Still including 2 lines for music.

(No crappy stereo-mix here!)
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One of the best ideas I've seen yet. I would be amazing if players be able to make up their own radio channel.
I love the idea and I definitely support this.
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One of the best ideas I've seen yet. I would be amazing if players be able to make up their own radio channel.
I love the idea and I definitely support this.
The thing is, it isnt best for players to make up there own radio channel but, someone or some amount of people can apply to be a radio presenter; they can talk live on radio play music and much more.

Could even be called: Paralake Number 1!

(Personally i would love to be one my self as iv done this before for a real radio show for my age as my brother use to work for them)
@Venomine @coolman06 there will be a set of DJ, if anybody of you want to help with this or anybody who wants to learn how to feel free to pm me here or add me on skype
I was actually hoping to do this myself with a shoutcast and SAM not so long ago, but good luck with it anyway.

The solution is that this will be purely on a group of players who want to dedicated their time to so, this will not be assisted by the developers they'll just hook it up to the server. So if you want to do so then grab some people together and you can feel free to do that yourself.

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